
The current political scene said丨 to create the "fastest ice" - "ice ribbon" is ready!

The National Speed Skating Hall is the only newly built ice competition venue at the Beijing Winter Olympics, and will hold a speed skating competition during the competition, resulting in 14 gold medals. On January 4, the General Secretary came here to learn about the preparations for the 2022 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games.

The current political scene said丨 to create the "fastest ice" - "ice ribbon" is ready!


"The biggest net", "the fastest ice", "super brain"... The National Speed Skating Hall is full of highlights.

The current political scene said丨 to create the "fastest ice" - "ice ribbon" is ready!

Wu Xiaonan, director of the operation team of the National Speed Skating Hall, proudly introduced to the general secretary various "Chinese solutions" embodied in the construction process of the "ice ribbon". "The upsurge of 300 million people participating in ice and snow sports after the Winter Olympics will continue, and our goal is to provide the best ice for the people."

The current political scene said丨 to create the "fastest ice" - "ice ribbon" is ready!

Li Jiulin, chief engineer of the National Speed Skating Hall Project, is a "double Olympic chief engineer", and from the "Bird's Nest" to the "Ice Ribbon", li Jiulin's Olympic love affair has also been witnessed. He said, "There are no standards for the Olympics, we are not for qualification, but for the best." ”

The current political scene said丨 to create the "fastest ice" - "ice ribbon" is ready!

Liu Lige, deputy director of medical and epidemic prevention at the National Speed Skating Hall, recalled the general secretary's advice on epidemic prevention work and said firmly: "Epidemic prevention work is related to the success of the entire event, the bottom line cannot be broken, and the goal of zero infection must be achieved." ”

The current political scene said丨 to create the "fastest ice" - "ice ribbon" is ready!

ISU referee Zhang Chunhui is a former speed skater who has won seven national championships. He said that he did not have the opportunity to participate in the Olympic Games as an athlete, and it is also a great honor to participate as an organizer this time.

Guihua flow tiles, ice wheels swirling. Ribbons fly and connect the world.

2022, meet in Beijing, ice ribbon is ready!

Producer 丨 Shen Yong

Planner 丨Shi Wei Wang Pengfei

Reporter丨Lu Xinyu Han Rui Wei Zijun

Aerial photography 丨 Liu Yue Shi Lu Wei Qi Zhao Tong

Made 丨 Wei Junfu

Co-ordinator 丨 Zhang Xiaopeng Ma Yayang Liu Jianchang Chen Yang

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