
Millions of people booking a casual game? NetEase's new tour "Egg Boy Party" can be expected in the future!

Knock away unhappy, make good friends! The number of reservations on the official website of NetEase's latest mobile game "Egg Boy Party" has exceeded the 4.7 million mark! The five million blind box ten consecutive draw rewards are just around the corner! For a casual mobile game, this result is called a pretty beautiful one!

Millions of people booking a casual game? NetEase's new tour "Egg Boy Party" can be expected in the future!

The core gameplay of the Egg Boy Party is a multiplayer online level, in which twenty or thirty players in each game (different modes will vary) will be matched to compete in track racing. Different traps and terrain will be set up in the map, and we need to manipulate our own characters, that is, egg boys, to challenge them. It is worth mentioning that the key position of the egg boy party is not only a monotonous "back and forth", but also jumping, falling, lifting and tumbling can be completed, not only can help them find skills to break through the difficulties, but also have special effects in contact with other egg boys! Fun!

Millions of people booking a casual game? NetEase's new tour "Egg Boy Party" can be expected in the future!

And the egg boy party now has new props and skills, not only to stack various buffs for themselves, such as reducing their own egg boys and avoiding obstacles, but also to exert interference effects on other egg boys, that is, competitors on the track, such as throwing frozen bombs so that they can't move! So throughout the game, what you have to do is not only to understand and familiarize yourself with the map, but also to maintain a high degree of concentration, who loses and who wins, perhaps in a moment of decision-making... More props and skills, waiting for everyone to come to the game to unlock and develop! A small egg boy can also have a big possibility!

Millions of people booking a casual game? NetEase's new tour "Egg Boy Party" can be expected in the future!

In addition to the number of ordinary levels that have reached more than forty, the egg boy party now has many limited-time levels, such as cat and mouse wars, hide-and-seek, and go! Egg boy! And the Speed Challenge are both novel modes of gameplay, and you don't have to worry about playing for a long time! There is also a very heavy function is the "level editor" of the egg boy party, think that the official map is not hot enough? Then build one yourself!

Millions of people booking a casual game? NetEase's new tour "Egg Boy Party" can be expected in the future!

Free choice of various level components, all kinds of DIY accessibility features, as long as you use your hands, you can make your favorite map, yes, the form of "official co-creation with players" can be so simple in the egg boy party! Friends who are interested in the level editor can go to see the excellent works in the previous "Round Universe Co-construction Competition", which will definitely open your eyes!

Millions of people booking a casual game? NetEase's new tour "Egg Boy Party" can be expected in the future!

Interesting gameplay, full of playability, excellent quality, it is no wonder that "Egg Boy Party" has attracted so many people's expectations, and now the last test is about to end, this public beta is believed to be on the string, ready to go! Reservations on the official website and on the pages of major game platforms have been opened, just waiting for you! PS: iOS and Android beta time is synchronized! Feel free to be bold about!

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