
A whistle, a few dark incense

author:Tang poems, Song poems, ancient poems
A whistle, a few dark incense

Author: Yihu, Source: Tang Poetry song poetry ancient poems (ID: tsgsc8)

More than nine hundred years ago, a night when winter was about to end in spring, a small boat from Shihu Lake in Suzhou slowly marched on the surface of the river when the spring water was born, and the poet on the boat created two new songs when he was in Shihu, at this time the moon was just right, the boat swung into the Songling land boundary, the weeping rainbow bridge was like a long rainbow across the two banks, majestic, the poet took the pleasure to blow up Xiao, a young woman beside her and the melody gently chanted:

In the old days, how many times did you look at me, and the plum played the flute? Evoke the jade people, regardless of the cold and climbing. He Xun is getting older and older, and he has forgotten the spring wind word pen. But the strange bamboo outside the flowers, the incense cold into the Yao mat.

Jiang Guo, is lonely, sighing and lu yao, the night snow is beginning to accumulate. CuiZun is easy to cry, and the red calyx is speechless. Long memories have been hand in hand, a thousand trees pressed, West Lake Hanbi. And pieces, blow out, when to see?

The woman sang one of the poet's new songs, "Dark Incense, Old Time Moonlight", the song looked back, the smoke was vast, and the poet improvised and wrote a small poem:

"Over the Rainbow"

Self-made new words rhyme the most delicate, Xiaohong sings my whistle.

At the end of the song, we will cross Songling Road and look back at the Fourteenth Bridge of Yanbo.

After the snow fell plum blossoms, in the slightly cold Jiangnan moonlight, a poet in a light white robe and flowing clothes, quietly blowing Xiao, wearing a small red dress on the side, singing, boats swaying leisurely, smoke waves, through one and a half months like bridge holes, intermittent sound with intermittent wind... It's like a dynamic ink painting.

This beautiful picture, this sound from the Southern Song Dynasty, has always been in the rainbow area, emerging across time and space.

This poet is the Southern Song Dynasty's "White Stone Old Immortal" Jiang Kui and Jiang Baishi, and the woman Xiaohong who sings is a gift from Fan Chengda when Jiang Kui left Shihu, which is a graceful matter among ancient literati. Jiang Kui and Fan Chengda, one is a lifelong jianghu talent, the other is a literati who has been an official to a deputy prime minister, but he is a confidant friend who has forgotten to make for many years, and this passage has to start from the beginning.

A whistle, a few dark incense


First of all, Fan Chengda, who was sixty-five years old at this time, retired to his hometown of Shihu in Suzhou, where he built Fan Village, returned to the countryside, and wrote the famous group poem "Four Hours of Pastoral Miscellaneous", the most well-known of which is his thirty-one:

Day out of the field and night, the sons and daughters of the village are in charge.

Tong Sun did not solve the cultivation and weaving, and also learned to plant melons in The Sang Yin.

He wrote a total of sixty poems, caring for farmers, recording bits and pieces of pastoral life, and becoming a neighbor with a quiet personality.

It is difficult to imagine that when he was young, Fan Chengda, once so arrogant and dry, manchu civil and military officials did not dare to deal with errands, but he dared to take orders, abandon life and death, and bravely sent envoys to the Jin Kingdom to complete "impossible tasks", and could not fail in his mission, and returned with integrity, known as "Southern Song Suwu".

On the way north, what Fan Chengda saw and heard in the occupied areas, with the eyes and heart of a literary scholar, recorded them with seventy-two poems, and after returning to China, he compiled the diary of the envoy To jin guo into a "Record of The Book of The Book", leaving behind precious and unique documents and historical materials, which made people have to admire his arrogance and calmness.

