
The development of the Shandong Peninsula urban agglomeration has 9 major comparative advantages

author:Qilu one point

On January 6, the Information Office of the Shandong Provincial Government held a press conference to invite the responsible comrades of the Shandong Provincial Development and Reform Commission to interpret the "Shandong Peninsula Urban Agglomeration Development Plan (2021-2035)". The reporter learned from the meeting that the "Shandong Peninsula Urban Agglomeration Development Plan (2021-2035)" was issued and implemented as a provincial government document on December 31, 2021.

The development of the Shandong Peninsula urban agglomeration has 9 major comparative advantages

In recent years, the state has been planning to deploy and promote the construction of urban agglomerations, and the Shandong Peninsula urban agglomeration has an important position in the development of the country. As a key city cluster in the national "two vertical and three horizontal" urbanization strategic layout, the Shandong Peninsula Urban Agglomeration covers 16 cities in Shandong, undertaking the north-south, traversing the east and west internally, defending Gyeonggi, garrisoning the sea and air, adjacent to Japan and South Korea, facing Northeast Asia, and connecting the "Belt and Road", with a regional GDP of more than 7.3 trillion yuan in 2020, accounting for more than 7% of the country.

From the perspective of the overall development of the country, the development of the Shandong Peninsula urban agglomeration has 9 major comparative advantages.

The three industries can go hand in hand.

The Shandong Peninsula urban agglomeration has a complete range of industries, modern agriculture leads the country, and the total agricultural output value takes the lead in breaking through one trillion yuan; with all 41 industrial categories and 197 industrial categories, the industrial added value ranks in the forefront of the country; the modern service industry has a strong development trend, with a contribution rate of 55.1% to economic growth, and initially formed an industrial system for the integrated development of advanced manufacturing and modern service industries.

Demand and supply can work together.

The permanent resident and household registration population is "double over 100 million", the retail sales of social consumer goods rank in the forefront of the country, and the huge market size and huge consumption potential provide strong support for expanding domestic demand and promoting transformation. The quality of the supply system is high, and the domestic market share of 110 major products ranks first, which can give full play to the unique advantages of demand-driven supply and supply-creating demand.

Old and new industries can complement each other.

The real economy is developed, the traditional manufacturing industry has outstanding advantages, and the main business income of machinery, chemical industry, metallurgy, light industry, equipment and other industries exceeds one trillion yuan. The "four new" economy is booming, the total digital economy has exceeded 3 trillion yuan, the industrial Internet, artificial intelligence and the real economy have accelerated their integration, Haier Kaos and Inspur Yunzhou have been selected as the top ten industrial Internet double-cross platforms in the country, and there are more than 310,000 enterprises in the "cloud with the cloud".

All kinds of enterprises can fly together.

There are 825 first-level state-owned enterprises supervised in the province, and their operating income and total assets rank second and third in the country, respectively. The private economy has developed healthily, with more than 12 million market entities and 53 enterprises shortlisted in china's top 500 private enterprises. The number of national manufacturing champions reached 145, and the number of high-tech enterprises exceeded 14,000.

Land and sea potential can be developed in an integrated manner.

The land area of the sea area is comparable, the length of the coastline accounts for 1/6 of the country, the ocean space is vast, the scale of 5 industries such as marine fishery, biomedicine, salt industry, marine electric power, and marine transportation ranks first in the country, the number of state-level marine ranch demonstration areas accounts for 40% of the country, and the proportion of marine PRODUCTION in the regional GDP and the proportion of the national marine GDP reach 1/5 and 1/6 respectively.

Transportation can be easily accessible.

The "four horizontal and five vertical" comprehensive transport corridors have been accelerated, and a circular high-speed rail network has been built, and the mileage of high-speed rail and highways has ranked first in the country; the cargo throughput of coastal ports has exceeded 1.6 billion tons, ranking second in the country; the number of civil transport airports has reached 10, ranking first in East China, and a comprehensive transportation hub layout with Jinan and Qingdao as the core and Yantai, Weifang, Linyi and Heze as the nodes has been initially formed.

Opening up to the outside world can be upgraded.

Deeply participate in the high-quality joint construction of the "Belt and Road", and build 4 national-level overseas economic and trade cooperation parks. The China (Shandong) Pilot Free Trade Zone and the China-SCO Local Economic and Trade Cooperation Demonstration Zone have accelerated construction, with 13 comprehensive bonded zones and 7 state-level cross-border e-commerce comprehensive pilot zones, and the external influence, attractiveness and agglomeration capacity have continued to increase.

Urban and rural areas can be balanced.

The urbanization rate of the permanent population has reached 63.05%, the level of equalization of urban and rural public services has been continuously improved, the infrastructure interconnection, supporting level and carrying capacity have been greatly enhanced, and important progress has been made in creating a model for rural revitalization in Qilu. The radiation driving capacity of the core cities of Jinan and Qingdao has been significantly enhanced, and the construction of the three major economic circles of the provincial capital, Jiaodong and Lunan has been fully launched, forming a spatial system for the balanced distribution of large, medium, and small cities and small towns.

Fertile human soil can be deeply cultivated.

Confucian culture, Yellow River culture, etc. have a long history, is an important birthplace of Chinese civilization, with Ping'an Taishan, Wonderland Coast, Yellow River into the sea and other world-renowned tourist destinations; Nishan World Civilization Forum has become an important platform for global civilization mutual learning; has bred the Yimeng spirit of water and milk, life and death, and profound cultural accumulation and valuable spiritual wealth have become an inexhaustible driving force for promoting high-quality development.

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