
What outsiders don't know, the eternal protagonist of the Cantonese "banquet" is it

author:Foodie Li Daming

Outsiders may not know that in the life of Cantonese people, if a meal does not have soup, then the meal is incomplete. All Cantonese people's lives can't avoid the torture of two souls: "You will definitely cook soup, right?" Do you eat everything? ”。 Outsiders have the impression that being very good at making soup and daring to eat anything is the biggest label of Cantonese people, who can use the most simple and unpretentious spices to make a moist, delicious soup; "soup" is a weight in this land. Not only at the banquet, but also on the entire table, the beautiful soup is the eternal protagonist. Let's learn a few authentic old fire soup recipes with me!

What outsiders don't know, the eternal protagonist of the Cantonese "banquet" is it

(1) Snail slice lion's head mushroom healthy spleen soup

Production time: 130 minutes

Serving Size: Serves 2 people

Production materials:

20 grams of snail slices, 15 grams of lion's head mushroom, goji berries and poria, 25 grams of Huaishan, 8 grams of Bai Shu, 1 date, 200 grams of barrel bones, 1000 ml of water.

Seasoning: Salt to taste.

Preparation Method:

1. Put Bai Shu and Poria into the slag bag, tie the mouth of the bag, put it into a bowl filled with water, soak for 10 minutes, Huaishan and goji berries are poured into a bowl of water, and soaked for 10 minutes.

2. Pour the conch pieces and lion's head mushrooms into a bowl filled with water and soak for 30 minutes.

3. Bring water to a boil in a casserole dish, pour into the barrel bone and boil to remove the blood water, and remove it for later.

4. Fill the casserole with water, pour in the barrel bone, the screw piece, the lion's head mushroom, the slag bag, the dates, and mix well.

5. Cover, turn on high heat to bring the soup to a boil, lift the lid, pour into Huaishan, cover, simmer for 100 minutes, lift the lid and add the goji berries.

6 Cover and simmer for 20 minutes, lift the lid and add salt to taste.

Gastronomic Science:

It is a beautiful soup with blood replenishment, spleen and stomach effects, suitable for the whole family. Among them, the snail meat is delicious and highly nutritious, the lion's head mushroom is good for the five organs and helps digestion, the goji berries are tonify the liver and the eyes, and the water of the poria is wet.

What outsiders don't know, the eternal protagonist of the Cantonese "banquet" is it

(2) Bitter melon soybean Huaishan winter mushroom stew ribs

Production time: 200 minutes

Serving Size: 4~5 servings

30 grams of shiitake mushrooms, 60 grams of soybeans, 30 grams of Huaishan, 20 grams of ginseng, 8 figs, 2 bitter melons, 300 grams of ribs, 30 grams of sauerkraut hearts, and several slices of ginger.

Seasoning: salt to taste.

1. Wash and cut the bitter melon to remove the seeds, wash it with a tablespoon of scraping white scoop, cut into large pieces and set aside.

2. Soak the mushrooms in water, squeeze dry and then soak, repeat several times to wash and set aside.

3. Soak the sauerkraut hearts in water for 15 minutes, rinse several times and set aside.

4. Blanch the ribs to remove impurities and blood water, wash and set aside.

5. Wash and soak other materials with water for 10 minutes, repeat 2 to 3 times to wash and set aside.

6. Add water and all ingredients to the pot, bring the heat to a boil, reduce the heat for 3 hours, turn off the heat and put some salt and mix well to taste.

Bitter melon detoxification, but also spleen and stomach, summer heat, fever caused by colds, sore throat, skin eczema people drink this soup is helpful. This soup should be consumed more often in summer. People who are afraid of suffering can add two more dates.

What outsiders don't know, the eternal protagonist of the Cantonese "banquet" is it

(3) Dendrobium white fungus jujube stewed pork liver

Serving Size: 2~3 servings

25 grams of white fungus, 10 grams of dendrobium, 300 grams of pork liver, 2 slices of ginger, 5 jujubes, Sydney pear to taste.

Seasoning: Salt to taste.

1. Peel the dates and wash them, wash them after soaking the white fungus, wash the pears, remove the stems, remove the pits, cut into pieces, wash the dendrobium, pat with a knife, and set aside the pork liver with water.

2. Fill the pot with water, add all the ingredients, bring to a boil, reduce the heat to a boil for 2 hours, add salt to taste, cook slightly, and put it out.

