
"Egg Boy Party": "Mutual Loss" is king, casual novice mobile game recommended!

New Year's Day has passed for a while, I don't know if you have left the comfort zone of New Year's Day? A thought of new year's day after the imminent going to work, is not a little unhappy, then a fun mobile phone game is very important, of course, some ordinary MOBA, shooting games here is not much introduction, after all, this type of game everyone is more familiar with, then is there a game casual and interesting?

"Egg Boy Party": "Mutual Loss" is king, casual novice mobile game recommended!

So here is recommended for everyone to play "Egg Boy Party" this very interesting game, as a casual entertainment game, the game's style can be said to attract a lot of players, I have not seen which games of the protagonist is a round egg boy, the first look, do not say that it is a girl, even boys may not be able to hold, in addition to the freedom of the game can also be said to be very high, not only can change clothes and shape, but also can change the eyes and skin color of the character, as long as you will match, You're the coolest "egg" in the game.

"Egg Boy Party": "Mutual Loss" is king, casual novice mobile game recommended!

Egg boy can not only be cute and good-looking appearance, the game's body is fun to attract more people, the quality of this game is still very guaranteed, first of all, the game uses the current very popular battle royale gameplay, but in the battle royale gameplay has been improved, making each game more interesting.

"Egg Boy Party": "Mutual Loss" is king, casual novice mobile game recommended!

For example, the multiplayer version of the wisdom of the big rush, just because it is a multiplayer game, it means that you can also open the black with good friends to lose each other, at this time the game's victory or defeat often becomes less important, and it is fun to see your teammates eating up. Of course, if you are tired of playing, you can also go to the main city to have a hi, everyone jumps and dances together in a small concert, isn't it interesting?

"Egg Boy Party": "Mutual Loss" is king, casual novice mobile game recommended!

And the game is also very friendly to some diy big guys, because in the current version, players can customize the map, some big guys will definitely develop some strange and interesting maps, everyone stay tuned, if players like such a game, be sure to pay attention to the "Egg Boy Party", one step ahead, right now Oh!

"Egg Boy Party": "Mutual Loss" is king, casual novice mobile game recommended!
"Egg Boy Party": "Mutual Loss" is king, casual novice mobile game recommended!

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