
The "most mysterious" warrior of World War II: it is not a person, but a fearless bear

Animals, like people, grow up in different growth environments, will become different personalities, if they grow up with their companions, they will maintain the characteristics of this population, but once they grow up with other animals and even people, the nature is completely different.

In the history of World War II, there is such a magical warrior, it is as high as one meter eight, weighs 113 kilograms, on the battlefield can easily carry more than 20 kilograms of explosives package through the gunfire, people regard it as a hero, but it is not a person, but a bear, or more accurately, it is a bear warrior.

The "most mysterious" warrior of World War II: it is not a person, but a fearless bear

The growth process of the Bear Warrior

During World War II, in order to assist the Allied forces in combat, the Polish Second Army was formed under British command. In 1942, in the process of the 22nd Artillery Supply Company of the Polish Second Army following the large troops into Palestine, everyone saw a boy with a thin bear cub in the mountains of southern Iran, this bear did not look very good, his eyes were full of sadness, and the well-meaning soldiers immediately felt sympathy for the bear, so they replaced the bear with a few bottles of canned meat and a little boy.

At that time, this bear was about three months in size, looked very thin, and listless, the soldiers in exchange for the bear, they immediately began to feed it, but unfortunately the bear was too small to eat at that time, fortunately a soldier thought of a good way, put condensed milk in an empty vodka bottle to feed the bear, at this time the bear finally began to eat, after eating and drinking enough, the bear instantly became energetic, cute, provoked everyone to love it more.

In the later years, the soldiers began to teach the bear to eat, every day will save some food to feed the bear, under everyone's careful care, the bear gradually grew up, and eventually became a tall eight meters, weighing 113 kilograms of big guys, but even if the bear has grown up, the feelings between the soldiers are still as deep.

Because the bear has lived with the warriors since childhood, it has learned a lot of warrior habits, such as some warriors' movements, it has learned, even the warriors smoke, drink and other preferences, he has learned all, in addition, its favorite is to bathe in the hot summer.

The "most mysterious" warrior of World War II: it is not a person, but a fearless bear

In the free time of the war, it will play with the soldiers, smoke and drink together, fully integrate into the collective, once the war breaks out, it will also follow the soldiers to participate in it, some timid warriors, in the face of the rain of bullets, will be afraid of overwhelmed, and it is not afraid at all, learning the appearance of the warriors began to transport weapons and ammunition for everyone, it shuttled through the rain of bullets, enemy soldiers always feel very strange after seeing, How could a bear be involved in the war?

Not only that, but it also helped everyone capture an enemy agent, when it was full of food and drink and resting outside the tent, suddenly saw a sneaky person in the distance, this person seemed very strange, he grew up with the soldiers, what kind of people there are, it is clear, after seeing the stranger, it began to roar, the soldiers heard its voice, came out to find a stranger, immediately arrested it, after interrogation, only to find that this stranger was actually a spy sent by the enemy army.

Because the enemy intelligence was intercepted from the mouth of this agent, the soldiers fought a victorious battle, so after the battle, everyone rewarded the bear with two bottles of beer, which was lifted up and drunk, like a real man.

Officially become a warrior

With the needs of the war, in 1944, the troops received orders to go to Italy by boat to support the Allies, so everyone began to prepare to board the ship, but according to the rules of the ship at that time, animals could not be on board, in order to solve this problem, finally the soldiers after careful consideration, decided to formally recruit the bear into the team, and granted it the rank of second class, named Voytek (translated as laughing at the meaning of war), enjoying the salary of a formal soldier.

The "most mysterious" warrior of World War II: it is not a person, but a fearless bear

When the bear boarded the ship, the person in charge of checking the list was stunned, and no one thought that the tall and majestic brown bear in front of him was actually a regular soldier of an artillery supply company, which was rare in the history of war. In fact, Voytek's performance on the battlefield surpassed many warriors, and it can even be said that it was a combat hero.

Every time he fought, Voytek was fearless, whether it was artillery fire or a rain of bullets, Voytec remained calm, holding more than 20 kilograms of bullet boxes and following the ammunition truck through the battlefield, resolutely completing the task, and each time being able to hand over the ammunition to the machine gunner.

After the end of the battle, Vojtek and the soldiers gathered together to smoke and drink, everyone has become a comrade and brother born into death, in 1945, when the 22nd Artillery Supply Company was officially renamed the 22nd Transport Company, everyone also applied to use the image of Voytek holding a shell as the company symbol, and finally this application was approved by the superiors, and since then, Vojtek has become the symbol and image spokesperson of the 22nd Transport Company.

During the war-torn World War II, Vojtek relied on his fearless spirit and calm fighting style to make many achievements on the battlefield, and it is obvious that he has unconsciously become a combat hero, and at the same time has become a comrade-in-arms that can never be separated in the hearts of soldiers.

The "most mysterious" warrior of World War II: it is not a person, but a fearless bear

Voytec's life after retirement

After the end of World War II, the Polish Second Army was eventually disbanded because it did not have a stable national government, and many of the fighters lived a wandering life, only Wojtek remained in Britain to continue to live a peaceful life. After two years at Camp Winfield, it was sent to Edinburgh Zoo in england to enjoy its old age.

Because of Voytec's wonderful performance in the war, attracted a lot of people who came to watch it, as long as someone appeared, it would ask them for cigarettes and alcohol, for Voytec, the happiest moment in the zoo should be the moment when the former comrades came to see it, comrades reunited, sitting together smoking and drinking, reminiscing about the past, is not a funny thing?

Of course, those former comrades-in-arms often visit Wojtek, which gives it a lot of happiness, but staying in the zoo for a long time, for Voytec, there will still be more or less lonely times, for such a time, it can only slowly learn to accept.

In 1963, Voytek died at the age of 22 at Edinburgh Zoo, and for wild Syrian brown bears, it is already a high life expectancy to live to the age of 22, and Voytek is also a long life. After its death, a monument was erected to honor its contributions during World War II.

In addition, there is a man named Gary. Pauling's Scottish teacher, after collecting a large amount of information, wrote a book for Wojtek called "Bear Soldier Voytek", which is a biography of Voytek, and its story has been passed down forever.

The "most mysterious" warrior of World War II: it is not a person, but a fearless bear


Voytec made great achievements in the anti-fascist war, its existence has long exceeded the species limit, people commemorate it as a combat hero, its story will be passed down forever, its spirit, but also worth learning to remember, in the war to uphold justice, each of us should stand up like Voytek, fearless!

Remarks: The picture comes from the Internet, infringement must be deleted, welcome to comment to leave interesting ideas.

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