
Talk to the United States, will the 2024 civil war be fought?

author:There is reason and face

Today is the first anniversary of the US Capitol Hill incident, after this year of stormy weather, what happened to the United States?

USA: I'm good, strong! America is back!

Oh, I heard you broke through a million new CORONAVIRUS diagnoses a few days ago?


America: Don't talk about this, talk about the invincibility of American democracy!

Oh, so let's talk about democracy.

According to Npriz on Jan. 3, polls show that 64 percent of respondents believe U.S. democracy is "in crisis and at risk of failure," with less than half of Republican supporters saying they are "willing to accept" the 2020 election results. As for the Capitol Hill riots, more than half of Democrats believe that it was an "attempted coup" and "a riot", but Republicans believe that it was a "democracy movement" and just a riot caused by the scene out of control.

Talk to the United States, will the 2024 civil war be fought?

According to a CBS survey, 28 percent of respondents believe that "election results can be defended by force," which is clearly data from Biden supporters.

In contrast, 34 percent of respondents believe that "sometimes violence against the government is 'justified'". Trump supporters, who want to "use force" to achieve "democracy," also account for a third.

It seems that ordinary Americans do not recognize American democracy very much, and the two sides are ready to roll up their sleeves and fight.

Talk to the United States, will the 2024 civil war be fought?

America: I am a beacon of democracy, and all countries in the world must learn from me!

Oh, so let's talk about U.S. allies.

The Nikkei Asian Review said on Jan. 4 that the United States has always portrayed itself as a "model of democracy," but the impact on the Capitol suggests it is less qualified for that role. Especially after Biden assured home and abroad that he would defend democracy for a year, the social divisions that had caused unrest deepened and elections became an exclusive tool of political conflict.

Homer Dixon, a professor of political science at Royal Roads University in Canada, wrote in The Globe and Mail reminding Canada of the need to protect itself from the collapse of American democracy. Dixon said the United States could be ruled by right-wing dictators in 2030, and the idea could not be ruled out just because it seemed ridiculous or too scary. In his view, by 2025, American democracy could collapse, leading to extreme political instability at home, including widespread violence.

Dixon cited a number of possibilities, notably Trump's return to the White House in 2024 or the refusal of a Republican-controlled state legislature to accept a Democratic victory. Americans are also worried about this.

As 2024 approaches, democracy experts have come up with several ways to avoid catastrophe, and these pundits agree that this is urgent, otherwise the United States will enter the next election cycle when democracy is already scarred.

Talk to the United States, will the 2024 civil war be fought?

USA: This is fake news! We have the CIA in control of all information!

Oh, let's talk about the CIA.

The Guardian reported that Barbara, an adviser to the CIA's "Political Instability Working Group" and a professor of political science at the University of California, San Diego, said that barbara Lee was not aware of the situation. F. Wattle warned that "the United States is closer than we thought to be to a civil war."

"The CIA actually has a working group that tries to predict when and where the world might erupt in political instability and conflict," Huattel wrote. It's just that the United States is not legally allowed to observe. This means that we are blind to the risks that are rapidly emerging at home. ”

Still, Wattle said that if the government applies the forecasts used to assess other countries to itself, it will find that the United States is likely to have a civil war risk, and she even believes that the United States is close to the "high risk" of civil war.

Huattel pointed out that there are two best indicators to observe whether there is unrest, one is whether it is a semi-democracy without institutions, and the other is whether there is a wave of political power that uses racial, religious or ethnic differences to seize political power.

Finally, the old CIA concluded: "No one wants to believe that their beloved 'democracy' is in decline or going to war. But if you're an analyst abroad observing developments in the United States, you'll make a list of every condition that could lead to civil war. Then you will find that the country that established 'American democracy' more than two centuries ago has entered a very dangerous situation. ”

Talk to the United States, will the 2024 civil war be fought?

USA: We have the most powerful army in the world, and those red necks want to turn the sky upside down? Impossible, let's talk about the US army!

Oh, so let's talk about the U.S. military.

The Washington Post website last December published an article by three retired U.S. generals, Eaton, Taguba and Anderson, saying that as the first anniversary of Capitol Hill approached, all former senior U.S. military officers were increasingly concerned about the situation after the 2024 election and the potential danger of civil unrest in the military, which could put all Americans at extreme risk.

