
The 16 countries oppose China's self-defense against Vietnam, why not intervene militarily, only rely on mouth exports

In 1979, at the instigation of the former Soviet Union and driven by its own ambitions, Vietnam frequently pushed the boundary markers between it and China without authorization, frequently harassed the people in china's border areas, and was in the protection of homeland security and the interests of the people. Although the war against Vietnam was a war between China and Vietnam, in the general environment at that time, this war involved the interests of many countries.

The 16 countries oppose China's self-defense against Vietnam, why not intervene militarily, only rely on mouth exports

As soon as China's statement of counterattack against Vietnam was issued, it set off an uproar in the international arena, and basically the eyes of the whole world were fixed on the two socialist countries of China and Vietnam. It is worth mentioning that the Soviet Union at that time was the big brother of the social attention camp and originally had close relations with China, but in the 60s, because of the difference in ideology, it cast a shadow on Sino-Soviet relations. The reason why Vietnam dares to be so arrogant to our country is because there is the "big mountain" of the Soviet Union behind it. At that time, China was forced to participate in the war, but it was strongly opposed by 16 countries, led by the Soviet Union, but these countries only exported verbal exports to Vietnam, but did not intervene in the army.

At that time, the 16 countries that supported Vietnam were basically countries of the socialist camp, and under the leadership of the former Soviet Union, these countries "rose up one after another", turning Vietnam's war of aggression upside down in black and white, saying that our country was bullying the small with the big, which was really resentful. However, these countries, like the former Soviet Union, have not given Vietnam any substantial help.

The 16 countries oppose China's self-defense against Vietnam, why not intervene militarily, only rely on mouth exports

At that time, the biggest reason why the big brother of the Soviet Union did not send troops to help Vietnam was that it did not want to directly conflict with China. At that time, it was a critical period of the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, and the Western countries headed by the United States were eyeing the Soviet Union, and once a war broke out between the Soviet Union and our country, it undoubtedly gave the United States a good opportunity to reap the benefits.

The 16 countries oppose China's self-defense against Vietnam, why not intervene militarily, only rely on mouth exports

The big brother of the Soviet Union is still like this, and the corresponding little brother who is followed by him will naturally not interfere too much. Like Mongolia, Afghanistan, Cuba and other countries, the strength in front of China is a "paper tiger", you can just say hi, once you really offend our country, you will only find yourself unhappy. In the end, Vietnam as a country bore the consequences of its arrogance, and the People's Liberation Army (PLA) rushed to Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam, in less than a month, teaching Vietnam a bitter lesson.

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