
How long is the history of beef in Shanwei? A lot of people don't know

author:Beads are eaten

The crowd looked for it a thousand hundred degrees, and suddenly looked back, but the delicacy was in their own hands. Love food, love to explore the shop, love to make breakfast after the second child of the 90s mother. Hello everyone I am Zhu Zhu. "

In recent days, my brother who was in school occasionally talked to me about the food in the school, saying that the Chaoshan cuisine opened by the school was not very good, especially the beef balls, which had been cooked for too long, and the taste was a little old and light, saying that if it was not closed to school, he wanted me to send him some beef balls to play hot pot in the past. In addition to the joke, there are also some feelings.

There are mostly Chaoshan people and Shanwei people outside, so in the food culture, the most felt for everyone is probably beef hot pot and beef balls, and even many friends often tell me that Shanwei beef balls beef tendon balls are very delicious, help send some during the festival.

However, few people know that Chaoshan beef balls are actually less than 100 years old, which is considered to be an emerging market.

How long is the history of beef in Shanwei? A lot of people don't know

You know, in ancient times, the cattle used for farming were extremely precious wealth for small farmers, and the imperial court banned the consumption of beef, even if it was an old cow that was dying, few people dared to eat it. Although this aspect was relaxed a lot during the Republic of China, few people in Shanwei still ate beef, on the one hand, because there was no large number of farmed cattle in the local area, and on the other hand, because beef was expensive and few people could afford it.

Even if Meizhou Hakka beef ball technology was introduced, there was very little to eat, until after the reform and opening up, with the improvement of the level of development, people's demand for beef is also getting bigger and bigger, so there is a vigorous development of beef balls in Chaoshan and Shanwei areas, with local characteristics of beef balls gradually developed, becoming a symbol, a delicacy.

How long is the history of beef in Shanwei? A lot of people don't know

Meatballs are not simply piled up of meat pieces, but the further reshaping of ingredients, the transformation, the sublimation of deliciousness.

Shanwei people make meatballs, often select a variety of fresh meat, repeatedly pounded, impact, so that the meat pieces are broken and recombined, and the collision and squeezing of the myofibrillar protein contained in it forms a new structure, with a rich taste and a sense of layering.

Among them, beef balls are the most beautiful cubs among them, and many outsiders are full of praise for this. It's just that many people tend to confuse beef balls with beef tendon balls, and many times the beef balls that everyone eats are actually beef tendon balls and don't know it.

How long is the history of beef in Shanwei? A lot of people don't know

Beef balls, in short, are the fine products after beef pounding, in order to maintain a smooth and sweet taste, the tendons in the beef will be deliberately removed. The treated beef balls are smooth and shiny in appearance, and are closer to the original taste of the beef, which is loved by the locals.

Beef tendon balls are deliberately added to beef, so the appearance is rougher than beef balls, so some people also call it coarse balls. But it is not that beef tendon balls are weaker than beef balls, but the taste will be more chewy and slightly heavier, and some young people prefer this taste.

How long is the history of beef in Shanwei? A lot of people don't know

The beef balls and beef tendon balls on the Shanwei side are very cautious about the use of corn starch, either in small amounts or basically. In many places, beef balls and beef tendon balls will use a large amount of corn starch to stick to the minced meat and form a ball, while Shanwei is mostly meatballs that are condensed and compacted, and occasionally a little corn starch is added, mostly to increase the lubrication effect of elasticity.

This is also the reason why Shanwei's local beef balls are famous.

How long is the history of beef in Shanwei? A lot of people don't know

It's just that in the market in these years, there are many self-proclaimed Chaoshan beef balls, Shanwei beef balls merchants often add excess starch and dead meat to make beef balls, and add a lot of additives, such as increasing the elasticity of high elastin, increasing the flavor of the flavor of the essence, so that the treatment down, the taste is not easy to say, but it is definitely not suitable for human consumption of food.

The best way to distinguish these inferior meatballs is the price, now a pound of fresh beef about 60 ~ 65 a pound, the production of qualified production process can almost knead out 1.2 kg of beef balls, raw materials alone will be 50 yuan, not to mention ingredients, post-processing packaging or something. What do you think of the 25 to 30 pounds of beef balls and beef tendon balls in some places?

How long is the history of beef in Shanwei? A lot of people don't know

The second point of differentiation is the aroma, the beef taste is very light, after eating beef hot pot, you can probably understand that the smell of beef is very clear, not so strong, and the beef balls are often not very heavy, basically close to or cooked out of the moment to have the aroma. If the beef balls you buy are very fragrant, you have to be careful.

How long is the history of beef in Shanwei? A lot of people don't know

If you really want to buy it, you can look at the beef balls and beef tendon balls in my shop, etc., if nothing else, at least it is reliable.

I walked through five or six to finalize it, the taste is quite good, high quality, you get what you pay for, worth the price.

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You get what you pay for, so you can buy it for ¥136

As for the treatment of beef balls and beef tendon balls, there is no more flavorful than the boiling of clear soup, and all other ways are not ok, I said. [Laughs]

How long is the history of beef in Shanwei? A lot of people don't know

In the summer, add some dragon's whiskers or something, and sprinkle some green onions; in the winter, you can be seaweed, winter vegetables, and finally garnish with some pepper and salt to taste, the taste is very delicious, you may wish to try.

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