
How much is the price of white tea in 2021 per pound? How are white tea grades divided?


White tea, is a micro-fermented tea, for China's traditional tea, due to the process of heating autoclaving, the taste of white tea will be softer than loose tea, and white tea is also rich in a variety of amino acids, with antipyretic and antipyretic and other effects. In China, most of the white tea is exported varieties, so many people do not understand white tea. So how much does ordinary white tea cost for a pound? How are white tea grades divided? Let's take a look.

How much is the price of white tea in 2021 per pound? How are white tea grades divided?

How much does ordinary white tea cost for a catty?

White silver needle in Chenggong District, Kunming City, Yunnan Province 186 yuan / jin; Hubei Tianmen City Tianmen City Pekoe Silver Needle 160 yuan / jin; Zhejiang Huzhou City Anji County Fuding White Tea 320 yuan / jin; Hunan Zhuzhou City Chaling County Anji White Tea 680 yuan / jin; Guizhou Zunyi City Renhuai City Golden Bud 450 yuan / jin; Guangdong Qingyuan City Yingde City Mulberry Bud Tea 97.5 yuan / jin; Fujian Ningde City Xiapu County Gongmei 66.5 yuan / jin; Yunnan Puer City Simao District Moonlight White 65 yuan / jin; Fujian Fuzhou City Taijiang District White Peony Tea 298 yuan / jin New craft white tea in Guidong County, Chenzhou City, Hunan 90 yuan / jin; Eagle tea in Wanzhou District, Chongqing City 10 yuan / jin, etc.

Remarks: The above agricultural product prices are from the wholesale quotations of (non-market retail prices), for reference only.

How much is the price of white tea in 2021 per pound? How are white tea grades divided?

How are white tea grades divided?

White tea is mainly divided into four grades: white silver needle, white peony, Gongmei and Shoumei due to the different standards of tea plant varieties and fresh leaves picking.

1. White silver needle

Purely made with fat buds of large white tea or daffodil varieties. Because of its white dense cloth, white as silver, shape like a needle and named, its aroma is fresh, the soup color is yellowish, the taste is fresh, it is the best in white tea.

2. White peony

White peony is made from the one bud and one or two leaves of the short bud leaves of the large white tea tree or daffodil species, and is the best in white tea. Its green leaves are silvery-white and resemble flowers, hence the name.

3. Gongmei

The highest yielding variety of white tea accounts for more than half of the total white tea production. It is made from the two or three leaves of one bud of the vegetable tea tree.

4. Shoumei

Because the shape resembles the eyebrows of the long-lived old man, it is called shoumei. In Fuding, Shoumei's real name is "Coarse Tea Woman", which is a real "ration tea". However, many shoumei raw materials use thick old leaves with stems, which do have unique advantages over the so-called "high-grade tea" made of young leaves.

How much is the price of white tea in 2021 per pound? How are white tea grades divided?

In general, the price of white tea is also different due to the division of grades, but the tea is not the best, and it is better to be palatable. Finally, remind everyone that the well-known Anji white tea is not white tea, but a kind of green tea.

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