
No matter how gorgeous love is, it must be true, about Pisces and Cancer, sweet to the point of being greasy

Text/Ling Ting Seven Seven

There are many ways of emotion, some people, began to be vigorous, to the rest of their lives, it became a short place of chicken feathers in the parents of chai rice oil and salt, and some, the first love is sweet and gentle, and there are still greasy and crooked after marriage, some people think that this is too tiring, but sometimes, meet the right person, the person who is in tune with themselves, there will really be such a thing.

This kind of greasy crookedness, for some people will appear more inferior, let outsiders look a little unbearable, but the parties actually enjoy this kind of "envy" emotion, in the eyes of outsiders how much can not stand the flesh, in their eyes how much happiness index, as if this is what they want an emotional state.

And there will be this kind of emotional pairing that outsiders feel unbearable, it is easier to appear on the body of Pisces and Cancer, which is why, the pairing series, Pisces and Cancer scores will be relatively high, of course, this is still inseparable from the astrolabe phase of the arch phase of the association, there will be some implication, there will be some induction, today, we will talk about the love attraction between Pisces and Cancer.

No matter how gorgeous love is, it must be true, about Pisces and Cancer, sweet to the point of being greasy

Pisces and Cancer, some sweet and "unequal treaties"

When Pisces and Cancer have an attraction, they often feel each other's emotional connection, especially when the moon of both people is in the water sign, such as the moon Cancer to the moon Pisces, of course, there is also a part of the sun Cancer to the moon Pisces, or the sun Pisces to the moon Cancer pairing, once this pairing can produce pisces and cancer 120 degree arch phase, the comfort of that emotion can be transmitted from the outside in, deep into the depths of the soul.

It can be said that Pisces and Cancer are relatively sensitive constellations, of course, in this regard, they are easy to "guess" each other's emotions through the sixth sense, the seventh sense, and will supplement the emotional component through the details of various behaviors, just like watching a romance novel, the mind will emerge as a picture that belongs to their own understanding, follow their own thinking, and also change with the depth of this emotion.

This combination, if it can produce emotions, most of them are very sweet, cancer conveys the care or love, just will be accepted by the tenderness of Pisces, relatively, Pisces emitted by the mess or innocence, even their vulnerability, will become particularly precious in the eyes of Cancer.

This is the sweet beginning that belongs to them, how much infatuation, will associate a variety of sweet pictures, belong to each other, but also belong to themselves, but such sweetness, for Cancer and Pisces each other, is also a kind of anxiety, after all, these two people, are more serious about emotions, more care about the person in front of them, it is easy to have the possibility of gain and loss.

Here, it is easy to produce all kinds of fantasies, and sometimes even have incomprehensible reactions, especially when cancer and Pisces appear around other opposite sexes, their sensitive nerves will suddenly tighten, as if the people who appear are their "love enemies".

No matter how gorgeous love is, it must be true, about Pisces and Cancer, sweet to the point of being greasy

This is actually a sense of crisis between them, the more they care, the more likely they are to chaos, random speculation, it seems that they are not confident in their own emotions, they always feel that what appears around them is dangerous to themselves, but in fact, this is actually a conditioned reflex of their own, because they are easy to have some "similar love" illusions with the opposite sex, and even some misunderstanding behavior, so, whenever they see that the people they care about have this state around them, they will preconceived and substitute.

In their concept, the cancer in front of them, the Pisces in front of them is their own love, but those around them, they also need to have a feeling of being surrounded by warmth to be comfortable, how to say it, is to like to be watered each other, but do not allow each other to be moisturized too much.

In the eyes of outsiders, this may be a feeling of "slag", but in their eyes, the other party is picking flowers and weeds, and they are normal communication, so when the emotion reaches a certain time limit, there will still be contradictions between them, the "unequal treaty" that is unwilling to restrain themselves, but desires the other party to converge.

Pisces and Cancer, love to be gorgeous pampered

No matter how many "unequal treaties" exist between Pisces and Cancer, during their love period, there will still be compromises, especially when the Venus Pisces and Venus Cancer spark love sparks, the kind of warmth that Cancer desires, Pisces will just use the "temperamental" way to pass over, in the eyes of some people, this kind of crisp numbness can drop the slag, but in the eyes of Cancer, eat this set, or like this feeling of being "captured" by crisp hemp.

