
First discovery! Your fingerprints actually hide these secrets

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Recently, an international study led by Chinese scientists revealed for the first time that human fingerprints and limb development have a high genetic association.

Through the in-depth study of human external characteristics and genetic genes, it will have important value in various fields such as early screening of congenital diseases, prevention of human lesions, and selection of occupational physique. At present, through the skin lines of babies, there is a 98% accuracy rate to determine whether there is Down syndrome.

First discovery! Your fingerprints actually hide these secrets

Genes associated with limb development

It plays a leading role in the formation of fingerprint patterns

For a long time, people generally believe that fingerprints are only a genetic feature related to the skin, in 2018, China launched the "human phenotype group" international big science program to conduct more in-depth genetic research on various human life characteristics.

The relevant teams of Fudan University and the Chinese Academy of Sciences collected fingerprint patterns from various ethnic groups and analyzed nearly one million genetic loci, and finally confirmed that limb development-related genes played a leading role in the formation of fingerprint pattern phenotypes. This major achievement will be published in the first issue of the international top biological journal Cell in 2022 on January 7.

First discovery! Your fingerprints actually hide these secrets

Wang Sijia, a researcher at the Shanghai Institute of Nutrition and Health of the Chinese Academy of Sciences: For example, the length of the fingers, we found that the more bucket patterns the person's little finger is longer, we are the first time to find that the difference in fingerprints is caused by genes related to limb development.

There will be early screening for congenital diseases

It is of great value in areas such as the prevention of human lesions

Cracking the genetic code of fingerprints for the first time is not only a theoretical achievement, but also a long-term prospect for human phenotype research.

Through the in-depth study of human external characteristics and genetic genes, it has great value in various fields such as early screening of congenital diseases, prevention of human lesions, and selection of occupational physique, and the current scientific research team has cooperated with medical institutions to further expand practical research in the application field.

Wang Sijia introduced that taking Down syndrome as an example, if a baby's fingerprint features are collected after birth, there can be 98% accuracy to determine whether the baby has Down syndrome. Discovered at age 0 and discovered at age 2, the effects of interventions will be very different, possibly whether patients can take care of themselves later in life.

▌Source of this article: CCTV News WeChat public account (ID: cctvnewscenter)

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