In the winter of 1186, the young Jiang Kui stayed in Hangzhou for a short time, got acquainted with Yang Wanli, who was also a Jiangxi native, and Yang Wanli, a mr. Chengzhai who had a high vision, was excited after reading Jiang Kui's poems, praising him for "working for everything in literature", the two became friends forgetting the year, Yang Wanli wrote a letter to recommend fan Chengda, Yang Wanli and Fan Chengda, Tonglu You, You Yuan, the four, that is, the "Four Great Poets of Zhongxing" in the Southern Song Dynasty.

Fan Chengda also admired Jiang Chengda's lyrics, and the following summer, it was Fan Chengda's first birthday after returning to Hidden Stone Lake, at this time Jiang Chengda had already lived in Huzhou and rushed to Shihu to wish for his birthday, seeing the inscription poem on the fan in Fan Chengda's hand, he made a poem "The Fan Rhyme of the Book of The Second Stone Lake":

The west of the bridge is a song of water through the village, and the duckweed of the shore pavilion has traces of green.

The family lives in Shihu people are not there, and the lotus flowers are not opened in many places.

According to the research of the lexicographer Mr. Xia Chengtao, this is the first meeting between Jiang Kui and Fan Chengda, a pen pal with an age gap of twenty-eight years, and it is very committed, and then Jiang Kui composed "Stone Lake Immortal" to Fan Chengda:

Matsue Yanpu. It is the three highs of the ages, and the best place to travel. The Shihu Immortals of Xu Xin are like a bird and a bird, and they are led away. Floating clouds are here, I love myself, green and red dance. Tolerate. Look at the world, several degrees of the present and the ancient.

Lu Gou used to be stationed in The Horse, for yellow flowers, idle chanting. See say Hu'er, also learn to wash the rain. Jade friend golden banana, jade man golden wisp. Slowly move the kite pillar. Idle talk. Next year is scheduled for Acacia Province.

Jiang Kui was full of admiration for Fan Chengda's lone courage to go to the Jin Kingdom and be able to retire with his whole body, so the sentence "Xu Xin Shi Hu Xian, like a bird Yi, and flew away" in the words, compared Fan Chengda to Fan Li, the grand master of the Yue Kingdom in the Spring and Autumn Period, after becoming famous, retreated from the rapids, returned to Taihu Lake, and called himself "YiZiPi", Jiang Kui also praised Fan Chengda's meritorious retirement and retreated from seclusion.

A whistle, a few dark incense


Jiang Fu's demeanor is good, his temperament is elegant, and Fan Chengda's personality is close, the friendship between the two has become deeper and deeper, due to the appreciation of Fan Chengda and Yang Wanli, two senior celebrities, Jiang Fu's talent name has spread more widely, xin qiyi and Zhu Xi have publicly expressed their appreciation for Bai Shizi.

In the winter of 1191, Jiang Kui was invited by Fan Chengda to come to Shihu Lake again, just as the snow fell on the plum, and the literati stepped on the snow to admire the plum, full of interest. Fan Chengda loved Mei, and when he retired to his hometown to build Shihu Fan Village, he deliberately "used one-third of his land to be with Mei" and wrote a volume of "Plum Spectrum".

Mr. Fan Lao, a resident of Shihu Lake, immediately proposed that Jiang Fu create a new song, the musical genius Jiang Fu also has a special affection for plum blossoms, at this moment, emotion, inspiration and snow plum bloom at the same time, improvised a new song, Fan Cheng was greatly appreciated, and immediately called the musician Ge Ji to practice, syllables are gentle, and the moon is intoxicating, it is named "Dark Incense" and "Shadow".

"Dark Incense" is the "old moonlight" sung by the Singer Ji Xiaohong, given by the Shihu resident at the beginning of the article, and the words of "Shadow" are:

Moss branches are dotted with jade, there are small kingfishers, and the branches live together. Guests meet, hedge corners at dusk, wordlessly rely on themselves to repair bamboo. Zhaojun is not accustomed to Hu Shayuan, but secretly remembers that Jiangnan and Jiangbei are north and south. I want to wear a ring, return from the moon and night, and become this flower.

