
Why 108 dishes in the full table? What are the 32 kinds of eight treasures? Let's get knowledge together

author:The owner talks about the countryside
Why 108 dishes in the full table? What are the 32 kinds of eight treasures? Let's get knowledge together

We modern people say delicious, always like to mention a word, called Manchu Han full seat, in fact, the Manchu Han full seat this thing only appeared in the Republic of China period, but "full seat" and "Han seat" from the Qing Dynasty has been, in fact, the so-called "full seat" is the Manchu people like hot pot, barbecue and other flavor dishes. "Han Xi" is mainly based on chicken, duck, fish, pigs, vegetables, fruits, etc.

Why 108 dishes in the full table? What are the 32 kinds of eight treasures? Let's get knowledge together

In the feast to be prepared, there will be a full han. Full of banquets are generally relatively high specifications of the banquet, we look at the general Qing Palace "three festivals", including receiving Mongolian princes, entertaining the triumphant return of the Eight Banners soldiers and other occasions, basically are "full table", this is not to say that the full dish is higher than The Chinese cuisine, but because most of the people participating in this kind of banquet are Manchu nobles, even if some of the Han officials of one or two products are also in the minority, from the taste point of view, Guanglu Temple of course must be in line with the preferences of most people. Most of the occasions for the use of "Han Seats" are aimed at wooing Han scholars, such as entertaining the new section leaders and the jinshi, such as the deer feast that entertains the people nominated by the Shuntianfu Township Examination, and the feast banquet, the Linyong banquet, etc., all in order to show the importance that the state attaches to the readers, and to encourage the people of the world to read with the highest etiquette of the imperial court.

Why 108 dishes in the full table? What are the 32 kinds of eight treasures? Let's get knowledge together

Full table

Seeing the Manchu table, it is estimated that many people will immediately reflect the so-called "eight bowls", and many places in the north will use the guise of Manchu food to launch their dishes. Are the eight bowls Manchu? The answer is "yes" and "no". "Eight bowls" is the most popular feast in the northern region in the past, the basic ingredient is a mouthful of pig, buckle meat, rice noodles, balls, ribs, etc., to make up eight dishes, Manchus also use, Han people also use, not exclusive to a family, is the most common table noodles. Since it is the most common table, it is naturally not a precious thing, and it will not appear in the high-class official seat, so the "eight bowls" must not be in the category of the Manchu Han seat.

So what will be the full seat in the official seat? Yuan Ming said in the "Suiyuan Food List" that "full dishes are cooked more, And Chinese dishes are more soups", so it seems that full of meals should be more of this kind of cooking method.

Why 108 dishes in the full table? What are the 32 kinds of eight treasures? Let's get knowledge together

The so-called "boiling", naturally there is barbecue, there is stewing. Let's first talk about barbecue, there are two basic techniques of Peking duck, one is the hanging stove method, and the other is the stewing oven method. The hanging stove comes from the Qing Palace, that is, the hanging stove bureau of the imperial dining room, which originates from the drinking habits of the Manchus. From Qianlong to Guangxu, in the emperor's daily diet archives, he often saw hanging stove pigs and hanging stove ducks, and it can also be seen that the Manchu people love barbecue. These two things also often appear in high-end banquets, and the cross-talk "Newspaper Name" has the words "stove pig, stove duck, sauce chicken, bacon, pine flowers, small belly", and this "stove pig, stove duck" is hanging oven roast pork and hanging oven roast duck.

After the barbecue, let's talk about stewing. The old Beijing flag people had the custom of shamanic sacrifice to eat "ShenYu", that is, to eat boiled white meat, accompanied by sorghum wine, and feast on it. In the "Wild Records of the Qing Dynasty" of the old man, it is said that he had seen the grand scene of eating "Shenyu" and marveled at the Manchus' preference for white meat, and the amount of rice could be several times higher than that of the Han People. In addition to white meat, hot pot is also a more preferred thing for manchus, Pu Jie's wife, Ms. Saga Hao, in the book "Eating in the Court", has recorded 10 kinds of "chrysanthemum pots", "sauerkraut pots", "one pots", "shabu lamb pots", etc., and the "white meat pots", "three white pots", and "assorted pots" that are popular on the market are also common things in the table.

