
Detailed preparation tutorial for teppanyaki octopus

author:The kitchen of the old Lin family
Detailed preparation tutorial for teppanyaki octopus

Teppanyaki octopus


The dish has not arrived, the taste comes first, the aroma is refreshing, and it is appetizing.

Dishes offer:

Zheng Zihui: Cantonese culinary master, culinary technician, member of the French Le Cordon Bleu Gastronomy Association


Detailed preparation tutorial for teppanyaki octopus

raw material:

Ningbo octopus 200 g.


1 part teppanyaki juice, 500 grams of salad oil (50 grams of actual consumption), 2 grams of wet starch, 20 grams of cooking wine, green pepper slices, red pepper slices, 100 grams of shredded onion, 5 grams of green onion, ginger slices, and bright oil.

That is, the preparation recipe of the iron plate juice:

Mitsui oyster sauce 5 grams, Gold Label Raw Soy King 10 grams, Imperial Kitchen Fresh and Chicken Essence 2 grams each, sugar and monosodium glutamate 3 grams each. This is a one-serving serving, and it is generally possible to make a dish weighing about 250 grams.

This juice is suitable for dishes such as teppanyaki chicken offal, fish, shrimp, shellfish, etc., but this juice should not be prepared prematurely, otherwise the aroma of the imperial kitchen fresh will be lost.

Preparation Method:

(1) Cut the octopus into four, clean it; put the octopus into water on the pot, and slide it over medium heat with 50% hot salad oil under the green and red pepper slices for 30 seconds to remove the oil control.

(2) Leave 30 grams of oil in the pot, fry chives, ginger slices, teppanyaki juice when it is 70% hot, add octopus, green and red pepper, stir-fry the cooking wine, use wet starch to outline the sauce, pour the oil out of the pot, put it on the hot iron plate with onions, and serve.


This sauce has set a record for guests to eat three servings in a row. But to make this dish must use Ningbo octopus, the texture of octopus in the north is too old.

Detailed preparation tutorial for teppanyaki octopus

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