The article pointed out that the US military is composed of people from different backgrounds and different beliefs, and if it is not maintained continuously, it is very likely that there will be rifts within the military, or even fall apart. Moreover, there are indeed signs of civil unrest in the US military. The January 6 Capitol Hill riots involved a large number of veterans and active-duty military personnel, and the number was disturbing. More than 10 percent of those accused of involvement in the riots served in the military. In addition, 124 retired military officers released an open letter under the name of "American Flag Officer" in response to Trump's false attack on the legitimacy of the US election.

Talk to the United States, will the 2024 civil war be fought?

More worryingly, Oklahoma National Guard Commander Thomas Mancino recently rejected President Biden's order to vaccinate all SS members against COVID-19, saying his chief was Oklahoma's Republican governor, not the president of the United States.

The dangerous idea that if there is another riot, the chances of a complete collapse of the chain of command from top to bottom are extremely high, and the dangerous idea that rebel forces will unite in support of the so-called "legitimate" commander-in-chief cannot be ignored.

"Imagine two competing commanders-in-chief (both present) — Biden, who wins re-election, issuing orders, and Trump (or another Trump-like figure) as the head of the shadow government. Worse, imagine politicians at the state and federal levels who go against the law and make a loser president. ”

Talk to the United States, will the 2024 civil war be fought?

While all service members have sworn to protect the U.S. Constitution, in a contested election with divisive loyalties, some may obey the orders of the legitimate Supreme Commander, while others are likely to follow the losers. Weapons and equipment are not entirely reliable, depending on whose hands they are in. In this case, it is not surprising that the military is broken up or leads to civil war, "as the army falls into division, the security of the United States will also be seriously undermined."

Talk to the United States, will the 2024 civil war be fought?

Three retired U.S. generals wrote: "We are increasingly concerned about the situation after the 2024 election and the possibility of deadly unrest in the military.

The U.S. military is indeed very powerful, but when this powerful U.S. military (including the National Guard) appears two supreme commanders, what kind of beautiful scenery will collide with this powerful military force? I'm looking forward to it!

Talk to the United States, will the 2024 civil war be fought?

USA: You... you...... Let's talk about the epidemic.

Oh, let's talk about the pandemic.

As of January 6, the United States has confirmed 58,805,186 people, 15,951,678 confirmed patients, and 85.3612 cumulative deaths from the new crown epidemic

On January 3, 1.046 million new cases were confirmed; 104,737 people were treated in hospitals; 19,542 people were rescued in the ICU; and 1,648 new deaths were added.

On January 4, there were 989,012 new infections and 2,366 new deaths.

On 5 January, there were 916,000 new infections and 2,590 new deaths.

Data source from "Baidu Epidemic Real-time Big Data"

Talk to the United States, will the 2024 civil war be fought?

For example, netizens "cow playing the piano" commented a few days ago: 820,000 deaths, has exceeded the united States in World War I, World War II, Korean War, Vietnam War, Afghanistan War, Iraq War combined.

Watching Hollywood movies, the fate of Americans is really fate, for the sake of an American, the U.S. government can do whatever it takes; but now, 1 million people are diagnosed a day, and thousands of people die a day, and it feels like the U.S. government and the Americans are numb.

Just in the past few days, the U.S. Secretary of Defense has also been diagnosed. Alas, this also constitutes the most ironic scene in the world in the past two years: one of the most powerful countries in the world, one of the most technologically advanced countries in the world, and one of the country with the richest medical resources in the world, has become the most unsuccessful country in the fight against the epidemic in the world.

The data of the United States is still running wild. Dr. Fauci sighed that the current data is almost vertical growth, and the peak is still behind, that is, in the next few days, it is not ruled out that the new confirmed cases in the United States will continue to climb, or even higher.

The United States, which already has a vaccine and a mask, still leads the world in the number of confirmed covid-19 cases, which may be called: The United States is back!

UNITED STATES: Instead of controlling the epidemic, I still study how to fight the civil war in 2024.

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Talk to the United States, will the 2024 civil war be fought?

Images are from the web

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