Why 108 dishes in the full table? What are the 32 kinds of eight treasures? Let's get knowledge together

"Burning white boiling" is the characteristic of full dishes, but they are all individual varieties, and the materials, techniques and hierarchical order of the so-called "full table" are not very clear to modern people. Although the specific dishes of the Manchu Han Seat are not recorded, there are documents that record the diet of the Officials and Entourage of the Eight Flags officials and retinues, which highlights the characteristics of the Full Dish.

Why 108 dishes in the full table? What are the 32 kinds of eight treasures? Let's get knowledge together

"Set up tents to respond to the eight flags of the retinue of officials, janissaries only to respond to people, etc., and set up another room to eat", although their diet is not as good as the emperor's imperial meal, but they can also glimpse some clues of the full table. Depending on the identity of the diners, these dishes are divided into five classes:

First class, milk tea, jellyfish, fish noodles, red and white boiled meat, roasted piglets, roasted geese, hard noodles;

Second class, apricot butter soup, hot belly, fried chicken gizzard, cooking cake, red and white boiled meat, roasted lamb;

Third class, milk cake soup, red and white pork and mutton, roasted beef, embroidered fire;

Fourth class, blood soup, roasted beef and mutton, pork and mutton offal, large roast cakes;

Fifth class, milk cake wine, vinegar burnt hair too pig big sheep, meat slices, meat cakes.

In fact, there is another meaning of full table. When it is paired with Han Xi, dishes and dim sum can be available, and when it appears alone, it refers specifically to "Manchurian food". As we all know, the three major schools of Beijing dim sum, namely Manchu, Han, Hui, manchu dim sum is one of the important ones. Tang Lusun concluded that Manchu dim sum makes good use of cream, Chinese dim sum makes good use of large oil, and halal dim sum makes good use of sesame oil. There are many special Manchu dim sum shops in the old Beijing, such as Zhengmingzhai, Yongxingzhai, Migong Bureau, Gao Mingyuan, Juqingzhai and so on, typical varieties of Sachima, milk skin flower cake, honey gong, bar dumplings, etc., and there are the famous "big eight pieces" and "small eight pieces".

In the past, there was also a kind of "Manchurian Rao", commonly known as "Rao Table", Manchu called "Table Zhang", to the late Qing Dynasty in the folk gradually formed a kind of sacrifice gift, that is, on both sides of the spirit to be placed on both sides of the rao table, a piece of yard up, several layers, can be several feet high, looks spectacular. After the white deed, it was distributed to the servants and children. The Kyoto bamboo branch "A String of Grass Beads" also has a poem dedicated to this:

Manchurian pastries are primitive and complex, and the heels are unspeakably rich.

Only the old system of table sheets is left behind, and almost the same as the sheep are preserved.

For the "gluttonous table" this point, people have mixed reviews, and many elderly people think it is incomparably delicious when they recall the old things. However, Mr. Liang Shiqiu in "Yashe Talks about Eating" believes that this is "a half-cooked white-faced cake, with a little sugar... It's not bad to nibble on, it's better than not having anything to eat at all." Anyway, this thing can no longer be eaten, and can only become a historical doubt.

From this point of view, Manchu cuisine is actually very rich, many of which are also familiar to us, but with the communion of the Manchu and Han nationalities, we modern people can no longer distinguish its source, all of which are soft in the Chinese national cuisine.

Why 108 dishes in the full table? What are the 32 kinds of eight treasures? Let's get knowledge together

Han xi

First of all, to say that the palace banquet and the emperor's meal are two different things, the emperor eats, does not divide the Manchu Han, eats all the fusion dishes, he likes to eat what he eats, the emperor's taste is also different from different periods of different tastes, roughly from the beginning of the Qing Dynasty to the end of the Qing Dynasty, you can see more clearly, the emperor's taste gradually shifted from full to Chinese cuisine, Qianlong loved to eat hot pot, barbecue, to the Guangxu Dynasty, the archives are "silky slice fried" These dishes we are familiar with are more.

