
Cubism update Hand Tracking Passthrough launches Qu

After testing and implementing additional features to improve pass-through effects, The Passthrough update for Cubism is now available for meta Quest headsets.

Cubism update Hand Tracking Passthrough launches Qu

Cubism is a VR puzzle game developed by Thomas Van Bouwel, which landed on Oculus Quest/Rift and SteamVR in September 2020. Cubism was the first to try the Passthrough API in August 2021, but due to an unresolved bug in OpenXR's hand tracking, it didn't support hand tracking at the time, but this issue has been solved with a new update.

It is worth mentioning that most games that implement pass-through mode do not display the player's hand in the game environment, such as Blaston, and the player's hand is presented in the form of a virtual hand in the game. Cubism, however, allows players to have their hands appear realistically and naturally in pass-through mode, which makes the game immersive.

Cubism update Hand Tracking Passthrough launches Qu

In addition to this, this update also includes a new "desktop mode" for passthrough. Desktop mode is designed for play at a desk, requiring the user to set the guardian floor at the height of the desk, allowing the puzzle menu to be laid flat on the desktop, providing some force feedback, and allowing the shadow of each section to be viewed in the desktop area.

Cubism's pass-through update is now available and can be enabled in the game's settings menu.