
Wang Ziyi's "termination of contract with the company" was originally unilateral termination, and the company did not agree

author:Star Eight Star

Before everyone estimated to have seen the news that Prince Yi set up a personal studio and then wanted to develop in the entertainment industry as a person, if you didn't understand the situation at that time, it is estimated that you were surprised, right? After all, before, Prince Yi was embarrassed because of the termination of the contract with the company, and now Prince Yi has actually successfully terminated the contract so smoothly?

Wang Ziyi's "termination of contract with the company" was originally unilateral termination, and the company did not agree

Seeing that Wang Ziyi announced that he had set up a personal studio and then closed the original brokerage company, people who did not know the truth would send blessings, it was indeed not easy, and his company had fought several times, and it was only now that this problem was solved.

Wang Ziyi's "termination of contract with the company" was originally unilateral termination, and the company did not agree

The result is that it was not expected, in fact, there was no successful termination, The prince and the company terminated the contract to set up a personal studio are unilateral, the company did not reach an agreement with him, and then the prince himself announced these news, in fact, the company and the prince are still involved, and still involved.

Wang Ziyi's "termination of contract with the company" was originally unilateral termination, and the company did not agree

Wang Ziyi's company only recently released the news, denying that Wang Ziyi's contract expired, saying that Wang Ziyi did not terminate the contract with the company at all, he is still an artist of the company, not at all what everyone thinks, and can already go it alone.

Wang Ziyi's "termination of contract with the company" was originally unilateral termination, and the company did not agree
Wang Ziyi's "termination of contract with the company" was originally unilateral termination, and the company did not agree

In this way, the prince's strange thing is estimated to be involved, and the company does not agree with it? This year, in order to understand the stars of the contract, one by one really fought, before it was a lawsuit to terminate the contract, and now it is a lawsuit that cannot unilaterally announce the termination of the contract, which is great!

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