Why 108 dishes in the full table? What are the 32 kinds of eight treasures? Let's get knowledge together

As for what "Han Xi" eats? The emperor invited guests to eat, naturally all good wine and good dishes, the Han seats of Guanglu Temple, there are first, second, third and upper seats, five categories of middle seats, each with its own uses. The first class seat has 23 bowls of geese, fish, chicken, duck, pig, etc., 8 bowls of fruit food, 3 bowls of steamed food, and 4 bowls of vegetable food; the second class seat has 20 bowls of fish, chicken, duck, pig, etc., and fruit food, steamed food, and vegetable food are the same as the first class; the third class seat has 15 bowls of fish, chicken, pig, etc., and fruit, steamed food, and vegetable food are the same. As the protagonists among the guests, the citations of the people in Shuntianfu Township mentioned above will enjoy the highest treatment, and the examiners such as the examiner and the inspector can only enjoy the second-class table. Then, in general, if the deacons such as the Ceremonial Department, the Tai Hospital, the Hongxu Temple, and the Guanglu Temple are invited, the third-class table is used.

The upper and middle seats mentioned above are generally used for banquets related to examinations, such as the enrong banquet mentioned above, and the huiwu banquet set up for the selection of wu zhuangyuan wuke. For this kind of banquet, the chairman and the minister and the deacons of the scrolls are seated, and there are two high and low tables, one high table with a treasure, two pounds of noodles and eight two, a treasure with a flower, nine bowls of internal food, five plates of fruit food, seven plates of steamed food, four plates of vegetables, and a low table with pork and mutton on each side, and a tail of fish. There is a treasure in the middle seat, two pounds of noodles, three silk flowers, and the rest is the same as the upper seat, which is what jinshi and mingzanguan and other people enjoy.

However, Guanglu Temple is specially equipped with a "fried food room", the first day of each feast, will be specially prepared, before the start of the feast, these fried food will be arranged in advance to the scene, similar to the private room and dishes we have booked now, when entering, you will see that the cold dishes have been served in advance. I think these fried foods are nothing more than meat-based, probably similar to the "small crispy meat" we use when we eat hot pot today. Generally speaking, according to the etiquette system of the imperial court, as long as the emperor invites guests to dinner, it is always served with chickens, ducks, fish, pigs, vegetables, and fruits.

Why 108 dishes in the full table? What are the 32 kinds of eight treasures? Let's get knowledge together

The old Jing folk proverb once had a cloud "Article of Hanlin Hospital, Prescription of Tai Hospital, Tea Soup of Guanglu Temple", saying that these three units are actually useless in the middle, satirizing that the Han table in the palace banquet is not delicious. However, I think this statement should be divided into two ends, from the archival records, the ingredients used in the feast at that time were indeed good things of that era, even today, it is not bad to satirize the people who do not like to eat in the dishes of Guanglu Temple, they must not be ordinary people, may be according to the perspective of the eater, not exquisite enough, but for ordinary people, it is definitely a feast. Speaking of delicious, the "Han seat" of the Qing Palace may be slightly insufficient, but if you want to talk about the pomp and circumstance of the state banquet, it is indeed the magnificence of the country.

Six feasts

During the Kangxi Dynasty, the "Feast of a Thousand Sorrows" attended by several thousand people was held twice, and the momentum was huge, and both were feasted in the Han Dynasty twice.

The imperial banquets set up by the Emperor of the Qing Dynasty to entertain the Mongol relatives who were married to the imperial family generally set up a banquet in the Tianzheng Great Bright Hall, accompanied by manchu ministers of the first and second grades. Successive emperors have attached great importance to this banquet, and it is held every year as usual. The Mongol relatives who were feasted on the feast regarded this feast as a great blessing and cherished the food that the emperor rewarded in the feast.

Court banquet

The banquet of the courtiers is held every year on the sixteenth day of the first month of the first year, when the emperor personally orders the university scholars, and the nine secretaries participate in the meritorious people, and the Guxing banquet is honored. The banquet is set up in the Hall of the Three Selflesss, and the feast is followed by the ceremony of the sect's room. They are all held on high chairs and poems, and are held every year. Mongol princes and others also participated. The emperor used this grace to gather his subordinates, and at the same time it was a symbolic form of the courtiers' merits.

Longevity feast

The Longevity Banquet was the birthday feast of the emperors of the Qing Dynasty and one of the great banquets of the inner court. The queen concubines and princes, civil and military officials, are all proud of the birthday gifts. In the meantime, there are countless famous food and delicious food. In the event of a big birthday, the celebration is more grand and grand, and the department is specially assigned. Clothing and jewelry, decoration, music, dance and drink are all available. On the 10th day of the 10th month of October in the 20th year of Guangxu, the 60th birthday of Cixi was promulgated in the 18th year of Guangxu, and the feast began more than a month before the birthday. More than 29,170 pieces of glazed bowls, plates, plates and other porcelains painted with the words "Wanshou Boundless" and auspicious and festive patterns were fired in Jiangxi alone. The entire celebration cost nearly 10 million taels of silver, which is unprecedented in Chinese history.

