
Step up! The NBA's epidemic prevention policy will be extended for one week, and the unvaccinated players will strengthen the restriction of social interaction of needle players

The Octomir mutant strain spread rapidly, cases surged across the United States, and multiple NBA players were repeatedly infected with COVID-19. In response, the league decided to extend the testing of the new crown virus after the All-Star holiday by one week.

Step up! The NBA's epidemic prevention policy will be extended for one week, and the unvaccinated players will strengthen the restriction of social interaction of needle players

Some players who are eligible for booster shots but are not vaccinated will be tested daily during the All-Star period. In addition, those players who are not vaccinated with boosters will be restricted from participating in activities outside the competition, including large parties, bars and clubs.

Step up! The NBA's epidemic prevention policy will be extended for one week, and the unvaccinated players will strengthen the restriction of social interaction of needle players

After the proposal to force players to vaccinate was rejected by the players' union, Xiao Hua no longer relied on local epidemic prevention policies and began to take a punitive approach to urge players to get injections. Obviously, such an approach is very unfriendly to the players and is not fair at all.

Step up! The NBA's epidemic prevention policy will be extended for one week, and the unvaccinated players will strengthen the restriction of social interaction of needle players

Even so, there will certainly be players who will inevitably attend large events, because cases of NBA violations of epidemic regulations are not uncommon, and when the time comes, the necessary fines can be paid to seek exemptions.

Step up! The NBA's epidemic prevention policy will be extended for one week, and the unvaccinated players will strengthen the restriction of social interaction of needle players

Even Irving can play at home by handing over money, so there's nothing in the league that money can't solve. Moreover, Xiao Hua is obsessed with star-making, and the privilege of big-name stars has long been an open secret.

Maybe vaccinations can stop the bottom players, but it is definitely not a shackle for the top stars, so the league is likely to lift a stone and drop it on its own feet.

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