
Although the barman carrying the coffin is a lowly profession, why does the royal family dare not offend them?

The development of the times has eliminated countless traditional occupations.

As early as the late Qing Dynasty, the city of Beijing was the imperial capital, and there were many occupations of various kinds.

There are some special occupations, because the service object may be royal, it is even more unique to the capital.

One of the most special professions is the so-called "barman", who is responsible for carrying the coffin.

Although the barman carrying the coffin is a lowly profession, why does the royal family dare not offend them?

Chinese has always paid attention to the respect of the dead, and when he is alive, he may be an old man and an old woman who is disliked by the family, and once he dies, he immediately has a very highly respected status.

The family should live and die, and the funeral should be held in a grand pomp.

In the old days, when rich people in Beijing went out of the funeral, the most exquisite thing was to carry the coffin, and this work had a special bar room to undertake, in today's terms, this is called professional outsourcing of the service industry.

The bar room usually has a group of barmen, don't underestimate the simple physical work of lifting the coffin, but the technical content is extremely high.

Starting with the size of the barman, the general starting point is 64 lifts, that is, a coffin must have 64 people to carry.

Pay more attention to the number of bar ladies may be as many as 128.

Some people will think that a coffin plus a dead person can use so many people?

In fact, as long as you find a picture of the funeral in the old times, it is clear, this coffin is stacked on top of the house, there are many famous halls, and the tall ones are more than ten meters, which is spectacular.

Although the barman carrying the coffin is a lowly profession, why does the royal family dare not offend them?

Although there are many people, there will definitely be no miscellaneous hands. When so many people lift up, it is necessary to ensure that the coffin will never be tilted at any point, and to ensure that the deceased in the coffin will not have any shock.

In order to achieve this effect, the bartenders not only usually have to train, after receiving the work, but also to the customer in advance to step on the line, engage in drills, but also to show the customer the service level.

The specific process is to put more than a dozen bowls on the bar of the coffin, which is filled with water.

64 or 128 barmen lift, sprint, change shifts, and land, all of which must be done in a row of tributary water, in one go, from beginning to end, to ensure that the water in these dozen bowls does not overflow half a point.

If there are water stains on the lever during the drill, the bar room will have to pay a part of the fine to the main family to show that the service level is not in place.

The reason why the bartender is the most awesome profession is because they are the only low-level workers who dare to blackmail the royal family.

After the emperor died, he also relied on them to carry him out.

The picture below is the scene when Guangxu came out of the funeral.

Although the barman carrying the coffin is a lowly profession, why does the royal family dare not offend them?

The royal officials in charge of funerals had to invite the barmen to come a month before the funeral, eat and drink well, and let them practice carefully every day, which also had a special name, called "Playing the Dragon Dragon".

Even so coaxed, when it came to the funeral, the official in charge of the funeral had to give the bar room and the barmen a large amount of benefits, imploring them not to make any mistakes in the middle.

If you imagine that if the bar deliberately pits people and carries the dead emperor on the way to a bump or tilt, it is really a big taboo, shocking the dead emperor's holy car, and this crime is too big to be bottomless.

Therefore, the people in the bar room also dare to take this opportunity to knock the royal bamboo bar.

Although the barman carrying the coffin is a lowly profession, why does the royal family dare not offend them?

It is said that after Li Hongzhang died in Beijing in 1901, the coffin was to be carried out of the capital and then transferred back to Hefei, and the bar room asked the Li family for 3,000 silver dollars.

Don't look at the Li family's high authority at that time, this 3,000 silver yuan, or silently hurriedly paid.

In order to ensure that the old man in the coffin can be carried out of the capital comfortably and complete his last journey in the capital

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