And the venus Pisces need those beautiful comforts, Cancer love here, will be unconditionally given, very obedient, this is also a way for them to love each other more obviously, the love they want is with gorgeous colors, the average person is not able to solve, it seems that there is a kind of "harem beauty three thousand people", it seems to want rain and dew, but there will still be a phoenix out of the head, this is in their eyes "ming media is marrying".

Therefore, this combination of Cancer and Pisces will often have a possibility of having a lot of friends of the opposite sex around, but still only loving each other, because in their eyes, the other party is the person who is worth entrusting for life, the person who can give themselves a unique love, and in the hands of so many so-called competitors, get this humble gentleman, a lady, they will still have a lot of satisfaction.

No matter how gorgeous love is, it must be true, about Pisces and Cancer, sweet to the point of being greasy

This sense of satisfaction is gorgeous for them, it is something to be proud of, and it is also the most obvious way for them to show their sincerity, just like to prove that "I obviously have so many choices, but I still chose you", however, they also like this state of torturing themselves and giving themselves hope, showing their sincerity in this way, and really embarrassing each other.

This kind of thing, for friends who are clearly divided in their feelings, it is estimated that they can directly break up in a short time, and for Cancer and Pisces, it is the kind of use of outsiders to anger each other, use outsiders to seduce each other, is the most enjoyable, and this way, not only in the early stage of love, even after marriage, this situation will also occur.

Cancer will not shield the opposite sex around them, for them, this kind of self-delivery to the door, and what does it matter, as long as they do not take that step, just verbal provocation, behavioral temptation, is not a real feeling, and Pisces is also, that kind of outsider's eyes, a look, can make them feel that their charm is not reduced, on the one hand, care about their own Cancer, on the one hand, do not forget to win more love here with outsiders.

In their concept, they are really likely to have polyamorous love, the probability of extramarital affairs, but for them, they are still in love with each other, but the emotions are too rich, accidentally swimming away, as long as the other party can care about themselves, they will worry about the existence of people outside themselves, and they will still maintain this kind of life that allows themselves to enjoy being shrouded in emotions, because this is the gorgeous love they crave, not only each other, but also the "those people" who make each other nervous.

Pisces and Cancer, sweet to the point of being greasy

Therefore, many outsiders simply can not understand this emotional state of Pisces and Cancer, often in the water signs will be more adaptable to each other, including Scorpio, may not be able to accept this kind of feelings that make themselves afraid from time to time, and Pisces and Cancer, it is so different, their love, like to make a work with each other, even if nervous, but still full of fun.

This may be the reason why the emotions between them can be sweet to greasy, many couples have been together for a long time, will forget how to make each other produce more dopamine in the state of sweet coexistence, and Cancer and Pisces, whenever they are nervous about each other, or after saying that they have a "heart cheating" in their hearts, they will suddenly have a surge of tenderness, and they are too good to each other, which may be that they use their other "heart weakness" to maintain their pink feelings, or, They need to maintain this pink emotion and keep adding inspiration to themselves.

No matter how gorgeous love is, it must be true, about Pisces and Cancer, sweet to the point of being greasy

Maybe some people will be unconvinced, think gemini, Sagittarius is also very good at flirting, very good at picking flowers and weeds, but perhaps many people do not know, Gemini and Sagittarius basically after really determining the feelings, the probability of choosing "betrayal" is extremely low, because in the early stage they are enough to play, not to mention their so-called love, originally without emotion, not to mention what nostalgia, just let themselves open their eyes, increase a little freshness and excitement, once they feel bored, can not play, do not want to toss, No amount of it will have any effect.

Cancer and Pisces are different, they are dedicated to feelings, remember to be specific to feelings, not to a person, if a person gives their feelings to change the taste, they are easy to turn to another person who can give themselves this taste of love, you can think that they all have a little love brain impulse, but it can also be understood that they will more or less desire a state of being warmed by emotions.

And Cancer's lover, is only a desire for the sense of security brought by the family, Pisces tenderness, but also just a desire for romantic state, so that the two people get along together, how much sweetness in the early stage, only continue to add points in the later stage, in order to keep this emotion, otherwise, wild thinking and various temptations will mess up their minds, put feelings first, often because the feelings have changed the taste and problems, so they only have more and more sweet, sweet to greasy crooked, Only when love continues, their emotions will continue, this is the sincerity they want, and they need to wrap it up with gorgeous love.

No matter how gorgeous love is, it must be true, about Pisces and Cancer, sweet to the point of being greasy

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