
Australia, which focused on | flaunting freedom, rejected the german covenant of vaccine freedom

As the world's no. 1 Djokovic, he suffered a mix of tragedies and joys in the matter of whether he could participate in the next Australian Open matches. From getting a waiver to being cancelled by the Australian government on his entry visa, Djokovic is drifting away from his tenth Australian Open trophy and possibly a 21st Grand Slam title that could surpass Federer and Nadal.

Djokovic's participation in the Australian Open event can be described as a twist and turn, the process is simply more incredible than the eight o'clock dog blood drama, just announced that he got a "waiver permission" will go to Australia to compete, did not expect to land in Australia after waiting for him is the beginning of the nightmare, and finally in the Australian Prime Minister Morrison's "righteous words" statement, Djokovic's australian open trip should theoretically be aborted in advance.

Australia, which focused on | flaunting freedom, rejected the german covenant of vaccine freedom

The reason for the incident is that the Australian Open requires this year's participating players to be fully vaccinated against the new crown, and Deyo has not disclosed whether he will be vaccinated on the grounds of personal privacy, so whether he can participate in the Australian Open has become a suspense case. However, on January 4, 2022, Deyo posted a photo at the airport on his personal social media and announced that because he had obtained the "exemption permit" of the Australian Open, he would fly to Australia to participate in the upcoming Australian Open on January 17.

Subsequently, the Australian Open also confirmed in its official statement that Deyo did get the "medical exemption permit", and explained in detail the process of obtaining the exemption: first a team of experts reviewed the information of the applicant player, and then another medical team appointed by the local government reviewed, both rounds of review are blind review, that is, the identity of the applicant will not be known to ensure the fairness of the audit, and It is in this case that Deyo obtains the "medical exemption permit".

Australia, which focused on | flaunting freedom, rejected the german covenant of vaccine freedom

Originally it seemed that this operation was fully in line with the regulations, Deyo only provided the application according to the requirements, and finally got the "exemption permit" in the case of independent and blind trial, there should be no possibility of black box operation, but unexpectedly caused an uproar, the Internet fell into a crusade, most netizens still think that Deyo is relying on the "privilege" to get the exemption permit, which is not only unfair to other players, but also to the Australian people who are in the midst of the epidemic.

For example, Oliver Brown of the British "Daily Telegraph" gave a sensational headline: "Australia's harsh epidemic prevention posture is not aimed at celebrities and rich people", although this article does not mention the process of Deyo's exemption, but it is still reprinted by a number of australian local media, which is enough to see that when "public resentment" is provoked, it is difficult to have a rational discussion space. Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison then spoke: "We are waiting for his statement and what evidence he uses to support this, if the evidence is insufficient, then he will not be treated differently." ”

Australia, which focused on | flaunting freedom, rejected the german covenant of vaccine freedom

Djokovic, who was on the plane at the time, probably did not know that the outside had exploded, and when the prime minister released harsh words, the matter was obviously no longer so simple, but had risen to the political level. Sure enough, when Djokovic arrived in Australia late at night, an even bigger drama scene appeared: the Australian media exposed that the Australian border inspection found that the Djokovic team had applied for the wrong type of visa, and then they asked the Victorian government to issue a new visa to Djokovic, but it was eventually rejected.

Subsequently, according to Serbian media reports, after a long period of fruitless negotiations, Djokovic was locked up in a room at Australian Customs for several hours, during which he was not only guarded by two policemen, but also had his mobile phone confiscated and he was unable to communicate with his team members. And judging from the airport photos released by Djokovic Coach Ivan Nissević from the airport, they were indeed not with Djokovic at that time.

Australia, which focused on | flaunting freedom, rejected the german covenant of vaccine freedom

The incident quickly escalated to the diplomatic level, and not only the ambassadors of Serbia and Australia to each other were alarmed, but even Serbian President Vucic issued a sternly worded statement: "I tell Novak that the whole of Serbia is with him, and we are taking every measure to stop this harassment of the world's number one player in the shortest possible time, and according to all the norms of public international law, Serbia will fight for Djokovic, for justice and truth." And we all know that Novak is powerful. ”

However, this diplomatic effort did not have the desired results, and a few hours later, another statement from Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison was finally waiting: Djokovic's visa had been revoked! He also explained that rules are rules and that no one can be above them, stressing: "Our strong border policy is essential for Australia to become one of the countries with the lowest COVID-19 mortality rates." This last sentence, in particular, may seem like a sacrifice to calm the anger of the people and defend their border policy.

Australia, which focused on | flaunting freedom, rejected the german covenant of vaccine freedom

And it is interesting that the Australian media quoted sources as reporting that several players have entered Australia with the same exemption permits as the Djokovic. Deyo is currently in a hotel quarantine in Melbourne, his lawyer is said to be ready to appeal, and what awaits him in the event of the above failure will be "deported" back to Europe, while on Deyo's personal website, the Australian Open trip has been taken down and looks like the prospects are not good. With only ten days to go until the opening of the Australian Open, it seems that we will most likely find it difficult to meet Djokovic at the Australian Open this year, nor will we be able to witness the birth of his Australian Open Ten Crowns and Grand Slam 21st Crowns.

