
How to make a char siu bun? Teach you a technique that does not have to be made in advance, fluffy and delicious than buying incense

author:Hakka iron head

Since I was a child, I have loved to eat buns, especially the bursting char siu buns, the feeling of biting down, one word: so cool! However, when I was a child, I ate less stuffing for char siu buns, but I felt that the taste was great, and now I can't find the taste of the buns I ate as a child.

My children also like to eat buns like me, so we will often make them at home, although the ones made are not more beautiful than the outside, but the taste is better than the incense I bought, such as the char siu bun that I want to share with you today, just from the filling, it is more than the ingredients bought, and the taste is good, it is made of real materials, of course, eating more than buying incense.

How to make a char siu bun? Teach you a technique that does not have to be made in advance, fluffy and delicious than buying incense

I made this char siu bun is not needed to make noodles in advance, that is, to eat, just as fluffy and soft and delicious, if you like to eat buns, you can follow my steps to try Oh.

Ingredients: 600 grams of plum head meat, 15 grams of rice wine, 40 grams of char siu sauce, 5 grams of honey, peanut oil, soy sauce, oyster sauce, starch, 200 grams of milk, 60 grams of sugar, 25 grams of corn oil, 350 grams of ordinary flour, 5 grams of yeast powder, etc.

The detailed procedure steps are as follows:

Step 1: First prepare 600 grams of plum head meat rinsed clean, do char siu stuffing to choose plum head meat is better, more tender, smooth, fragrant, plum head meat wash well, cut it into nail-sized pieces, cut a little ginger garlic slices, a little peanut oil in the pot, first put the pork into the stir-fry, fry out the lard, add ginger garlic slices, fry it fragrant, fry out the aroma, pour in 15 grams of rice wine, 40 grams of char siu sauce, add 5 grams of honey, a little soy sauce, a little oyster sauce, fry it evenly.

How to make a char siu bun? Teach you a technique that does not have to be made in advance, fluffy and delicious than buying incense

Step 2: Turn off the heat after stir-frying evenly, turn it to a casserole, pour the right amount of water, be sure not to go through the pork, cover the pot and turn it to a high heat, turn the heat to a low heat for 1 hour after boiling, rot the meat, but don't dry the juice Oh, cut into small pieces, in fact, it is easy to cook soft and rotten.

How to make a char siu bun? Teach you a technique that does not have to be made in advance, fluffy and delicious than buying incense

Step 3: Pork pot is good, you can taste it, the pot is soft and rotten, the juice should not be too dry, and finally turn the heat on high, pour in half a bowl of thick water starch, stir it up, water starch I use two spoons of powder small half bowl of water mixed, slightly thicker does not matter.

How to make a char siu bun? Teach you a technique that does not have to be made in advance, fluffy and delicious than buying incense

Step 4: After boiling the meat and juice again, you can turn off the heat and get out of the pot, pour it out and let it cool, put it in the refrigerator and refrigerate until it solidifies, either the kind that freezes, or the kind that solidifies the dish on a cold day.

How to make a char siu bun? Teach you a technique that does not have to be made in advance, fluffy and delicious than buying incense

Step 5: After the filling has frozen and solidified, we are ready to make buns, prepare a large bowl, add 200 grams of milk, 60 grams of sugar, 25 grams of corn oil, 350 grams of ordinary flour, and finally add 5 grams of yeast powder, first stir it into a flocculent shape with chopsticks.

How to make a char siu bun? Teach you a technique that does not have to be made in advance, fluffy and delicious than buying incense

Step 6: Stir into a flocculent shape and knead it into a smooth dough by hand, be sure to knead it very smoothly, you can knead it for a while, don't be lazy.

How to make a char siu bun? Teach you a technique that does not have to be made in advance, fluffy and delicious than buying incense

Step 7: Knead the dough, directly roll it into long strips, divide into equal amounts of small agents, cut it well and press it, and then roll it into a bun skin.

How to make a char siu bun? Teach you a technique that does not have to be made in advance, fluffy and delicious than buying incense

Step 8: The bun skin is rolled into this way, obviously the middle of the thick edge is thin on it, now we add the stuffing that has been frozen and solidified, wrap it up, wrap the char siu bun we can pack it with our hands, no folding, what we want is the effect of bursting pulp.

How to make a char siu bun? Teach you a technique that does not have to be made in advance, fluffy and delicious than buying incense

Step 9: Wrap up the bun on a piece of oil paper on the steaming rack, don't laugh at my bag is a little ugly, oh, I make buns are not beautiful, but the taste is very good, the children love to eat, my wife praises me for making a hundred times better than what I bought outside.

How to make a char siu bun? Teach you a technique that does not have to be made in advance, fluffy and delicious than buying incense

Step 10: Add water to the pot, put the prepared bun on it, cover the pot lid and let it wake up for 15 minutes, wake up time, you can start steaming, turn on high heat, boil and steam for 12 minutes.

How to make a char siu bun? Teach you a technique that does not have to be made in advance, fluffy and delicious than buying incense

Step 11: Steam the bun and turn off the heat, let it simmer for more than 5 minutes, don't rush to open the lid first, be sure to simmer for an additional 5 minutes before opening the lid. As soon as the lid of the pot was opened, the wife and children looked at the saliva and let them wait to eat again, saying that they were not afraid of burning their mouths.

How to make a char siu bun? Teach you a technique that does not have to be made in advance, fluffy and delicious than buying incense

However, I did see that I was hungry, and I was also very anxious to bite one into my stomach. This bursting pulp char siu bun is ready, like friends try it, soft and juicy, eating is very enjoyable, you can do more at a time, eat can not finish sealing well put in the refrigerator, in the morning want to eat when you steam hot can be, the same soft and delicious Oh.

How to make a char siu bun? Teach you a technique that does not have to be made in advance, fluffy and delicious than buying incense

The original author of this picture: Hakka Iron Head

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Only food and love in the world can not be disappointed; eating is a kind of happiness, taste is a kind of fun, cooking is a kind of happiness!

Hello everyone, I am Iron Head, a Hakka man who loves to cook and cook!

There is no flowery language, no palatial environment, some are just iron heads that cook for the family with heart; share detailed home-cooked recipes, Hakka cuisine, home-cooked snacks, etc. With you, there are deficiencies that welcome more advice! In the world of food, let's make progress together and make more and more delicious food for the family!

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