
Donkeys touch their heads and twist them

author:Lee Soo-jin

Donkeys touch their heads and twist them

Donkeys touch their heads and twist them

In the sixties and seventies, the tail of capitalism was cut off. The shaving of the head of the village was also banned as a tail. The only state-run barbershop in the town is supposed to be thriving.

Unfortunately, the number of people who patronize the barbershop is also very few every day. Although even if you shave your head with a wash belt for five cents, soap and shaving are not very expensive. But most ordinary people have no money in their hands, so they buy a razor for a dime. The razor was made by a blacksmith and was as wide as two fingers and as long as three fingers. Press a wooden stick on the knife head as a handle, and when not in use, you can lock it into a small groove on the stick.

Sharpening the knife on the whetstone, coupled with a pair of scissors used by the women to cut cloth, became a tool for the father to repair his son's head. Although such tools are handed down from the ancestors, the hair of the predecessors is very different from the current people, and how to shave the head with the big braids of the Qing Dynasty does not hinder the beauty.

The shaved head of such a tool is so that you can't see where to go, and every time you look back, a new style will appear in front of people. Most of the number of times is like a straw hat buckled on a gourd, shaving the head a thousand times will look like a thousand times to ensure that it will not be duplicated.

There is a children's song that vividly tells the scene of the head, and the mother made up a satire on the father's shaving skills: "The donkey touches the head and the scissors are twisted, and the night dreams of the little devil biting." ”

The donkey can't get out of that look when he touches his head and uses scissors, and the style is beautiful or unsightly or secondary. Most fathers shave their sons' heads and see red on their sons' heads. I feel that a tight scalp "whimpering" pain is a bloody hole, and a "whirring" pain is another one.

There was a child whose father shaved his head, and there were a few more bloody passages on his head. He shaved his head and washed his hair and washed a basin of blood, and the child cried endlessly when he saw the blood. Of course, the mother is distressed by the child, and will never let his father shave his head from now on. With his hair growing, he took him to an old man's house at the head of the village to shave his head. This old man shaved his head in a bunch of villages, ever since the government cut off such people as "capitalist tails." During the day, he went to the field to participate in labor, and took time to shave his head at home, and one head was three cents. He is a veteran who will no longer cut the child's head, and it does not hurt to shave his head.

In the blink of an eye, this child was seven or eight years old, and one day his hair grew again, and the old man at the head of the village went to the city to see his son and never returned. Seeing that his hair didn't look like it looked, his mother gave him five cents one morning and asked him to go to the barbershop in town to solve the problem of hair.

Donkeys touch their heads and twist them

The village was three or four miles from the town, and it didn't take long to arrive.

The barber washed his hair and asked, "Do you want to hit the soap?" ”

Him: "Ahem! With a loud bang.

The barber soaped him and shaved his head, and when he was done he took five cents out of his pocket.

The barber said, "I also washed my hair, it's seven cents." ”

He said, "Just these five cents." ”

The barber thought: You kid don't know whose house it is, and the two cents of the state can make you go. Simply tell him to wait here and wait for the adult of his family to send money to take him away.

When his mother arrived at noon to eat, she did not wait for her son to return, so she hurried to the town to find her son, and when she arrived there, she naturally made up the two cents of soap to bring her son back.

Until this child grew up, everyone saw him and shouted at him: "Hit the soap without hitting." ”