
Zou Jingxiang: Expression

Author: Zou Jingxiang, second class of the sixth grade of Stalagmite Street Primary School in Jinniu District, Chengdu

When we use language to communicate with others, and the other person can understand what you mean and give you feedback, this is effective communication, or language has made human progress. That's what I learned from a book.

When I knocked on the door of Teacher Wang's office with a mentality that was destined to be misunderstood and described my confusion to her, she kindly tolerated my abruptness and invited me to eat a piece of candy.

"What are you trying to say?" Teacher Wang asked incomprehensibly. "I would like to ask you what is 'expression'?" I used my tongue to push the sugar in my mouth from left to right, but didn't want to get straight to the point yet. "Expression can be any form, and any form becomes an expression once it has a realistic concreteness." Teacher Wang took a sip of coffee and said, "For example, speaking and writing are all expressions." "So if one person expresses it, but the other person doesn't grasp the meaning expressed by the other party or misunderstands the meaning, can 'expression' still be called 'expression'?" I asked. "It's about 'effectiveness.'" Teacher Wang was originally leaning on the back of the chair, and when he heard my slightly deep question, there was obviously a hint of panic in his eyes. She straightened up, took another sip of her coffee, and the delicate movement of her throat was like the first dew on the bamboo leaves of the autumn equinox.

"This involves two questions, the first of which is, what is the purpose of expression?" Teacher Wang motioned for me to sit down and asked me with a serious face. "Expression must be figurative, there must be sender and receiver, and once the chain in the middle is broken or distorted, the meaning of expression will be reduced or even counterproductive." "It can be a little complicated for you." Teacher Wang stared straight at me, making my heart hairy, and sweat faintly appeared in my palms. "In simple terms, the expression must be direct and clear. What do you want to express now? "I want to ask why you didn't grade my essay today?" I finally expressed my doubts. "Why do other people's essays have your comments, but mine is empty, not even a tick?" "First of all, I would like to point out that you must be able to do whatever others do. When you think that others will do it, life will waving a bunch of keys in front of you and asking you, 'Are you worthy?' The sun shone from the window on Teacher Wang's forehead, and she squinted her eyes and said to me. "Secondly, I asked the whole class to submit essays in the morning, why didn't you hand them in?" "Well, I..." "This is when the expression loses its 'validity', and thus the expression is invalid." Teacher Wang said. "Well, my fault. But you just said there's a second question, what is it? I asked. "Well, well, well, I forgot now..."

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