
Interview hotspots of public institutions: the great wisdom of "big culture"

Interview hotspots of public institutions: the great wisdom of "big culture"

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In recent years, more and more museums have "gone out of the circle". During the "13th Five-Year Plan" period, the number of museums nationwide increased from 4692 to 5788, and the annual number of museum visitors increased from 700 million to 1.2 billion, an average of 100 million per year. The museum is better looking, meets the cultural needs of different groups, and makes a transformation from the beauty of cultural relics display to the interpretation of connotations, which is more meaningful to the times, and the museum will become an indispensable part of the people's good life.

Mock exam questions

In recent years, the "museum fever" has continued to heat up, such as the subway museum, the glass museum and other professional niche museums have also successfully "out of the circle", what do you think about this?

Refer to the answer

Culture epitomizes the cohesion and vitality of a country, and museums are an important carrier of history and culture. With the rapid development of the national economy, the people's material living standards are getting higher and higher, and the demand for spiritual culture is increasing, and visiting museums has become an important choice for the cultural consumption of the masses.

It is gratifying that in recent years, not only the major museums have continuously reformed and innovated through online museums, open classes and other forms, using new technologies such as VR, AR, and artificial intelligence, which not only played a role in displaying collections and disseminating culture, but also narrowed the distance between museums and social audiences, fully reflected and played an important value of museums, and also provided advanced experience for other museums in concept, positioning, and innovation.

However, it can also be seen that in the current process of museum operation, there are still a series of problems such as serious homogenization, lack of creativity, and low quality, which exposes the weak operation ability of museums. In addition to the problem of funds, at present, the lack of talent is the main reason for restricting the development of museums, most of the museum staff are historical, archaeological, exhibition and other directions of talent, the lack of composite talents lead to the effect can not be controlled, of course, the lack of contact and competition between museums also restricts the progress of museums.

In order to ensure the development of museums and create high-quality cultural life for the masses, it is necessary to:

1. Pay attention to talent training. Cultivate high-quality talents who are proficient in professional management in the field of cultural and creative work, and through the cultivation of talents, continuously improve and develop the development route of the museum, so that the museum with both cultural connotation and fashion creativity can appear in the public eye. Of course, we must also dare to innovate, change our own concepts in a timely manner, dare to widely absorb social forces to participate in the operation of museums, and truly design publicity copy that meets the public's preferences.

2. Comprehensively deepen cooperation. Throughout the current development of museums, small and medium-sized museums are still facing very severe challenges in the process of daily management, most museums have unique resource advantages, can be exhibits, technology and other advantageous resources centralized integration, reasonable distribution, to ensure the museum exhibition effect, the formation of good economic and social benefits. Large museums and well-known museums can also jointly carry out or assist small and medium-sized museums to carry out activities, make full use of existing resources, enhance influence, and help the "museum fever".

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