
Teach you to make emerald dumplings, emerald green in color, thin skin and large filling, fresh and juicy, good looking and delicious


Teach you to make emerald dumplings, emerald green in color, thin skin and large filling, fresh and juicy, good looking and delicious. Emerald dumplings, shaped like emerald turquoise, delicious and fragrant, have a good meaning, and love to eat young and old. Every winter solstice, my family has to make emerald dumplings, dumpling skin with spinach juice and noodles, meat filling is chives fresh meat filling, really delicious.

Teach you to make emerald dumplings, emerald green in color, thin skin and large filling, fresh and juicy, good looking and delicious

Dumplings, from memory, will be made every New Year's Festival, and there are dumplings to have a festive atmosphere. Dumplings are made every household, but the tastes are different, from the dumpling filling there are dozens of kinds, there are pork, beef, fish, duck, as well as a variety of vegetable stuffing dumplings, leek eggs, Chinese cabbage, sauerkraut, dried radish and so on. The skin of the dumplings has flour, flour, eggs, etc. It is cooked with steamed dumplings, dumplings, and fried dumplings.

Teach you to make emerald dumplings, emerald green in color, thin skin and large filling, fresh and juicy, good looking and delicious

Delicious and beautiful emerald dumplings require 3 skills: Skill 1: Half of the flour is spinach juice and noodles, and the other half is ordinary drinking water and noodles. 250 grams of medium gluten flour requires 130 grams of drinking water, and 250 grams of medium gluten flour requires 140 grams of spinach juice and noodles. Spinach dough skin wrapped in ordinary dough, dumpling edge is spinach, after cooking, the color is turquoise, with white, very beautiful. Tip two, fresh meat dumpling filling production, pork to choose 30% of the fat, 70% of the lean meat, dumplings are oily and not powdered, if all use lean meat. Tip three: boil dumplings, after the water is boiled, put in the dumplings, can not be boiled in cold water dumplings will break the skin, when boiling again can add some cold water, so that there will be no bubble overflow.

Teach you to make emerald dumplings, emerald green in color, thin skin and large filling, fresh and juicy, good looking and delicious

【Emerald dumplings】Dumpling skin ingredients: 500 grams of dumpling flour, 130 grams of drinking water, 140 grams of spinach juice; dumpling filling ingredients: pork, peanut oil, edible salt, soy sauce, cooking wine, ginger, chives, corn starch.

Teach you to make emerald dumplings, emerald green in color, thin skin and large filling, fresh and juicy, good looking and delicious

Step 1: Dumpling filling is made, fresh pork is peeled, thinly sliced, ginger is washed and crushed in a meat grinder. Wash the chives, chop them, add soy sauce, cooking wine, peanut oil, salt and cornstarch and stir well.

Teach you to make emerald dumplings, emerald green in color, thin skin and large filling, fresh and juicy, good looking and delicious

Step 2: Dumpling skin making: Wash the spinach and put it in the juicer to squeeze the juice, take 140 grams, add 250 grams of flour and knead smoothly. 130 g of drinking water and 250 g of flour kneaded smoothly, cover the dough with a damp cloth and let the noodles wake up for 10 minutes.

Teach you to make emerald dumplings, emerald green in color, thin skin and large filling, fresh and juicy, good looking and delicious

Step 3: Take 100 grams of noodles each and knead them into long strips, where the spinach dough is rolled thin and just the size is just the right to wrap the white dough.

Teach you to make emerald dumplings, emerald green in color, thin skin and large filling, fresh and juicy, good looking and delicious

Step 4: White long noodles, placed on one side of the spinach, then slowly rolled up, tightening the mouth, then kneading firmly.

Teach you to make emerald dumplings, emerald green in color, thin skin and large filling, fresh and juicy, good looking and delicious

Step 5: With a spatula, cut into a small dough of about 12 grams to about 15 grams. The size of the dumplings can be based on their own like ha.

Teach you to make emerald dumplings, emerald green in color, thin skin and large filling, fresh and juicy, good looking and delicious

Step 6: Roll thin with a rolling pin to see that the outer skin is green and the middle is white. It's beautiful.

Teach you to make emerald dumplings, emerald green in color, thin skin and large filling, fresh and juicy, good looking and delicious

Step 7: Take a dumpling skin, put in the appropriate amount of fresh meat dumpling filling, wrap your favorite shape, the filling should be more, the dumplings are full, forming an emerald shape, very beautiful.

Teach you to make emerald dumplings, emerald green in color, thin skin and large filling, fresh and juicy, good looking and delicious

Step 8: Pour in the right amount of water into the pot, after boiling, put in the dumplings, if there are bubbles up, you can add a little cold water, quickly cool, the dumpling water will not overflow.

Teach you to make emerald dumplings, emerald green in color, thin skin and large filling, fresh and juicy, good looking and delicious

Step 9: The dumplings float on the surface of the water, the dumplings are cooked, fished out with a colander, and you can eat. Good on the outside, fragrant inside, really fragrant!

Teach you to make emerald dumplings, emerald green in color, thin skin and large filling, fresh and juicy, good looking and delicious

【Sourcehe warm tips】1. The flour of dumpling skin is generally medium gluten flour, and medium gluten flour can be made into Chinese noodles such as dumplings, pancakes, and noodles. Low gluten flour is made of cake and high gluten flour is bread. 2. The filling of emerald dumplings can also be leek chicken filling, beef filling, fish filling, chicken filling, etc. 3. Whether to pour out the water to cook dumplings, in fact, it is related to eating habits, the south eats less dumplings, generally do not drink dumpling water, the north often drinks dumplings, after eating dumplings to drink a bowl of dumplings, it will be very comfortable. 4. The water for flour and noodles is slightly different depending on the flour and the weather. Can be increased according to the actual situation, when stirring the flour there are flakes, indicating that the water is just right, if you are making dumplings for the first time, it is recommended to add water while stirring, do not pour water at one time.

Today's winter solstice, have you eaten dumplings? If you haven't made dumplings yet, you can try emerald dumplings, which are good to look at and delicious, and the old and young love to eat. After the winter solstice, the weather is very cold, so everyone dresses more and pays attention to keeping warm.