Feast of a Thousand Sorrows

The Feast of the Thousand Sorrows began in the Kangxi Dynasty and flourished during the Qianlong Period, and was the largest and most entertained imperial banquet in the Qing Dynasty. In the fifty-second year of the Kangxi Dynasty, a thousand people's banquet was held for the first time in Yangchun Garden, and Emperor Xuanye gave a poem "The Feast of a Thousand Sorrows", which was fixed in the name of the banquet. In the fifty years of Qianlong, a banquet of a thousand monks was held in the Qianqing Palace, and with three thousand people, he impromptuly selected hundreds of sentences in the form of Bai Liang. In the first month of the first year of Jiaqing, a thousand feasts were held at the Imperial Pole Hall of Ningshou Palace, with 3,560 people feasting, and impromptu poems of three poems. Later generations called the Feast of the Thousand Sorrows "Enlong Liqia, an unprecedented act in eternity".

Nine White Feasts

The Nine White Feasts began during the Kangxi Dynasty. When the Kangxi Dynasty first designated the Four Tribes of The Mongol Outer Sacsks, these tribes, in order to show their loyalty, paid tribute to nine whites every year, that is, one white camel and eight white horses. Take this as a letter. After the Tribute of the Mongol Tribes, the Emperor Gao Yu entertained the envoys, known as the Nine White Feasts. Every year, it is routine. Later, the Daoguang Emperor wrote a poem for this purpose: four silver flowers and one jade camel, and the Western Qiang Dynasty dedicated Emperor Jingluo.

Seasonal feast

Seasonal banquet refers to the feast set up by the inner court of the Qing Palace according to a fixed annual season. For example: Yuan Day Banquet, YuanHui Banquet, Spring Ploughing Banquet, Dragon Boat Feast, Beggar Feast, Mid-Autumn Festival Feast, Chongyang Feast, Winter Solstice Feast, Chinese New Year's Eve Feast, etc., are all set according to the rules of the festival and follow the rules. Although the Manchus had their own inherent food customs, after entering the Central Plains, under the fusion of Manchu and Han cultures and the needs of rule, they accepted a large number of Han food customs. And because of the special status of the court, the rules of food customs were detailed. Its food style has a great connection with folklore and regions, so lapa porridge, Lantern, Zongzi, ice bowl, Xionghuang wine, Chongyang cake, Beggar cake, moon cake and other foods are readily available in the Qing Palace.

Why 108 dishes in the full table? What are the 32 kinds of eight treasures? Let's get knowledge together

There are a total of 108 dishes in the Full Man Han Table:

(1) Mongolian pro-Pan feast

Tea Table Tea: Ancient music accompaniment, Manchu maid, tribute to white jade milk tea

To the Bong Dim Sum: Tea knife cut, almond bergamot, crispy apple, sweet cake

Save box one product : Dragon phoenix depiction gold save box dragon pan pillar (with the dried fruit preserves eight products)

Four hi dried fruits: tiger skin peanuts, strange taste of big flat, milk white grapes, snow plum

Four sweets: candied apples, candied cinnamon balls, candied fresh peaches, candied green plums

Offering incense to Shou: ancient music accompaniment banquet, burning incense into the feast

Five appetizers: Dragon and Phoenix Chengxiang, Hongzi Chicken Shredded Cucumber, Fuzi Melon Roasted Tenderloin, Swastika Spicy Belly Silk, and Nianzikou Mushroom Hair Dish

Four products of gluttony: imperial bean yellow, sesame rolls, golden cakes, date paste cakes

Four pickles: court cucumber, black cabbage with sauce, sugar garlic, pickled water mustard skin

Worship Ring Pulp: Music Accompaniment Banquet, Manchu Maid Worship, Guizhou Moutai

A piece of soup: Longjing bamboo sun

Three pieces of imperial cuisine: anchovy shark fin, red plum pearl incense, and Miyoshi hare

Dumplings: Bean noodles, milk horns

Three pieces of imperial cuisine: Xianglong Double Fly, Stir-fried Field Chicken, Coriander Fried Pigeon

