
How much effort does it take to make China's most complex 9-course dish?

author:Polar Matter
How much effort does it take to make China's most complex 9-course dish?

Polar Junyu:

The highest praise for a dish is to call it a "kung fu dish".

The first 5 minutes of Ang Lee's "Eating Men and Women" are about the most movie clips I've ever seen. It's not that the lines are exquisite, mainly because Chef Lang Xiong's cooking skills are really impassable.

How much effort does it take to make China's most complex 9-course dish?

Watching him knife in front of the board, flip and move next to the wok, one after another kung fu dishes flowing out of the clouds. For a moment, I almost mistook him for a jianghu warrior with extraordinary feats.

It is often said that the food is like a jianghu, and the kung fu dishes that are amazing are indeed like the strange tricks that all kinds of heroes have worked hard to train.

How much effort does it take to make China's most complex 9-course dish?
How much effort does it take to make China's most complex 9-course dish?

The ingredients are exquisite, the knife work is exquisite, the heat is skilled, the craftsmanship is exquisite... If you have not accumulated decades of skill, how can you achieve the beauty of kung fu dishes?

Waxing moon, the New Year is approaching, the annual meeting, banquet, reunion dinner is also like a "martial arts conference", kung fu dishes gathered, JiWujun today to give you a inventory of the nine major kung fu dishes in the country, to see which kung fu dish can win the first place!

How much effort does it take to make China's most complex 9-course dish?


Shunde hand playing mud carp slip Wing Chun boxing

In Shunde, Foshan, where fish ponds are dotted, the ingredient for mud carp is no ordinary. After entering the winter, its flesh will be more white and tender and smooth, and the taste is fresh and fishy, although it has the disadvantage of more meat thorns, but the flaws are not hidden.

If "high-end ingredients only need ordinary cooking" is to win with the quality of ingredients, Shunde hand-played mud carp sliding this kung fu dish is an excellent embodiment of the technique to serve the public.

How much effort does it take to make China's most complex 9-course dish?

With hand-picked ingredients to make the ultimate taste, the praise of "cooking out of Fengcheng" is not in vain!

To make mud carp slippery, you need to take less than 2 pounds of fresh mud carp, remove the bones from the meat, and scrape off the fish bones carefully; then mix the fish meat and seasoning seasonings with soft force until the glue starts, and then repeatedly drop the tart fish meat with rigidity to add another tendon to the fish glue.

How much effort does it take to make China's most complex 9-course dish?
How much effort does it take to make China's most complex 9-course dish?

Only with the water white burning, the fish slippery taste into the slightest, the taste is crisp and tender, fresh as if it is still in the mouth "Zaza jump".

The combination of rigidity and softness reminds me of the famous martial art Wing Chun, which also originated in Shunde. In the movie "Ip Man", Zhen Zidan can teach the art of talisman with a kind heart, and he can beat Rikou with a swift fist.

Kung Fu Zhen Guoren, delicious Ji Cangsheng.

How much effort does it take to make China's most complex 9-course dish?


Shandong nine turn large intestine mantis fist

The pig intestine is originally a tacky product, but under the unique kung fu of Lu Cai master, it can become a nine-turn large intestine that makes diners turn a thousand times.

"May the emperor attack the writing here, such as the nine turns of the Immortal Family", and make the nine turns of the large intestine, which is no easier than the literati carving the words and the Taoists starting the furnace to refine Dan.

How much effort does it take to make China's most complex 9-course dish?

Figure 2| Mr. Jiang is not equal in position ©

A section of large intestine, to be carefully cleaned and changed to a knife, first boiled and then fried, in the pan to fry out of the sugar color, and then simmered with more than a dozen condiments. Turn it three times and six times, evenly, before it can be plated and served.

After going through a complicated process and moving around nine times in the fire, this part of the large intestine, if Sun Xingxing, who had walked through the alchemy furnace of taishang Laojun in the past, might have felt the same way.

How much effort does it take to make China's most complex 9-course dish?
How much effort does it take to make China's most complex 9-course dish?