There are still many questions left for Australia and Djokovic

To tell the truth, of course, there are many problems left for The Covenant; but there are actually more problems left for Australia.

Australia, which focused on | flaunting freedom, rejected the german covenant of vaccine freedom

For example – why are victorian approved medical exemption documents not recognised at the time of entry? As an Australian regular customer for more than ten consecutive years, what is the specific reason for the visa problem this time? Today, the Australian media has revealed that the relevant departments have actually informed the Australian Internet Association twice in writing that it is impossible to obtain entry under the premise of exemption from quarantine in this case, but why has this information not been accurately conveyed to the Deyo team? Some media have also questioned why the relevant authorities did not inform the airline of the Deyo flight that he and his team members should not fly in the first place, since it is impossible to enter the country according to the regulations.

Another key issue is that medical exemptions are not special treatment tailored to The Covenant, nor are they available to Deyo alone. In the current situation, several other players who have also been exempted may be made public or poached. So, how did these players enter the country?

Australia, which focused on | flaunting freedom, rejected the german covenant of vaccine freedom

Medical exemptions were granted first, but when they flew to their doorsteps, they refused entry, not to mention the detention of the little black house, interrogation, and confiscation of mobile phones. For the 9-time champion, this is a great humiliation, which is tantamount to a public execution that the whole world is watching.

The application for a medical exemption was approved, and Deyo looked like the beneficiary; but in the end, he became a victim. We can only sigh that under the torrent of the times and public opinion and more complex factors, no matter how powerful an individual is, it is also the dust of fate. Sports are far from being as simple as sports, and in recent times, I think everyone has a deep and intensive feeling about it.

And the problems left to Deyo are also many. People first want to know why he got the medical exemption. According to the audit standards formulated by the Australian Immunization Technology Recommendation Group ATAGI, its four standards basically do not correspond to the situation of Deyo, and the only possibility is that it has been infected by the new crown in the past 6 months, or the allergy of Deyo emphasized by Deyo fans. However, the logical relationship between Deyo's allergic constitution and the inability to vaccinate can only be interpreted and determined by professional medical personnel.

Australia, which focused on | flaunting freedom, rejected the german covenant of vaccine freedom

As an Australian celebrity, Rod Laver is highly respected in the tennis circle, and his remarks in yesterday's interview asked many people questions, especially the voices of the Australian people. "If he gets a medical exemption, then we should know the specific reasons." Yes, you're a great player and you've won so many titles – so it can't be for physical reasons. So, what will be the reason? ”

At present, whether Djokovic will be repatriated and when, whether it is still possible and sufficient time to re-enter the Australian Open, there is no final answer, but it seems that there is little hope. The Australian Open is a catch, and it is not yet known how it will end. But look ahead to this season, where Djokovic is also facing an unusually difficult situation.

Australia, which focused on | flaunting freedom, rejected the german covenant of vaccine freedom

You may wish to sort out the logic - since you applied for a medical exemption to participate in the Australian Open, it means that Deyo has determined that he cannot get vaccinated for medical reasons. Then in fact, I blocked the road to vaccination myself. The only plausible exception is that he has recently contracted COVID-19. But even if for this reason, it is currently impossible to be vaccinated, and then it has been vaccinated, then it is actually a reversal of the previous statement and belief, which can be said to be a punch in the face. After all, although Deyo did not question the vaccination of the public, he personally had a skeptical attitude towards vaccination.

And if you insist on not getting vaccinated, the prospects for this year's competition will be full of uncertainty. As the opening grand slam, the Australian Open is extremely critical because it has a certain demonstration effect. Of course, the rules are different for each country, but if this path can be opened at the Australian Open, then you can try to follow on to other Grand Slams and major events. Now it seems that although he has received a medical exemption, the road to the Australian Open is still full of obstacles. The Australian Open has been withdrawn from the Djokovic website. At this moment, it is difficult to imagine what Djokovic's schedule will be like this year.

Australia, which focused on | flaunting freedom, rejected the german covenant of vaccine freedom

Deyo stands at the crossroads, where to go? This is not only a crossroads for participation in the Australian Open, but also a crossroads for this season, and a crossroads for winning the 21st Grand Slam title and creating higher achievements. We all know that Deyo has a strong survival instinct on the field and an immortal body facing the match point, this time, I don't know how he can free up enough living space for himself. No one knows the answer, and only time will slowly reveal the answer.

The Australian Open has not yet started, and the tennis world has already dedicated a dog blood drama, and it is not finished. It can only be said that Deyo has always appeared as a subversive, who has not only subverted the era of Fenner's dual core, but also has been impacting the image standards and core ideas that have prevailed in the tennis world for many years. Deyo had always been a retrograde of fate, very unyielding, but also very difficult; I wondered if this time he would be able to choke the throat of fate.

Wen | Yisang Zhang Bendou

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Australia, which focused on | flaunting freedom, rejected the german covenant of vaccine freedom
Australia, which focused on | flaunting freedom, rejected the german covenant of vaccine freedom
Australia, which focused on | flaunting freedom, rejected the german covenant of vaccine freedom

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