Three pieces of imperial cuisine: Eight treasures of wild duck, bergamot gold roll, fried shredded cuttlefish

Two products of gluttony: canary puff pastry, ruyi roll

Three pieces of imperial cuisine: hydrangea dried scallops, fried guinea fowl, fish fillets with milk sauce

Three pieces of imperial cuisine: dried sea cucumber, duck palm with mushrooms, and colorful beef fillet

Two kinds of dumplings: minced meat cake, dragon whisker noodles

Grilled two products: hanging stove pheasant, raw roast roe deer, with lotus leaf roll, green onion, sweet noodle sauce

Three imperial dishes: mountain treasure thorn dragon bud, lotus tofu, grass mushroom broccoli

Porridge 1 product: Red bean porridge

Fruit 1 product: A fruit platter at the right time

Farewell to fragrant tea: Xinyang Maojian

(2) Banquets for courtiers

Beauty Offering: Shifeng Longjing

Four products of dried fruits: honey peanuts, strange cashews, walnut sticky, apple fudge

Four candied fruits: candied ginkgo biloba, candied cherries, candied melon strips, candied dates

Four products of gluttony: jade bean cake, chestnut cake, two-color bean cake, bean paste roll

Four pickles: sweet sauce rosette, five-spiced cooked mustard, sweet sour milk melon, sweet brocade

Seven appetizers: Magpie Dengmei, Butterfly Roll, Ginger Fish Fillet, Spiced Pigeon, Sweet and Sour Lotus Root, Pickled Green Cauliflower, Spicy Cabbage Roll

A pint of soup: a pint of guan yan

Five pieces of imperial cuisine: casserole simmered deer tendon, chicken shredded silver ear fungus, osmanthus fish strips, eight treasure rabbit diced, jade bamboo shoot bracken

Rao Erpin: Cixi Xiaowotou, Golden Silk Roasted Wheat

Five pieces of imperial cuisine: Luohan prawns, skewers of fried scallops, fried beef fillet with green onion, chicken with oyster sauce, and fresh mushroom hearts

Two products: Lama cake, almond tofu

Five pieces of imperial cuisine: white grilled wide belly chrysanthemum tenderloin Mountain treasure thorn five plus fried quail braised red scallops

Two products of gluttony: velvet chicken to be fed, bean paste apple

Three pieces of imperial cuisine: white grilled fish lips, braised fish bones, and grilled shark skin with green onions

Grilled two products: sliced skinned suckling pig, Uyghur roast lamb, pancakes, green onion and sweet sauce

A piece of porridge: Hui Ren rice porridge

Fruit 1 product: a fruit platter at the right time

Farewell to fragrant tea: Zhulan is generous

(3) Longevity feast

Beauty Offering: Lushan Clouds

Four products of dried fruits: milk white jujube treasure, two-color fudge, sugar fried big flat, cocoa peach kernels

Four products of candied fruit: candied pineapple, candied red fruit, candied grapes, candied horseshoe

Four products of gluttony: golden cake roll, small bean cake, lotus cake, pea yellow

Four pickles: osmanthus spicy sauce mustard, purple dried, shi coriander, and cucumber with oil

Save the box a pin: dragon phoenix depiction gold save box dragon pan pillar with the top

Five-spice sauce chicken brine tenderloin, red oil duck, spicy noodles

Osmanthus sauce chicken tomato horseshoe, braised mushrooms in oil, silver fungus in pepper oil

Four appetizers: Swastika coral white, Shouzi spiced prawns, wordless salted buffalo beef, Xinjiang character red oil blinds

A piece of soup: Changchun deer whip soup

Four pieces of imperial cuisine: jade palm offering shou, pearl tofu, shouwu chicken diced, hundred flowers duck tongue

Rao Erpin: Longevity Dragon Beard Noodles, Baishou Peach

Four pieces of imperial cuisine: white phoenix stewed with ginseng, dragon holding phoenix egg, father and son with joy, mountain treasure big leaf parsley

Two products of gluttony: Changchun roll, chrysanthemum bergamot crisp

Four pieces of imperial cuisine: golden-legged roasted round fish, skillfully roasted goose kite, peach kernel pheasant diced, crab meat double bamboo shoot shredded

Two products of gluttony: ginseng fruit, walnut cheese

Four pieces of imperial cuisine: pine monkey head mushroom, cuttlefish soup, lotus leaf chicken, beef fillet fried white mushroom

