
Cutting off Goku's 72 heads kills him, why hasn't anyone tried this?

Cutting off Goku's 72 heads kills him, why hasn't anyone tried this?

(Snail Watch Journey to the West No. 6021)


As we all know, Sun Wukong is good at seventy-two changes, so he has seventy-two heads, so he reasoned that as long as someone cut off these heads of monkeys, he will definitely die, but no one has tried this all along.

No one dared to move Sun Wukong, but some people dared to move the Bull Demon King.

The Bull Demon King is as proficient in the Seventy-Two Changes as Goku, so the same way to deal with the Bull Demon King applies to Goku.

Tota Li Tianwang and Nezha went to the Flame Mountain to capture Sun Wukong at the order of the Jade Emperor, the father and son cooperated seamlessly, Li Tianwang fixed the monkey brother with a mirror, and then Nezha jumped on the old cow's body, only to see him lift the sword in his hand, slashing at each other with one knife and one knife, and the Bull Demon King who was tortured at the bottom really could not bear this punishment and quickly begged for forgiveness.

After Sun Wukong came to the Flame Mountain, he and the Bull Devil King had a dispute, the two sides fought each other, Sun Wukong played tricks to deceive the Iron Fan Princess's banana fan, and then the Bull Devil King changed into the appearance of the Eight Commandments to deceive the fan back, so the old cow is also a good hand of the seventy-two changes. Moreover, even Sha Monk had revealed that Sun Wukong had seventy-two changes and seventy-two heads, and these heads disappeared and his small life was naturally difficult to preserve.

Cutting off Goku's 72 heads kills him, why hasn't anyone tried this?

However, the method of cutting off the head is only suitable for the Bull Demon King, not for the master brother.

Perhaps, everyone has paid attention to Sun Wukong's experience, his head was cut off by che chiguo's executioner, and brother monkey wanted to call back his head after that, but his small head was dragged by che chiguo's land, forced to helplessly, he could only grow a head again.

From this point of view, Sun Wukong's head is really very fragile, any mortal can cut off his head, just ask, who can't do it?

However, this method is really not suitable, because the head of brother monkey is not something that anyone can covet.

Sun Wukong was hooked by the Erlang God with a hook knife to hook the pipa bone, and then he was taken back to the heavenly court, the Jade Emperor did not delay time, directly escorted people to the demon-slaying platform, the executioner of the Celestial Realm was already in place, only to listen to the Jade Emperor's order, the knife splitting axe and the wind and rain thunder and lightning strikes were all on the field one by one, the head was moved by the monkey brother resting on the wooden stake, the head was really a bit numb for a long time, and their repeated attacks did not have any impact on the monkey brother.

After that, Taishang Laojun also made an explanation, Brother Monkey had already cultivated the body of King Kong, so he would not be hurt, and even the Celestial Magic Weapon could not cut off Brother Monkey's head, not to mention the mortal machete, and the executioner may not cut off Brother Monkey's head, which is likely to be a blindfold method.

Cutting off Goku's 72 heads kills him, why hasn't anyone tried this?

However, it is not difficult to kill Brother Monkey, according to What Grandmaster Bodhi said, just by reducing his spirit to the Nine Ghosts, Brother Monkey will be difficult to turn over.

Go to the "Snail To See the Journey to the West" public number, you can see the related article "Sun Wukong 72 Change What is the defect?" Why didn't Bodhi Guru tell him? 》

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