
2 for 3! Lakers Trade League Top Shooter Accelerate! Beauty Boss and Davis personally came forward to recruit

Hello everyone! Today, let's talk about a transaction plan reported by the US media: 2 for 3! Lakers Trade League Top Shooter Accelerate! Beauty Boss and Davis personally came forward to recruit.

2 for 3! Lakers Trade League Top Shooter Accelerate! Beauty Boss and Davis personally came forward to recruit

The Lakers' game against the Kings is over, and Tucker Jr. performed well in this game, cutting 19 points, 4 rebounds and 6 assists. Westbrook made 0 turnovers in this game, scoring 19 points, 7 rebounds and 2 assists. Meanwhile, Hield, the Kings' top scorer, also performed well, shooting seven three-pointers in the game. At key moments in the game, Hield and James exchanged three points, making fans cry out. The outside world pointed out that the game was more like a game of inspection, and both teams were watching how the other's trading chips performed.

2 for 3! Lakers Trade League Top Shooter Accelerate! Beauty Boss and Davis personally came forward to recruit

The US media broke the news that the Lakers traded hield, the top shooter of the league, Accelerated, and the Lakers sent Tucker Jr. and Westbrook to trade Hield, T-Thompson and Bagley from the Kings. In this game, Lakers owner Jenny personally recruited Hield and greeted Hield during the game. In addition, Lakers star Davis also has close exchanges with Hield. Obviously, the Lakers are keen to bring in Hield, the shooter. The US media analyzed the deal from the perspective of the Lakers:

2 for 3! Lakers Trade League Top Shooter Accelerate! Beauty Boss and Davis personally came forward to recruit

For the Lakers, the help that shooters bring to the team is obvious. In the game against the Kings, Munch constantly staged blocks with James. If the opponent changes defenses, then James can play misplaced; if the opponent does not change defenses, Munch can have shooting space to shoot three points. US media pointed out that if the Lakers trade Hield, then the team will have two stable shooters, which can open up offensive space for James and Davis. Us media pointed out that although the Lakers sent away two ball-holding points in this deal, Westbrook and Little Tucker, Munch and Nunn are both defenders with projection ability and can organize the offense.

2 for 3! Lakers Trade League Top Shooter Accelerate! Beauty Boss and Davis personally came forward to recruit

In addition, the Lakers need a No. 4 player to share the pressure for Davis. Davis has been plagued by injuries in the past two seasons, and Bagley is the inside line-up of the table, 2.11 meters tall, and can shoot three-pointers, he can play the fifth position in the Lakers' five small lineup. T-Thompson had partnered with James during his time with the Cavaliers, and now that Jordan Jr. has been abandoned by the Lakers coaching staff, T-Thompson can play in some specific games.

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