Grilled two products: hanging stove sand plate chicken, hemp seed venison skewers

Meal porridge: Rare black rice porridge

Farewell to Tea: Jasmine Tongue

(4) Feast of a Thousand Sorrows

Beauty Offering: Junshan Silver Needle

Four products of dried fruits: strange walnuts, crystal fudge, spiced cashews, peanut sticky

Candied fruit four products: candied oranges, candied begonias, candied bananas, candied plums

Four kinds of food: flower cup longan, Ai Wo Wo, jam golden cake, two-color horseshoe cake

Four pickles: court small lotus grape, honey sauce spicy cucumber, osmanthus kohlrabi, sauce peach kernel

Seven appetizers: Erlong Juju Beads, Tangerine Skin Rabbit Meat, Strange FlavorEd Chicken Strips, Tianxiang Abalone, Three Loofah Rolls, Shrimp Seeds Winter Shoots, Pepper Oil Russet White

A piece of soup: canned braised fish lips

Five pieces of imperial cuisine: sand boat tacui, pipa prawn, dragon and phoenix tenderness, sesame oil food paste diced meat, cucumber sauce

Two kinds of dumplings: mille-feuille steamed cake, assorted flower basket

Five pieces of imperial cuisine: dragon boat mandarin fish, slippery shellfish balls, sauce stewed quail, oyster sauce beef fillet, Sichuan sauce duck paw

Two products of gluttony: anchovy roasted wheat, multicolored scribbles

Five pieces of imperial cuisine: a pint of tofu, three immortals balls, eno mushrooms, chicken breasts, and fragrant venison cakes

Two products of gluttony: jade rabbit cabbage, four xi dumplings

Grill two products: imperial grilled chicken, grilled fish fan

Game hot pot: Twelve items on a plate

1 product : venison slices, flying dragon breast roe deer ridge, pheasant slices,

Wild boar meat, duck breast, squid rolls, fresh fish meat,

Dragon's tooth, parsley, eleuthero, eleuthero, fresh bean sprouts

Porridge: Lotus leaf porridge

Farewell to fragrant tea: Yanghe Spring Green

(5) Nine hundred feasts

Beauty Tea Offering: Boiling milk tea

Four products of dried fruits: sesame syrup, rock sugar walnut, spiced almond, pineapple gummy

Candied four products: candied longan, candied Laiyang pear, candied diamond horn, candied betel nut

Four dumplings: glutinous rice cold cake, kidney bean roll, pigeon glass cake, cream pineapple jelly

Four pickles: Beijing spicy dish, spicy cucumber strips, sweet and spicy dried, sherry

Seven appetizers: Pine Crane Yannian, Mustard Duck Palm, Spicy Quail, Sesame Fish, Cashew Parsley Heart, Oil Braised Fresh Mushroom Honey Sauce Tomato

A meal soup: Clam soup

A piece of imperial cuisine: braised unicorn noodles

Stir-fried four products: drum plate dragon crab, spicy hoof tendon, oolong spit beads, three fresh dragon and phoenix balls

Two products of gluttony: wood rhinoceros cake, jade noodle gourd

Imperial dish: Golden Toad Jade Abalone

Stir-fried four products: mountain bracken, salt fried meat, fragrant roast roe deer ridge, lake rice russet white

Two products: golden horn, crystal plum blossom bag

A piece of imperial cuisine: colorful stir-fried hump

Four hot stir-fried products: wild duck peach kernels, stir-fried squid, box tofu, crispy fried golden cake

Rao's two products: the great rescue, the lotus roll

Grilled two products: guinea fowl in the oven, roasted deer breast

Porridge: Lotus seed porridge

Farewell to Fragrant Tea: Dongting BiluoChun

(6) Seasonal feasts

Beauty Tea: Fujian Oolong

Four dried fruits: milk white almonds, persimmon frosted fudge, crispy fried cashews, sugar fried peanuts

Four candied fruits: candied duck pear, candied jujube, candied lychee, candied hami apricot

Four products of gluttony: whip cake, bean paste cake, coconut cup, Mandarin duck roll

Four pickles: spicy milk melon slices, sauce pepper, sweet sauce ginger tooth, sauce snail

