
Addition and subtraction of life

author:Casey speaks from the heart


Looking at the cabinet full of clothes, I can't help but think, is this full of clothes what you need? Some of them are expensive and impractical, and have always occupied a place; some are dresses that were bought a yard smaller in order to motivate themselves to be thinner, and when they bought, they imagined that they could become more beautiful, in fact, this weight was never really lost, and even the tag was not taken off; some were often worn when they were young, although they were no longer suitable for this age, but they were still reluctant to lose, or it represented youth; some were bought from the herd mentality, or impulsive and rewarded themselves, but they were not suitable for their temperament...

This is not like daily dating, some are because of work relationships, although they do not like and have to go along; some are relatives, although they are related by blood, they live like enemies and are eager to become strangers; some are old friends, have had a deep time, but that is only a certain period of intersection of life, and then choose a different path, and eventually become a stranger... In the end, I found that there were only a few people who could really be called friends.

Just like before you go out every day, you can really pick up and wear, comfortable and practical clothes are just a few pieces, do not have to consider what others think, do not have to consider whether the occasion is suitable, as if this dress is tailored for you, suitable for your temperament, cover your defects.

Addition and subtraction of life


Looked at a formula that says:

The content of life: a ten b ten c ten d ten...

End of life: 0

The Meaning of Life: (a ten b ten c ten d ten...) ×0=0

Nevertheless, one still wants to extend that addition operation indefinitely, and never tires of it. This is the magic of life.

The same was true for the first half of my life, buying, buying, adding, for wealth, for promotion, I have been tireless, from scratch to buy a rich and beautiful, until one day for the sake of my children's schooling, I had to move out of the home where I had lived for ten years, and I didn't know how much it was when I packed up my belongings.

It took a month to clean it up, and that was a big project! Nearly 60% of everything is useless, how much space I have wasted in the past!

Once I went to see the sales office to see the model room, full of luxurious decorations and cabinets, which made me breathless, I wondered how much effort it would take to take care of it in life, and the freshness and boredom would soon disappear. I quickly told the sales clerk to find me a simple point; then looked at a fresh, almost unadorned apartment, which made the mood stretch a lot.

Addition and subtraction of life


I have to say that at first you did not know yourself, and to know your relationship with matter is also to know your relationship with yourself. This requires a process.

I don't like complicated, overly decorative objects, I prefer the natural color and the fresh, natural, roomy space, which I realized later.

In the past two years, I have started my own subtraction life, the wardrobe has been maintained 30% of the margin, clothes also try to choose practical and in line with their own temperament, and keep a season of 7-8 sets of good; the small objects are generally classified, so that finding things can save a lot of time, but also know what is in the home.

In interpersonal relations, it is also necessary to unload those unnecessary bits and pieces, and the false prosperity of interpersonal relationships is actually clear at a glance, and the free time is more, and people will be much quieter and calmer, and they can live more realistically.

In fact, just like most objects in reality, you don't need so much, and the fullness and tranquility of the heart will make you live more steadily.

Addition and subtraction of life

#Break away##Life Insights to share with you ##人生思考 #

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