
A selection of salt-baked mandarin fish, grilled mandarin fish, steamed gaj fish, fresh peaches in honey sauce and several other chef's specialties

author:Pony food diagram

A selection of salt-baked mandarin fish, grilled mandarin fish, steamed gaj fish, fresh peaches in honey sauce and several other chef's specialties

A selection of salt-baked mandarin fish, grilled mandarin fish, steamed gaj fish, fresh peaches in honey sauce and several other chef's specialties

Salt-baked mandarin fish

Ingredients: fresh mandarin fish, lard oil, cooking wine, salt, green onion, ginger, cotton sugar, coarse salt, cellophane, salt baked juice.


1. Scrape the mandarin fish to remove the gills, dissect the abdomen and remove the internal organs and wash. Peel and wash the shallots and ginger.

2. Cut the mandarin fish into willow flower knives, cut the green onion into sections, slice the ginger and pat the pine.

3. After marinating the mandarin fish in rice wine, cotton sugar, green onion, ginger, salt and marinate for about 10 minutes, wrap it in lard oil and cellophane and set aside.

4. Add coarse salt to the pot on the heat, stir-fry over high heat, bury the wrapped mandarin fish in the salt grains, keep the oven temperature with a low heat, bake the salt for 20 minutes, take it out when ripe, remove the paper and net oil, plate it, and serve with the salt baking sauce seasoning.

A selection of salt-baked mandarin fish, grilled mandarin fish, steamed gaj fish, fresh peaches in honey sauce and several other chef's specialties

Grilled mandarin fish

Ingredients: fresh mandarin fish, salt, cooking wine, minced green onion, minced ginger, soy sauce, monosodium glutamate, pepper, pepper noodles, minced garlic, cooked lard.

1. Change the mandarin fish to an oblique cross knife about 1 cm apart.

2. Marinate the mandarin fish with cooking wine, green onion, ginger, monosodium glutamate, pepper, soy sauce, salt and marinate for about 10 minutes, let it taste and put it on the fish dish.

3. When the temperature of the oven is adjusted to 200 degrees, preheat for a while, brush the lard all over the fish and meat, put it in the oven, bake it for 15 minutes under closed conditions, take it out, sprinkle with pepper noodles and serve.

A selection of salt-baked mandarin fish, grilled mandarin fish, steamed gaj fish, fresh peaches in honey sauce and several other chef's specialties

Honey juice fresh peach

Ingredients: fresh peach, golden cake, sugar, honey, osmanthus paste, wet starch.

1. Brush off the hairs on the peach, cut into 2 petals, remove the core, put it in a pot of boiling water and blanch it slightly, fish it into cold water, then peel it, wash it with water, cut the golden cake into small cubes and set aside.

2. Take a bowl, sprinkle the sugar at the bottom of the bowl, line the peaches into the bowl facing down, sprinkle the sugar, then steam in the cage for 10 minutes, remove the decanting juice, and put it into the dish.

3. Add water to the pot, add the remaining sugar and honey, stir with a hand spoon to make the sugar boil, skim off the foam after opening the pot, when the juice is thickened, add osmanthus sauce to stir well, use wet starch to hook the glass mustard, pour on the peach petals, sprinkle with diced gold cakes and serve.

A selection of salt-baked mandarin fish, grilled mandarin fish, steamed gaj fish, fresh peaches in honey sauce and several other chef's specialties

Steamed gagi fish

Ingredients: Fresh jiaji fish, shuifa sea rice, ham, shuifa mushrooms, winter shoots, cooking wine, salt, green onion, ginger, monosodium glutamate, ginger minced ginger, rice vinegar, lard.

1. Scrape the fish to remove the gills, dissect the abdomen and remove the internal organs and wash. Wash mushrooms and bamboo shoots with water. Peel and wash the shallots and ginger.

2. After blanching the fish with boiling water, change the word flower knife; the ham is cut into elephant eye slices, the mushrooms and winter shoots are cut into slices about 3.5 cm long, 2 cm wide and 0.3 cm thick, the green onion is cut into sections, and the ginger slices are patted loose.

3. Marinate the fish with cooking wine, ginger, green onion, salt, monosodium glutamate and vinegar for about 20 minutes. Place the ham, mushrooms and winter shoots on the surface of the fish body, sprinkle the sea rice, drizzle with lard, steam it in a cage, remove the ginger shallots, and serve on a ginger plate.

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