
A princess in Xinjiang slept underground for 4,000 years, and after digging it out, experts restored her appearance: stunning four squares

Many years ago, a foreign expedition team found an ancient tomb in the Xinjiang region of China. They walked through the desert, on an abandoned hill, and dug out a Sleeping Beauty from more than 4,000 years ago. Her skin is very smooth and blown apart, which gives people a very surprising feeling. The expedition team knew the value of Sleeping Beauty and thought of taking this Sleeping Beauty away for study, but because they did not carry enough tools, they reluctantly abandoned the plan. Later, these explorers, following the route they had taken before, went to the Xinjiang region, intending to take the Sleeping Beauty inside.

A princess in Xinjiang slept underground for 4,000 years, and after digging it out, experts restored her appearance: stunning four squares

Unexpectedly, when they went to Xinjiang to look for Sleeping Beauty, they were blocked by the wind and sand that suddenly rolled up. The explorers were terrified, fearing the curse of Sleeping Beauty, and thought about it and eventually abandoned their plans to find the tomb. After the return, they wrote a paper on Sleeping Beauty, and they believed that the female corpse inside should be the princess of the ancient Loulan Kingdom. If it can be excavated, it can be better studied, the history and culture of the Loulan period. After the publication of the papers of foreign explorers, there was an uproar in the archaeological community.

A princess in Xinjiang slept underground for 4,000 years, and after digging it out, experts restored her appearance: stunning four squares

Years later, Chinese researchers overcame various problems and found the female corpse found by a foreign expedition. Because the tomb has been destroyed, the remains of the female corpse have decayed and have no previous posture. In order to find out the true face of this female corpse, experts used modern technology to restore her appearance. The restoration of the female corpse is stunning, and it is even more beautiful than Princess Loulan in the film and television works. Experts have judged after many studies that this female corpse should be a Eurasian mixed-race child, she has the characteristics of both European and Asian nationalities, and must have been an extremely beautiful girl before she died.

A princess in Xinjiang slept underground for 4,000 years, and after digging it out, experts restored her appearance: stunning four squares

This result made the experts very excited, because the recovery of the sleeping beauty's appearance proved a very important thing. As early as several thousand years ago, the Western Regions have begun the integration of the nationalities of the East and the West, which has great reference value for the study of modern human history. Regrettably, inside this sleeping beauty cemetery, there are only some simple costumes and daily necessities, and there are not too many decisive clues. Experts have no way to judge the true identity of Sleeping Beauty based on these things, and can only wait patiently, hoping to find more clues in the future.

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