Remembering the old story of the deep palace, the man was sleeping, flying near the moth green. Mo is like a spring breeze, regardless of Yingying, early with the arrangement of the golden house. He also taught a piece to go with the waves, but he complained and the jade dragon mourned. When waiting for the time, re-looking for the fragrance, has entered the small window banner.

The opening sentence "moss branches embellished with jade" is cleverly embedded in the ancient plum recorded in Fan Chengda's "Plum Spectrum": fresh scales, full of flowers, with "moss whiskers hanging on the green branches"; then compares the plum blossom to the beauty of Du Fu's poem who has thin sleeves and silently relies on bamboo, and compares it to Zhaojun who misses his hometown far away from his homeland, highlighting its high purity and unique beauty, and giving plum blossoms personality.

There are moth green plum blossom makeup and allusions to the golden house, telling the spring wind to take care of it carefully, so as not to go with the waves, adding the lament of "Plum Blossom Fall", the branches fall out, and can only be appreciated in the pictures of the small window. This is not a ding-dong flower appreciator and yourself, to cherish, cherish.

A whistle, a few dark incense

The two poems are named "Dark Fragrant Shadow", not mentioning plum blossoms and knowing that they are lyrical words borrowed from plum blossoms, because the Northern Song Dynasty hermit poet Lin Hejing's famous sentence of "The shadow is shallow and shallow, and the dark incense floats in the dusk of the moon" is too classic:

Zhongfang shook off Du Xuanyan and occupied the style to the small garden.

The shadow is shallow and shallow, and the dark incense floats at dusk.

The frost bird wants to steal its eyes first, and the pink butterfly is like knowing the soul.

Fortunately, there are micro-chants that can be snought together, and there is no need for sandalwood to share the golden bottle.

The poem is one of Lin Kui's "Two Songs of Xiaomei in the Mountain Garden", and since then, "Dark Fragrant Shadow" has become an excellent synonym for plum blossoms. Lin Kui, that is, Mr. Hejing (Song Renzong), did not marry for life, lived in seclusion in the lonely mountains of the West Lake, planted plums and raised cranes, and called himself "taking plums as his wife and cranes as his son". Lin Hejing has a quiet personality, reclusive from the world, like an immortal, not an impermanent love, but because it is locked into deep affection, he wrote a poem "Sauvignon Blanc Wu Shanqing", which is deeply written:

Wu Shanqing, Yue Shanqing, and the green mountains on both sides of the strait greet each other, who knows the parting feelings?

Jun's tears, concubines' tears, Luo Belt's concentric knot has not yet been completed, and the tide of the river has been flattened.

I just don't know where his emotional story once fell in the red dust, he hid in the world, and paid the most love for the world to Mei and The Crane.

Lin Kui is a person who Jiang Kui admires and admires, Jiang Kui's flowing immortal temperament also has some similarity with Lin Kui, the Ming dynasty Zhang Yu's "Biography of the White Stone Daoist" also wrote: "The body is clear, looking like a fairy in the middle of the people", Jiang Kui also loves plum blossoms, and has a deep affection in his heart for many years, in "Dark Incense", remembering the old moonlight, there is a heart to send plums far away, sighing the snow in the distance, feeling plum blossoms are not easy, "long memories have been hand in hand, a thousand trees pressed, West Lake Hanbi", can only remember the former companionship in the memory, I don't know when I can see each other again, I don't know when I can see you again, Jade people like plum blossoms.


Who is Jiang Kui's preference for plums, the jade people who are missed because of plum blossoms?

Jiang Fu was born in a declining eunuch family, his ancestral home was Dexing, Raozhou (present-day Dexing, Jiangxi), and later moved to Poyang, his father was once in Xinyu, Jiangxi, Hubei Wuhan Zhi County, Jiang Fu's father died when he was fourteen years old, young and lonely, and when he became an adult, he did not take the first scientific examination and lived everywhere.

