
Was Kublai Khan Chinese? Listen to what he thinks

The Yuan Dynasty is an indispensable part of China's history, so is Kublai Khan a Chinese?

From ancient times to the present, many wars are all caused by territorial area, territorial area means population, wealth and status, so territory is a symbol of a dynasty's own strength, and expanding territory is naturally the goal that every dynasty king wants to achieve. The same is true of our country, from the beginning of the Central Plains to the vast territory of Zeng xiong across Non-Eurasia, different forms have been happening. During this period, if you want to talk about the most extensive dynasty, many people may think of the Yuan Dynasty, this country and mountains riding on horseback stretched from the east of Asia to West Asia and North Africa, how huge and magnificent.

Was Kublai Khan Chinese? Listen to what he thinks

Heroes who made great contributions to the Yuan Dynasty must not bypass Kublai Khan, who made great contributions to the founding of the Yuan Dynasty. During the period when he took power, he also carried out many policies that benefited the country and the people, so that the country's politics and economy gradually developed rapidly, and he realized the great aspirations he made in his youth, "thinking of great things and doing great things for the world", and became a legendary figure who has been flowing for hundreds of years.

But such a great hero as a great empire has made remarks that they are not great heroes of our country. In recent years, some historians have emerged in the world, preaching that Kublai Khan is not a person of our country, so is Kublai Khan a Chinese? Why not see what he thinks!

Was Kublai Khan Chinese? Listen to what he thinks

Historians of our country have checked that Kublai Khan once gave an edict to the Eastern Ocean Kingdom, which read: "Since the founding of the Eastern Ocean Country, you have also been known to China, and you have ascended to the throne, but you have not had an envoy." "This is why he was able to appoint envoys to come before, but now that he is on the throne, no envoys have come." In this edict, he made his toughness clear, which may help us to analyze this confusion. For a long time, some scholars in the West have doubted whether the Yuan Dynasty and Kublai Khan belong to China, and have written a ridiculous reason on this point.

Was Kublai Khan Chinese? Listen to what he thinks

They believe that the Yuan Dynasty cannot actually be counted in the history of our country, and they also have their own theoretical basis, because from the perspective of modern boundaries, although Mongolia and China are adjacent, they are neutral to each other, they are two completely different independent countries, at that time the Yuan Dynasty was a dynasty created by the Mongols, and it should be that the history of the Yuan Dynasty is not counted in the history of our country.

At first glance, it sounds like there is a little bit of meaning, but if you think about it carefully, you can find that there are omissions, if history can really be inferred like that, then what should the history of the United States do? As everyone knows, the United States is a country of immigrants, there are people in all directions, most of them are Immigrants from Western Europe, but from ancient times to the present, I have not heard that the history of the United States is in the history of Europe, it seems that there is no such reason, which is also a kind of disrespect for our history.

The Mongols are now a well-known part of the fifty-six ethnic groups in our country, and at the level of nationalism, the Yuan Dynasty is undoubtedly an important part of our history. The Yuan Dynasty was part of China's history, so was Kublai Khan a legendary figure in our country?

Was Kublai Khan Chinese? Listen to what he thinks

It depends on what he thinks. It is evident from the records in the edict that Kublai Khan repeatedly stated that he was the king of our country. Since he himself has determined it, there is nothing that others can say.

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