Seven appetizers: Phoenix Wings, Panda Crab Meat and Shrimp, Seed Winter Shoots, Five Silk Foreign Flour, Spiced Mandarin Fish, Sour and Spicy Cucumber, Tangerine Peel Beef

A piece of soup: canned simmered mountain chicken silk bird's nest

Five pieces of imperial cuisine: raw shell fresh abalone, roasted partridge, turnip bursting dan, chicken silk bean sprouts, pearl fish balls

Two products of gluttony: Chongyang flower cake, pine nuts and dried heylots

Five pieces of imperial cuisine: shark fin with monkey head mushroom, duck breast with slippery sauce, vegetarian stir-fried eel shredded, diced cashew nut deer, grilled fish belly roll

Two products of food: hibiscus banana roll, moon cake

Five imperial dishes: steamed fresh, stir-fried vegetables, stuffed mushroom box, lotus leaf chicken, Shandong sea cucumber

Two dumplings: seasonal dim sum, soup dumplings

Grilled two products: roast duck with oven, roasted pheasant,

Crepes, sweet noodle sauce, shallots, melon strips,

Rosewood strips, sugar, garlic paste

A piece of porridge: Laba porridge

Man Han was full of four or eight treasures

1. Mountain Eight Treasures: Hump, Bear Paw, Monkey Brain, Orangutan Lip, Elephant Dial, Leopard Fetus, Rhino tail, Lion Milk

2. Hai Bazhen: fish roe, shark fin, sea cucumber, fish belly, fish bone, abalone, fish lip, dried scallops

3. Eight treasures of birds: red swallow, flying dragon, quail, swan, partridge, colored finches, spotted doves, red-headed eagles

4. Eight Treasures of Grass: Monkey Head, White Fungus, Bamboo Thorn, Donkey Nest Fungus, Morel Mushroom, Flower Mushroom, Yellow Cauliflower, Yun Xiangxin


First, hump: hump meat refers to the camel's back with two towering "meat saddles", the hump is the camel's nutrient storage, connected to the back muscle, composed of nutrient-rich colloidal fat, a camel's hump weight of about 40 kg, hump flesh is delicate, plump and fat.

Why 108 dishes in the full table? What are the 32 kinds of eight treasures? Let's get knowledge together

Monkey Brain: Not explaining is very cruel

Why 108 dishes in the full table? What are the 32 kinds of eight treasures? Let's get knowledge together

Third, the orangutan lips: the first of the eight treasures, many people mistakenly think that the orangutan lips are the lips of the orangutan. In fact, the orangutan lip is a dried product of the elk face. The few dozens of elk that remain now are registered and cannot be obtained at all.

Why 108 dishes in the full table? What are the 32 kinds of eight treasures? Let's get knowledge together

Fourth, elephant plucking: one of the ancient eight treasures, refers to the elephant trunk fish, posterity does not understand that it is an elephant trunk. After liberation, there were not many people who understood that the Manchu Han Dynasty was full of people, and they often thought that the elephant was an elephant trunk. It was also for this reason that Asian elephants became (nearly) extinct thereafter.

Why 108 dishes in the full table? What are the 32 kinds of eight treasures? Let's get knowledge together

Fifth, leopard fetus: refers to the leopard's placenta, for the precious food.

Why 108 dishes in the full table? What are the 32 kinds of eight treasures? Let's get knowledge together

Rhinoceros tail: one of the eight treasures, the tail meat of the rhinoceros

Why 108 dishes in the full table? What are the 32 kinds of eight treasures? Let's get knowledge together

7. Deer tendons: tendons for the limbs of deer sika deer or red deer

Why 108 dishes in the full table? What are the 32 kinds of eight treasures? Let's get knowledge together

8. Bear paw: Bear paw is the foot paw of a black bear or brown bear, which is dried. Bear paws are mostly furred by the belt and have front and back palms. The forefoot is small, the gum is more, the palm surface is wider and the flesh is more fragrant, the smell is not smelly, and the bear is listed as a national second-level protected animal

Why 108 dishes in the full table? What are the 32 kinds of eight treasures? Let's get knowledge together

Hai Bazhen

First, the large black ginseng: the first of the eight treasures of the sea, the sea cucumber is a kind of echinoderm plant, growing on the bottom of the seabed rock or seaweed bottom. It is regarded as a sea treasure, not only because of its number and high price, but also because it is a high-protein, low-fat food.

