
Liaoning's traditional famous food Baile smoked chicken, a delicacy not to be missed

author:A culinary journey of sugar adzuki beans

Tianjia smoked chicken, also known as "Baile smoked chicken" and "Baile roast chicken", is a well-known traditional food in Dandong, Liaoning Province, which has a history of more than 100 years, and has also won the first place in the quality of meat, eggs and poultry products in Liaoning Province. The long-established practice of smoked chicken in Tianjia is loved by local people because of its fine workmanship and delicious taste.

There are also very strict criteria in the selection of materials, to choose healthy and disease-free live chickens, moderate body weight, individual plump.

Ingredients: boiled chicken old soup, cloves, large ingredients, fennel, peppercorns, mountain oak, sand kernels, nutmeg, cinnamon, tangerine peel, cinnamon and salt, green onions, ginger and other spices and herbs, the amount of these condiments should be flexibly mastered according to the number of old soups and the season.


1. Slaughtering and dissection: slaughter live chickens, release blood, that is, soak in hot water and burn feathers. The knife should be slaughtered at 1 cm under the chicken's beak, and the knife edge should not exceed 3 cm. To remove the internal organs, the knife is under the right wing of the chicken and the tip of the hip, the knife edge does not exceed 3 cm, after taking the internal organs, wash the inside and outside of the chicken body with clean water and drain the water. The chicken legs are then nestled in the abdomen, the wings are on the back, and the head is under the armpits to make the shape beautiful.

Liaoning's traditional famous food Baile smoked chicken, a delicacy not to be missed

2, brine: the chicken blanks are placed in the pot in turn according to the size, the big chicken is on the bottom, and the chicken is on the top. Put the herbs in a gauze bag in a pot, add other spices (the ratio of table salt is: about 600 grams of refined salt per 20 kg of white chicken), add the old soup and water (to submerge the chicken body). Bring the soup to a boil over high heat, skim off the froth, cover and reduce to simmer. The specific cooking time depends on the breed and size of the chicken, generally 1 to 2 hours.

Liaoning's traditional famous food Baile smoked chicken, a delicacy not to be missed

3. Smoking: Fish out the cooked chicken and let it cool before smoking. When smoking, the temperature of the smoking pot is about 120 ° C, and the sugar is put into the bottom of the pot twice, every 7.5 kg of cooked chicken, and 50 grams of sugar are added each time. Place the chicken on an iron grate, add the lid and smoke for about 30 seconds each time. Smoked chicken, coated with sesame oil or cooked soybean oil on the outside of the chicken can be eaten.

Liaoning's traditional famous food Baile smoked chicken, a delicacy not to be missed