
Reading | "Journey to the West" Poetry Interpretation Vol.003: Monkeys PlayIng Songs

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Reading | "Journey to the West" Poetry Interpretation Vol.003: Monkeys PlayIng Songs


The monkeys play songs

Jumping trees and climbing branches, picking flowers and fruits; throwing marbles, picking mangers; running sand nests, building pagodas; chasing dragonflies, throwing eight waxes; seeing the heavens, worshiping bodhisattvas; pulling kudzu vines, weaving grass; catching lice, biting and pinching; straightening sweaters, picking nails; being beaten, rubbing; pushing, pressing, pulling, pulling, pulling, green pine forest under his stubbornness, green water stream with washing.

The first time in "Journey to the West"


Xiao Mo'er: Children's play with polished broken tiles or small stones as toys.

Eight waxes: grasshoppers.

Grass: Grass ribbons.

Lice: A small insect that often parasitizes the body of a person or livestock.

Stubborn: Play.

Washing: Clean.


The monkeys jumped around, climbed up to the branches, and collected flowers and fruits. Monkeys, there are marbles, playing with stones, digging sand pits, piling pagodas, catching dragonflies, fluttering grasshoppers, going to heaven and worshiping bodhisattvas, pulling vines and weaving grass belts, and catching lice, combing hair, and biting nails. One by one, pushing and pulling each other, playing happily under the green pines, and bathing happily by the green water.

Reading | "Journey to the West" Poetry Interpretation Vol.003: Monkeys PlayIng Songs


This poem writes about the joy and freedom of the monkeys in Huaguo Mountain. The poems write about many ancient children's games, such as throwing marbles, building pagodas, catching dragonflies, etc., it seems that monkeys also have the characteristics of human infancy, with unrestrained happiness. The stone monkey, at this time, is also mixed with many monkeys, and he is also in a state of ignorance like other monkeys, just like a person's infancy, ignorant of what he knows, only knows to play, but at this time he is the most free.

At the same time, like the human infancy, the monkeys, including the stone monkeys, also had a sense of awe at this time, and knew how to visit the heavens and worship the bodhisattvas, but what about later? Growing up and having skills, the sense of awe will gradually dissipate, and the rebellious heart will begin to gain the upper hand, and it will make a big fuss in the Heavenly Palace. Later, after experiencing the suppression of reality and the hardships of life, I gradually understood that people should have rules, know how to respect nature and respect society, in order to achieve self-achievement.

The poems are compared with cheerful short sentences, especially three-word short sentences, which are catchy and interesting to read, and the simple sentences contain the yearning for freedom and happiness, giving people a unique reading feeling.


Lin Hanqian: Educator and researcher, psychological counselor, general learning enthusiast, amateur author. Busy educating people, talking and solving puzzles, idle to read and govern, write and cook, I hope to accompany you to discover the unknown beauty of this world.

P.S. The pictures of this article and the original text related to "Journey to the West" come from the Internet, the copyright belongs to the original author, and the text such as translation notes is Original.

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