
Winter seasonal tonic dish "Family Portrait Eight Treasures Hot Pot"

author:President Yu
Winter seasonal tonic dish "Family Portrait Eight Treasures Hot Pot"
Winter seasonal tonic dish "Family Portrait Eight Treasures Hot Pot"

Winter seasonal tonic dish "Family Portrait Eight Treasures Hot Pot"

In the beijing-Tianjin area in the north of China, there has been a custom of eating hot pot after the winter solstice since ancient times. There are many kinds of hot pots, which are roughly four categories, namely shabu-shabu pots, chrysanthemum pots, nourishing pots and assorted pots.

"Shabu-shabu pot" spread in the Mongols, according to research is the invention of Genghis Khan, historical records, every winter conquest after the use of this delicacy to reward the soldiers of the three armies, soldiers with a large pot to boil water, and then cut the raw meat into a dozen or twenty people sitting around, began a large piece of shabu-shabu feast lively. The generals and meritorious Batulus sat at the hands of Genghis Khan, ranging from three or two or several people to a pot of three or two people, from a copper pot with a diameter of one foot to a slightly larger copper pot with a diameter of three feet. Batulu, meaning both the god of war and the Mongol warrior, is Genghis Khan's highest reward for soldiers who have fought meritorious service, and is personally awarded by the Great Khan Genghis Khan with titles and honorary belts, of course, when the reward is also indispensable for gold and silver treasure women and cattle and sheep. At the table, Genghis Khan personally toasted them, and sometimes the princess of the Great Khan did the work, which was a higher level of reward and treatment. This method of eating hot pot was introduced to Beijing during the Ming Dynasty, and later became popular in the Qing Dynasty, because during the Qing Dynasty, the Manchu and Mongolian Fuks who practiced marriage with most of the princes were from the Mongolian ethnic group, and this method of eating was very popular, and almost every official eunuch in the Qing Dynasty had copper hot pot and grilled meat hot pot.

"Chrysanthemum pot" popular in the late Qing Dynasty, is a kind of seafood river fresh and poultry with the same shabu a kind of hot pot, soup base into the chrysanthemum can play a role in clearing the fire, this hot pot generally does not use red meat, only use poultry and seafood, Empress Dowager Cixi most favor this way of eating, can play a role in maintaining health and clearing the fire. Chrysanthemums are made of white fresh tribute chrysanthemums, nine flowers per pot symbolize the dignity of nine five, three quarters of an hour if you can't finish eating need to change into fresh chrysanthemums, the pot also put some northeast sand ginseng, etc., the soup in the pot should be seasoned with fresh chicken soup, with some dipping sauce. The above two are pots that belong to shabu-shabu.

The "tonic pot" is usually processed and made by the Tai Hospital to go out of the Fangzi Imperial Dining Room. Fang zi a lot, generally is the need for seasonal and health to mix, this kind of hot pot is usually a pot out, that is, the soup base plus tonic Chinese medicine boiled well after putting meat and other main ingredients cooked on the table, the container is used in the sandwich pot, the pot sandwich is injected with boiling boiling water can be kept warm for a long time, the general pot bottom does not have charcoal, after the end of the Qing Dynasty, the early Ming Dynasty changed to alcohol insulation pot, copper pot on the table only with the weak fire of alcohol for a long time of heat preservation, the soup in the pot is not boiling, but kept at seventy or eighty degrees, Because the materials are cooked in advance.

"Assorted pot" is also called eight treasures hot pot or family portrait hot pot, which is usually placed in the mountain eight treasures or sea eight treasures of the ingredients to take four of them, take their name eight treasures pot, new year to eat is called family portrait hot pot. The ingredients in this pot are also cooked in advance, and the pre-cut ingredients are arranged neatly in the pot and mixed with a good soup, and the soup is delicious and delicious, and the family sits together happily and harmoniously, so it is called a family hot pot. This kind of pot is also not used for fire, just slightly heat preservation can be the same as the nourishing pot, but the contents are different cooked products prepared in advance.

Today's production is the "Family Portrait Eight Treasures Hot Pot", although it is very simple to make, but the ingredients and soup are required to be good, the method is as follows;

Winter seasonal tonic dish "Family Portrait Eight Treasures Hot Pot"

Raw material distribution list;

Ingredients: 50 grams of three small abalones, 50 grams of anchovies, 40 grams of dried scallops, 40 grams of Jinhua ham slices, 60 grams of cooked chicken thigh meat, 50 grams of cooked quail eggs, 50 grams of cooked winter shoot tip slices, 50 grams of cooked shiitake mushrooms, 50 grams of cooked ray lips;

Ingredients: 60 grams of soaked vermicelli, 150 grams of Chinese cabbage, 1 rape heart;

1000ml of chicken soup, 80ml of dried scallop soup, a little salt, a little pepper.

Preparation method;

Step 1

1-4, tear the cabbage into large pieces by hand and blanch it in boiling water, then fish out the layer on the bottom of the pot, spread the cabbage on the soaked vermicelli, and finally decant the soup of the steamed scallops into the pot;

Step 2

5-6, on the pan of fans, all the cooked ingredients are placed, the color should be as far as possible to split as much as possible, so that the various colors appear eye-catching. Bring the chicken broth to a boil on an induction cooker and season with salt;

Winter seasonal tonic dish "Family Portrait Eight Treasures Hot Pot"

Step 3

7-9: Mix the chicken broth with salt, sprinkle a little pepper, and then spoon the boiling soup into the hot pot;

Step 4

10-12, put the hot pot on the induction cooker to boil, and then adjust the stove temperature to 100 degrees or 90 degrees with a lid and simmer for 10 minutes to cook thoroughly, after cooking, you can eat it while it is hot, if the taste is heavy, you can also add some dipping sauce, let it go.

Winter seasonal tonic dish "Family Portrait Eight Treasures Hot Pot"

Characteristics of hot pot: beautiful color, delicious and light, meat and vegetarian collocation, rich ingredients, excellent materials, comprehensive nutrition.


1, the use of materials can be matched according to the existing raw materials at home, such as meat, seafood, mushrooms with a balanced can be, do not have to copy, high-end can also use fish balls, fish maw, fish fillets, sea cucumbers, mussels, pigeon meat, quail, etc., and the price of fish lips is more expensive and time-consuming. Dried scallops can also be replaced by crushed shellfish, in short, to achieve local materials do not have to be extravagant and wasteful, as long as they are fresh and delicious.

2, the production of soup is best to use chicken soup, hanging soup to use old chicken is appropriate, the old chicken inside the amino acid aromatic substances are more concentrated, the taste of soup will be more delicious, and bone broth turbidity is not recommended to use. When cooking the soup, only add onions and ginger and a little sake, and simmer for two hours on low heat.

3, fresh soup does not have to use MSG itself is very delicious, plus the dry scallop soup taste is more light and fresh. If it feels light to eat, it can be accompanied by dipping sauce, and the sand tea sauce is very good and is sold in supermarkets.

This big stir-fry spoon is suitable for winter health food "Family Portrait Eight Treasures Hot Pot" is ready for friends' reference!

Winter seasonal tonic dish "Family Portrait Eight Treasures Hot Pot"

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