Why 108 dishes in the full table? What are the 32 kinds of eight treasures? Let's get knowledge together

Second, fish bones: also known as fish bones, also known as fish brain, fish bones, is also a more famous seafood products. It is mainly made of cartilage from the skulls, jawbones, fin basal bones and vertebral joints of sharks and ploughshares

Why 108 dishes in the full table? What are the 32 kinds of eight treasures? Let's get knowledge together

Shark fin soup: Shark fin is made of the dorsal fin of a large shark, the brain fin, tail fin rinse, dried, spit fishy and then boiled and then scraped off the sand of the epidermis, sliced, and drawn to make a high-grade fin cake. The amount of fin extracted only accounts for around 5% of the weight of the sandfish, so it is rare and rare, so it is valuable.

Why 108 dishes in the full table? What are the 32 kinds of eight treasures? Let's get knowledge together

4. Abalone: Abalone is a monohull shellfish. The meat is tender, delicious, nourishing, and has the effect of regulating the intestines and nourishing the yin.

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5. Fish maw: Fish maw is processed from the maw of the fish. The rare fish maws on the market are dried and finished products.

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6. Bird's nest: Bird's nest refers to the nest formed by the saliva secreted by some swiftlets of the Swiftlet family and several swiftlets of the genus Swiftlet, mixed with other substances

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Seals: Seals are spindle-shaped, suitable for swimming, with rounded heads, resembling domestic dogs, full body hair, and shorter forelimbs than hindlimbs

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8. Pike: Also known as the giant salamander, is an amphibian, in the amphibians to count its largest body, belongs to the cryptoniths, mainly distributed in the Yangtze River, Yellow River and Pearl River Basin

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Eight treasures of birds

1. Red-headed eagle: The edge of the Sahara Desert is inhabited by a mighty animal called the red-headed eagle, whose lips are reddish and feed on small animals such as Thai deer.

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Second, spotted doves: relatively common, the national "three haves" protected animals

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3. Colored Finches: Colored finches are small songbirds. General staple food plant seeds

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Fourth, partridge: partridge bird, partridge, also known as stone chicken, red-legged small bamboo chicken, common name: red girl, flower chicken

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5. Swan: Swan refers to the birds of the goose family, which is a nomadic bird and a national second-level protected animal.

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6. Quail: Ancient known as quail, bird, bird, bird, belongs to the vertebrate wild bird pheasant family. It is one of the ancient edible birds

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Seven, flying dragon: dragon bird scientific name is flower tail hazel chicken, known as "heavenly dragon meat", as one of the eight treasures. During the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, it was listed as a treasure to pay tribute to the royal family, and it was known as the "bird of the year"

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Red swallow (can not be pictured, check no such goods, it is estimated that the camera has not been invented to eat clean, understand the welcome to add)

Grass Eight Treasures

1. Lion's Head Mushroom: Also known as Lion's Head Mushroom, it is only named because of its resemblance to a monkey's head. Monkey mushroom, monkey head, monkey mushroom, is a traditional Chinese precious dish, tender meat, fragrant, delicious and delicious. It is one of the four famous dishes (monkey head, bear paw, bird's nest, shark fin).

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Second, white fungus: white fungus is a fruiting body of the basidiomycetes, silver ear, silver ear, silver ear fungus, also known as white fungus, snow ear, silver ear, etc., has the reputation of "the crown of bacteria"

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Third, bamboo thorn: bamboo thorn, also known as bamboo sheng, bamboo ginseng, is a kind of cryptophyllum parasitic in the root of dry bamboo, known as the "queen of fungi"

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Fourth, donkey nest fungus: (can not be accompanied by pictures, check no such goods, it is estimated that the camera has not been invented to eat clean, understand the welcome to supplement)

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I don't know if it's right

Morels: Also known as morel, it is one of the world's most precious and rare edible mushrooms.

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Sixth, flower mushrooms: this is more common, flower mushrooms are the stars of the fungi, is a kind of superior mushroom produced by the fruiting body of shiitake mushrooms in a special environment

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Seventh, yellow cauliflower: by a sentence of yellow cauliflower are cold, it is widely known, indeed few people know that he is also one of the eight treasures

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Yun Xiangxin: A kind of shiitake mushroom, and like the flower mushroom, it is one of the shiitake mushrooms that everyone is very familiar with. Wood cloud fragrant long mushroom.

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