Taste the finished product, the taste is unique, mellow but not strong, fat but not greasy, crisp but not rotten, no wonder it attracts the praise of gourmets: "First boiled and then fried and then burned, clean water polyester oil thick soup stew, fat but not greasy five flavors, aroma ripples between the tongue." Although it is a mundane object, it is a hall of grace. ”

Mantis Fist, a well-known martial art from Shandong, I think it is also the same as the cooking kung fu of the nine-turn large intestine. The realm of fast but not chaotic, rigid but not rigid, soft but not soft pursued by the martial arts also requires the unremitting tempering of the practitioner's three times and nine turns.

When the kung fu arrives, it will not disperse, and the aftertaste will be leisurely.

How much effort does it take to make China's most complex 9-course dish?


Sichuan hot double brittle wood burning knife method

"If the cook does not enter the river, it will be useless to cook all over the world." The Sichuan cuisine with hundreds of dishes and hundreds of flavors is even more hidden dragon crouching tiger and famous dishes. One of the hot double brittle is the best of the combination of sword skills and fire skills.

How much effort does it take to make China's most complex 9-course dish?

When preparing the material, the knife is as fast as the wind. Pork belly county liver, under the divine lychee flower fast knife, broke but not cracked, blooming into a pine cone lychee; plus bamboo shoot tips, fungus, pickled peppers and other colorful accessories embellished, such as a plate of "spring color".

When cooking, aggression is like fire. 70% of the oil is hot, the cut belly flower county liver is quickly put into the high heat and stir-fried, after more than ten seconds of tossing and turning, add the sauce accessories, and you must immediately get out of the pot.

How much effort does it take to make China's most complex 9-course dish?

Pictured| chestnut sauce biubuupiu ©

I think that until it is swallowed by diners and praised for its crisp and delicious taste, these pork belly county livers have not been able to reflect the fact that they have been cooked.

The swords and fires went down in unison, and they were fierce, similar to the wood-burning sword technique of Master Xuanbi in the Eight Parts of the Heavenly Dragon. Not only is the knife extremely fast, but it can even rub the air and light dry firewood, which is worthy of a great miracle of the Shaolin Temple in the novel.

How much effort does it take to make China's most complex 9-course dish?

Picture | Miss Weiyang in Chengdu ©


Sichuan boiled water cabbage yi jian jing

There are many kung fu dishes in Sichuan, including both the wind and fire warriors who are shocked by the four seats, and there is no shortage of "sweeping monks" who practice the Yi Jian Jing, which is not amazing in appearance, but it is amazing. Boiling water cabbage is one of the typical examples.

How much effort does it take to make China's most complex 9-course dish?

At first glance, the soup is indeed as clear as boiling water, but the method is surprisingly cumbersome.

First of all, it is necessary to boil the old hen, duck, pork bones, etc. for two hours, and take the freshness, aroma and thickness of the three, which is the head soup;

How much effort does it take to make China's most complex 9-course dish?
How much effort does it take to make China's most complex 9-course dish?

Figure | old rice bone ©

The second step, known in the jargon as "untangling the mushrooms", is to finely cut the chicken breast into a mushroom shape, pour it into the first soup in batches and stir it repeatedly, and adsorb the oil and impurities in the soup with the loose and porous chicken.

How much effort does it take to make China's most complex 9-course dish?
How much effort does it take to make China's most complex 9-course dish?

Repeat this two or three times to hang out a pot of clarity, which contains delicious and immeasurable!

Boiling water and cabbage, seemingly simple and plain, are actually rich in connotation and profound. This kung fu has been perfected.

How much effort does it take to make China's most complex 9-course dish?


Huaiyang Wensi Tofu Xiao Li Flying Knife

Chinese state banquet, Huaiyang cuisine as the way. Not only because it tastes north and south, everyone can accept it, but also because of its superb kung fu that everyone praises. One of the best kung fu dishes is Wensi tofu.

How much effort does it take to make China's most complex 9-course dish?

Picture | Ma Yixuan ©

Tofu is common, Vince tofu is unusual!

Within a few minutes, a piece of tender tofu should be cut into a hair-like thickness with 88 horizontal cuts and 188 vertical cuts. Between the knives and knives, there needs to be no slightest adhesion, the eyes are fast, and the clouds and water are all in one go. If you are not as delicate as a hair and as bold as a tiger, it is difficult to master this kung fu dish skillfully.

