
There is a lot of precipitation! Last year, the average precipitation in the city was 836.5mm, 155.5mm more than the same period in history

author:Beiqing Net

Peninsula all-media reporter Sun Guidong

On January 5, the reporter learned from the Qingdao Municipal Bureau of Hydrology that as of the end of December 2021, the city's cumulative precipitation in 2021 was 836.5 mm, 155.5 mm (22.8%) more than the same period in the calendar year, and 134.1 mm (13.8%) less than the same period in 2020. Compared with the same period of the calendar year, all districts (cities) are more, Laoshan and Qingdao West Coast New Areas are more than 30%, Pingdu, Chengyang, Laixi more than 20%, Jimo, urban areas more than 10%, Jiaozhou more than 10%.

In December 2021, the average precipitation of the city was 1.9mm, and the maximum point pingdu pingdu meteorological bureau was 6.7mm; the average precipitation of each district and city was: Pingdu 4.4, Laixi 1.8, Jiaozhou 1.1, Laoshan 1.0, urban area 0.8, Chengyang 0.8, Jimo 0.7, and west coast 0.1. Since the beginning of this year, the city's cumulative precipitation has been 836.5mm, 134.1mm less than the same period last year, and 155.5mm more than the same period in the calendar year. In the whole year of 2021, the average precipitation in the city was 836.5mm, which was 134.1mm less than the same period last year and 155.5mm more than the same period in the calendar year. The average precipitation of each district and city was: 805.2 in the urban area, 773.6 in Jimo, 1163.5 in Laoshan, 736.2 in Jiaozhou, 960.7 in the west coast, 841.4 in Chengyang, 788.5 in Pingdu, and 808.7 in Laixi.

From the perspective of the spatial distribution of precipitation, in December 2021, the precipitation in the middle of Pingdu was between 5 and 10 mm, and the precipitation in other areas was below 5 mm. The largest precipitation in the city is 6.7 mm from the Pingdu Meteorological Bureau.

In terms of precipitation time distribution, precipitation in early December is 0.5 mm, precipitation in mid-term precipitation is 0.2 mm, and precipitation in late december is 1.2 mm. The main precipitation processes are: from 8:00 on December 24, 2021 to 8:00 on December 26, 2021, the average precipitation in the city is 1.2 mm, and the maximum point Pingdu City Pingdu Meteorological Bureau is 5.5 mm.

In terms of river water conditions, in December, except for the Dagu River, Nanjiaolai River, Zhangcun River and Licun River, which have smaller runoff, the other major rivers are basically in a dry or discontinuous state.

At 8 o'clock on January 1, 2022, the flow rate of Zhangjiayuan Hydrological Station of Dagu River was 1.93 cubic meters per second, and the flow rate of Nancun Hydrological Station was 0.180 cubic meters per second; the flow rate of Nanjiaolai River Gate Hydrological Station was 0.690 cubic meters per second, the flow rate of ZhangcunHe East Korea Hydrological Station was 0.504 cubic meters per second, and the flow rate of LicunHe Licun Hydrological Station was 0.248 cubic meters per second.

In terms of reservoir storage, at the end of December 2021, the city's 23 large and medium-sized reservoirs (excluding the thorn flood beach) stored 430.07 million cubic meters of water, 139.24 million cubic meters more than the same period in the calendar year, 97.42 million cubic meters more than the same period in 2020, and 520,000 cubic meters less than the beginning of the month. At the end of December, the storage capacity of large and medium-sized reservoirs in Laixi was 1.1% less than that of the same period of the calendar year, and the west coast, Chengyang, Jiaozhou, Jimo and Pingdu were 115.1%, 86.3%, 74.0%, 54.1% and 50.0% more, respectively.

At the end of December, the average burial depth of groundwater in the city was 4.46 meters, and the groundwater level fell by 0.21 meters from the beginning of the month and 0.76 meters from the same period in 2020. The average burial depth of groundwater in Pingdu City is the largest, which is 7.60 meters, of which the groundwater burial depth of the Water Conservancy Station of Tatelan Town, Pingdu City is the largest, which is 16.60 meters.

At the end of December, the shallow groundwater storage capacity in the city's plain area decreased by 22.57 million cubic meters compared with the beginning of the month, an increase of 220.74 million cubic meters compared with the same period in 2020. At the end of December, the groundwater funnel area in the plain area of the city was mainly distributed in the area of Tatelan Town, Cuijiaji Town and Tonghe Subdistrict in Pingdu City, with a total area of 680 square kilometers, a decrease of 114 square kilometers compared with the same period in 2020.

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