At the age of twenty-three, he traveled to Hefei, Anhui Province, and met the two singers and sisters here, sang from each other's appreciation, traveled together, stepped on the snow and admired the plums, and agreed with each other. Because of the unforgettable "jade people and plum blossom picking in the moon", since then, he has repeatedly gone to Hefei to meet his sweetheart, and his affection has become increasingly strong and difficult to give up.

A whistle, a few dark incense

A year before visiting Fan Chengda in the snow, Jiang Kui had gone to Hefei to meet his lovers, so he had the intention of cherishing people when he admired the plums in Shihu Lake, which seemed to be an indissoluble complex in his heart, and the description related to plum blossoms was always associated with the remembrance of lovers in Hefei, and seeing Meihuai people became a common theme in Baishi words, such as "Jiang Meiyin : When it is easy to leave the world":

It is easy to part ways in the world. See the plum branches, suddenly acacia. A few degrees of small window ghost dream hand with. Tonight there is nowhere to be found in the dream, wandering, cold intrusion, not yet known.

Wet red hate ink shallow seal title. Bao Zheng is empty, no geese flying. Junyou Lane is strange, counting empty, ancient wood oblique. The Old Testament flattened the boat, and the heart was wrong. Song strike Huainan spring grass endowment, and also 萋萋. Drifters, tears in their eyes.

He wrote in the preface: "In the winter of The First Birthday, give Liang Xi, and will not be allowed to write Huainan, because of the dream to describe the zhi." "The time is the winter of 1196, he lived in the manor of Zhang Jian in Liangxi, Wuxi, just when the plums in the garden were competing to open, saw plum blossoms, and missed the lovers of Hefei, thinking and dreaming, so he remembered the dream lyrics.

The following year's Lantern Festival, Jiang Fu dreamed because of his thoughts, and composed "Partridge Heaven and New Year's Eve Dream":

The endless period of fertile water flowing east. It was not suitable for acacia at the beginning. In the dream, he did not see Dan Qing, and in the dark he suddenly startled the mountain birds to cry.

Spring is not green, sideburns first silk. Don't be sad for a long time. Who taught the years of the Red Lotus Night, the two places of chanting are known to each other.

This year, twenty years have passed since the first encounter with Hefei lovers, and in these twenty years, he has written nearly twenty poems of nostalgia for lovers and chanting Hefei customs, revealing "unforgettable first love".

A whistle, a few dark incense


Let's turn the time back to the night of the Chinese New Year's Eve that returned from Shihu Lake, the boat swung leisurely to Theaxi (present-day Huzhou), and the poet wrote the last sentence of "From the Stone Lake to the Amaranth Creek" all the way to the seventh song, he looked at the distance and whispered:

Kasazawa is vast with the shadow of the geese, and the jade peak overlaps the cloud protection.

The long bridge is lonely and cold in spring, and only the poet returns home.

Kasawa is another name for Taihu Lake, and the Long Bridge is the hanging rainbow bridge mentioned above, "Eighty Zhangqing Rainbow Sleeping Shadow", which is the longest bridge in the southeast area, commonly known as the Long Bridge. Boating in the vast Taihu Lake, the water surface looms a few geese shadow, clouds and mist sometimes there are few peaks, in this cold and empty spring night, the long bridge lies quietly, it seems a little lonely (lonely not only the long bridge), in this quiet emptiness, only a small boat of the poet slowly walks in the vast lake water.

At this time, if there is a long shot, with the faint sound of the whistle slowly moving up, pushing up, pulling away, the boat gradually becomes like an ink dot, and the long bridge becomes a line... The dots and lines open up the endless cosmic space, the heavens and the earth are vast, and everything is ethereal.

Time has changed, and once again the plum blossoms are in full bloom, under the moonlight, the shadows sway, and there is a dark fragrance from time to time, just like the sound of nothing outside the millennium.


A lake, a simple woman who loves poetry.

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