How much effort does it take to make China's most complex 9-course dish?

Figure 1| "China on the Tip of the Tongue" ©

How much effort does it take to make China's most complex 9-course dish?

After cooking in the broth, the silky tofu is light and white, floating on top of the soup, as if watching Van Gogh's "Starry Moon Night" for a while.

A mouthful into the throat, fresh to the heart, even qianlong after eating it is also very happy, a large stroke of the pen to add this dish to the luxurious imperial dining family barrel.

How much effort does it take to make China's most complex 9-course dish?

Figure | stays always where to eat editing ©

Look at the chef knife example without false hair, anxious as lightning, even compared with the world's fastest knife Xiao Li flying knife is not much to let go.

The world's martial arts, only fast is not broken, nothing is like this.

How much effort does it take to make China's most complex 9-course dish?


Suzhou Eight Treasure Gourd Duck Qi men three talents knife method

Kung fu dishes in the Jiangnan region seem to have an indissoluble relationship with the foodie Qianlong.

When Qianlong toured south to Suzhou in the first month of the 30th year, one of the kung fu dishes prepared by the government for Qianlong was the Eight Treasure Gourd Duck.

How much effort does it take to make China's most complex 9-course dish?

"The prime minister can hold a boat in his belly, and the duck carries eight treasures in his belly." After sautéing glutinous rice, mustard, lotus seeds, chestnuts, dates, shiitake mushrooms, ham and barley, the duck is stuffed with local meat and then fumigated in oil.

The finished product is served, tied with a "corset" of the whole duck-like gourd, the harmonic sound "Fluke", the color head is excellent; cut with a knife, the inner filling is fragrant intertwined with duck oil and meat fragrance flowing out, soft and sticky, soft and soft, amazing.

How much effort does it take to make China's most complex 9-course dish?
How much effort does it take to make China's most complex 9-course dish?

After eating, the aftertaste is long, but it is inevitable to wonder: why can I stuff so much filling?

It turned out that the chef had already removed the skeleton of the duck, but it hardly hurt the skin of the duck. From the neck of the duck into the knife, peel until the duck first exposed "fragrant shoulders", and then use a kitchen knife from the back ridge to the duck wings and duck legs, little by little to separate the flesh and bones. The knife is precise and targeted, and in the end, the duck bone does not have meat, the meat does not have bone, and the onlookers are all "five bodies thrown to the ground" like the duck.

How much effort does it take to make China's most complex 9-course dish?

Such a mysterious sword skill is the same as Wu Changfeng's Qi men sancai sword technique in the Eight Parts of the Heavenly Dragon. In the novel, the knife method seems to be out of order, fast and slow, but it is as accurate as the cattle of Ding Ding, and the opponent is almost powerless.

How much effort does it take to make China's most complex 9-course dish?

Pictured | Stark's little fan sister ©


Suzhou eggplant Qiankun big move

There is a passage that says that you can specially wrap a dumpling for a plate of vinegar; but when reading "Dream of the Red Chamber", I found that the kung fu dish eggplant fish in order to cook an eggplant, before and after, can spend nearly ten chickens, suddenly felt that the little witch saw the big witch, no wonder Liu Grandma also shook her head in shock!

How much effort does it take to make China's most complex 9-course dish?

Fresh eggplant peeled and left meat, chopped into small pieces and slightly fried in chicken fat; then mixed with chicken breast, mushrooms, new shoots, spiced dried rot, various fruit grains simmered in chicken soup; and finally finished with sesame oil and rapeseed oil, before it is finished.

"Take it out when you want to eat it, and mix it with fried chicken and melon." The kind of cloud light and light wind described by Sister Feng simply could not reflect the nine cows and a dime of the effort of the eggplant.

How much effort does it take to make China's most complex 9-course dish?
How much effort does it take to make China's most complex 9-course dish?

Looking closely at this kung fu dish, it is almost like zhang Wuji's transcendent divine skill- the feeling of Qiankun's great shift. A combination of culinary techniques that unleash the potential of eggplant to an indescribable level.

How much effort does it take to make China's most complex 9-course dish?