Dendrobium is beneficial to the stomach, nourishing yin and clearing heat, coupled with the yin of white fungus and the liver nourishing and blood replenishing effect of pig liver, this soup is very suitable for staying up late and eating heavy stomach fire.

What outsiders don't know, the eternal protagonist of the Cantonese "banquet" is it

(4) Poria bamboo shoots dried duck soup

Production time: 135 minutes

Serving Size: 3-4 servings

15 grams of earthworm tea, 20 grams of white lentils, 10 grams of figs, 10 grams of dried bamboo shoots, 200 grams of duck nuggets.

Seasoning: Salt 2 g .

1. Put the soil poria into the slag bag, tie the mouth of the bag, put it in a bowl, pour water and soak for 10 minutes.

2. Soak the white lentils, dried bamboo shoots and figs with water, wash and set aside.

3. Bring water to a boil in a pot, put in the treated duck pieces, rinse for a while, and fish out.

4. Fill the casserole with water, pour in the old duck pieces, soil poria, white lentils, dried bamboo shoots, mix well,

5. Cover, cook for 90 minutes until the effective ingredients are analyzed, and then add the figs.

6. Cover and cook for 30 minutes until the figs are ripe. Add salt and stir until flavorful.


Organic acids in vinegar can weaken the medicinal effect of poria, so vinegar should be avoided when using poria. You can choose other meats according to your preference, and the taste is just as good.

Soil poria can dispel dampness and detoxification, tongli joints, with swelling and detoxification of figs, and then with neutralizing wet white lentils, cool and poisonous bamboo shoots, can play a good regulatory role for the body, and can effectively improve skin problems and help detoxify. It is very suitable for people with phlegm temperature and hot and humid constitution.

What outsiders don't know, the eternal protagonist of the Cantonese "banquet" is it

(5) Ganoderma lucidum kapok Huaishan stewed turtle

Serving Size: 3 to 4 servings

Ganoderma lucidum 10 g, kapok 10 g, soil poria 10 g, Huaishan 20 g, Guiyuan 15 g, honey dates 2, turtle 1.

Number method:

1. Place the turtle in a pot of cold water and heat over low heat until boiling. After removal, cut open both sides, remove the head and internal organs, and then gently scrape the black skin of the whole body, and then wash it.

2. After a slight wash of guiyuan to remove impurities, drain and set aside.

3. Wash and soak other ingredients with water for 10 minutes, repeat 2 to 3 times to wash and set aside.

4. Fill the stew cup with eight minutes full of water, add all the ingredients and simmer for 3 hours, turn off the heat and add some salt to taste.

The ingredients and medicinal materials of this product are compatible, which has the effect of clearing heat and dampness and calming the mind. Among them, Ganoderma lucidum is beneficial to qi and blood, peace of mind, healthy spleen and stomach, kapok is clear of heat and dampness, and soil poria is detoxified and warmed.

What outsiders don't know, the eternal protagonist of the Cantonese "banquet" is it

(6) Tianma Chuan Bai Zhi stewed fish head

Production time: 140 minutes

Serving Size: 3 servings

10 grams of tianma, 10 grams of Sichuan root, 10 grams of baizhi, 5 southern dates, 8 figs, 100 grams of tofu, 1 fish head, several slices of ginger.

Seasoning: a little salt, a little cooking wine.

1. Treat the fish head cleanly, drain the water or use kitchen paper towels to suck the water dry to avoid splashing the oil when frying the fish head.

2. In a frying pan, put two slices of ginger on low heat and fry until slightly dry, add the fish head and fry slowly, fry on both sides until golden brown, add drain the oil or use the blotting paper to dry the grease and set aside.

3. After a slight wash to remove impurities, drain and set aside.

4. Wash and soak other materials with water for 10 minutes, repeat 2 to 3 times to wash and set aside.

5. Add nine minutes of water and all ingredients to the stew cup, simmer for 2 hours, add some cooking wine and salt before cooking.

Sichuan root has the effect of opening the qi, dissipating wind and dispelling temperature, and relieving pain, and tianma can extinguish the wind and calm the alarm. The two are used together to enhance the effect of dispelling wind and dampness, stopping head wind and headache.

What outsiders don't know, the eternal protagonist of the Cantonese "banquet" is it

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