
Heroes cherish heroes! O'Sullivan publicly spoke out for Ding Junhui and advised Zhao Xintong not to follow in his footsteps

Since Snooker entered the new season in 2022, Ronnie O'Sullivan has rarely appeared in the field of fans, and the old naughty boy who has always been "talking about fire" has finally appeared in the field of fans again as the Masters approach.

Heroes cherish heroes! O'Sullivan publicly spoke out for Ding Junhui and advised Zhao Xintong not to follow in his footsteps

During the Champions League group match, some of the top sixteen players in the world are staying in shape through the game, and some have chosen to retire to concentrate on preparing for the Masters, and O'Sullivan obviously will not be like the other players, and he has appeared as a guest on the sports show during this time.

In the show, O'Sullivan looked forward to his new season, saying bluntly that last year's World Grand Prix championship had made him regain his self-confidence, but O'Sullivan still said that the next career was still to enjoy the center of the competition, and he did not care much about winning the championship again.

Heroes cherish heroes! O'Sullivan publicly spoke out for Ding Junhui and advised Zhao Xintong not to follow in his footsteps

This interview also talked about the Chinese player Zhao Xintong, a new generation of young players known as "Little Rockets" who are deeply loved by O'Sullivan and have expressed their appreciation in public more than once, but in the hearts of the "Old Rockets", Zhao Xintong, who has just won the championship, will face difficulties and tests next.

Heroes cherish heroes! O'Sullivan publicly spoke out for Ding Junhui and advised Zhao Xintong not to follow in his footsteps

O'Sullivan said on the show: Although Zhao Xintong's victory in the British Championship has allowed him to eliminate the pressure of zero crowns in his previous five years of career, when a player wins his first championship, the pressure he faces will be even greater.

Some people may not know what they will face after winning the championship, but for my own example, when I won the first title in the British Championship, I was not too excited, because after the championship, the audience will pay more attention to you, this attention will stare at you fiercely, you have to make no mistakes in any of the next games, this depressed feeling will be breathless.

Heroes cherish heroes! O'Sullivan publicly spoke out for Ding Junhui and advised Zhao Xintong not to follow in his footsteps

In fact, O'Sullivan said that it is not unreasonable, when a player suddenly achieves a major achievement, the outside world will report high expectations, this expectation will often backfire, resulting in some players can not withstand huge pressure and thus play abnormal, while advising Zhao Xintong, O'Sullivan is also openly for Ding Junhui to explain what is called "heroes cherish heroes".

Heroes cherish heroes! O'Sullivan publicly spoke out for Ding Junhui and advised Zhao Xintong not to follow in his footsteps

O'Sullivan: Zhao Xintong is now carrying a huge pressure that he did not have before, and I think Ding Junhui must be the same, his current situation may be even worse than Zhao Xintong, you can't imagine what this pressure will bring to athletes.

When an athlete is under tremendous pressure and unfriendly voices every day, he either picks himself up or never gets back on, and I've seen too many of these players, but most of them can't bounce back.

Heroes cherish heroes! O'Sullivan publicly spoke out for Ding Junhui and advised Zhao Xintong not to follow in his footsteps

As O'Sullivan said, the impact of external doubts and insults on an athlete is huge, Ding Junhui is now poor, but in the final analysis, he has endured too much pressure that should not have been, I believe that fans are not willing to let Zhao Xintong follow in the footsteps.

And Zhao Xintong will also officially face this problem after winning the British Championship championship, we can't ask Zhao Xintong to win every battle in the next hundred battles, and we can't resist some fans adding up to its bad words, only hope that Zhao Xintong can put aside distractions and do a good job of himself, don't be affected by gossip, and win more championships with confidence.

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