Shanghai shrimp seed sea cucumber · Bulao Changchun Gong

In 1937, Yang Hesheng, the master of this gang cuisine, and his disciples immersed themselves in research to create a kung fu dish that was famous in Shanghai Beach - shrimp seed large black ginseng. In my opinion, it is one of the most patient kung fu dishes to make: because it takes almost 7 days to "rejuvenate" the black ginseng before it is cooked.

To "resurrect" a black ginseng, it is necessary to roast it with fire, scrape off the scorch, and put it in water for 10 hours. After boiling, cycle the previous steps three times to completely revitalize the black ginseng and return it to a refreshing taste.

How much effort does it take to make China's most complex 9-course dish?

Another staple shrimp seed also spans time and space.

When the river shrimp are fresh in July every year, chefs need to purchase a large number of shrimp seeds and freeze them in the cold storage for year-round diners. If you do not use the shrimp seeds for this period of time, the aroma and umami taste will be greatly reduced.

How much effort does it take to make China's most complex 9-course dish?

When cooking, the pores of the fried black ginseng are opened and ready to absorb the taste like a sponge. Later, it is simmered with red soup made of pork chops, grass chicken, etc., and add shrimp seeds and rice wine to freshen.

With onion oil, the two protagonists finally took the stage in a radiant posture. The glutinous black ginseng, the freshness of the shrimp, and the aroma of the smooth sauce in the mouth are revived.

This kind of kung fu, I think, even compared with the Immortal Changchun Gong of the Tianshan TongMao, will not fall behind.

How much effort does it take to make China's most complex 9-course dish?
How much effort does it take to make China's most complex 9-course dish?


Fuzhou Buddha Jumping Wall Nine Yang Divine Gong

More than 100 years ago, Fuzhou chef Zheng Chunfa was inspired by the Technique of Simmering Dishes in Shaoxing Tan, and created a Fujian kung fu dish with 18 main ingredients and 12 kinds of accessories that are integrated with each other, and "taste is flavored and does not conflict with each other" - Buddha jumping off the wall.

How much effort does it take to make China's most complex 9-course dish?

Picture | Xuan Ma ©

When he first heard the name of the dish, Mr. Liang Shiqiu called out "the name is strange", and he also wondered what kind of delicious "can make me break the vows of Buddha". It turns out that this dish is not only a collection of seafood and mountain treasures, but also a Taoist kung fu that the chef pre-treats in the form of frying, stir-frying, cooking, frying and other methods according to the characteristics of each raw material.

On the day of cooking, the chef invited the Shaoxing wine altar, mixed the prefabricated ingredients with the famous wine broth, and stacked them in the middle of the altar, and then sealed the altar mouth with lotus leaves, covered with a low heat and simmered for five or six hours, so that the deliciousness gradually brewed.

How much effort does it take to make China's most complex 9-course dish?
How much effort does it take to make China's most complex 9-course dish?

"The incense of meat floats around the altar, and the Buddha abandons Zen and jumps off the wall." When the altar was simmered and the lotus leaves were opened, the intoxicating aroma of meat and meat swept in... However, the temple wall is thick and thick, and it can't resist the temptation of this aroma!

Scoop a spoonful of fine tasting, thirty kinds of ingredient essences into one, the soup is fresh and mellow, the meat is not greasy, and the lips and teeth remain fragrant for a long time. Being able to integrate and integrate many ingredients into one, and suppressing the crowd with superior "internal strength" techniques, this kind of kung fu is enough to be called the Nine Yang Divine Gong of Culinary Martial Arts.

How much effort does it take to make China's most complex 9-course dish?

Culinary kung fu, unpredictable.

But just as the martial arts secret book will be lost, the martial arts masters will retire,

Complicated kung fu dishes are also facing difficulties in inheritance.

With regret, I remembered the classic line in God Eater:

"It's so delicious, what if I can't eat it later!"

Taking advantage of the New Year's Festival, it is better to try this unique Chinese kung fu dish,

Treat the appetite of the family, but also pay tribute to the practitioners behind the food.

How much effort does it take to make China's most complex 9-course dish?

The text is a polar original, please contact the author for reprinting

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