
Lonnick fears that he will not be able to solve the civil unrest in Manchester United! United rejected Conte before firing solskjaer!

Manchester United has had a lot of problems recently, and a number of English media have reported that the atmosphere inside Manchester United is very bad, Lonnick's management of the dressing room has gotten out of control, and many players have begun to question Lonnick. And Lonnick himself now feels big, he is now afraid that he will not be able to solve Manchester United's problems, after all, there are too many big names in the Manchester United team. At this time, the English media reported that Conte had hoped to coach Manchester United, but the Manchester United top brass rejected Conte for a ridiculous reason. Without further ado, let's take a look at the specifics!

Lonnick fears that he will not be able to solve the civil unrest in Manchester United! United rejected Conte before firing solskjaer!

Recently, the Daily Mail reported that Manchester United manager Rangnick is worried that he will not be able to solve Manchester United's current problems, he believes that he is in the same environment as Mourinho in the early stages, and Manchester United has positioned him as an interim manager, he does not have enough authority and time to convince the players, because he will leave in May. This frustrated Lonnick, and Lonnick believes that many of United's players are not willing to unite for the team now, which makes Lonnick very difficult.

Lonnick fears that he will not be able to solve the civil unrest in Manchester United! United rejected Conte before firing solskjaer!

At the same time, the Daily Mail reported that Manchester United actually had the opportunity to invite Conte, and before and after Ole Gunnar Solskjaer's class, Manchester United had considered Conte, who was still free at the time, and Conte was also willing to go to Manchester United to coach at that time. However, manchester United senior figure, Conte's requirements for players are too meticulous, he has six meticulous requirements for players, manchester United executives are not sure whether Conte meets Manchester United's requirements, and finally gave up on him. Conte accepted Tottenham's invitation to coach at Tottenham.

Lonnick fears that he will not be able to solve the civil unrest in Manchester United! United rejected Conte before firing solskjaer!

It has to be said that the main reason for Manchester United's current problems is Lonnick's lack of prestige, knowing that he has neither a coaching history nor an excellent player resume, and such a manager is difficult to suppress the players of the giants. In the big clubs, when you can't calm the players, there will be a lot of problems in the dressing room. And that's what's happening at United at the moment. I just don't know how Manchester United will eventually solve this problem? Recently, I heard that Pochettino is leaving Paris after the season, so maybe he is really a good choice!

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