
Why is the Battle of Lezhev called a meat grinder? Both the Soviet Union and Germany are hard to talk about!

The Battle of Lezhev, which took place after the Battle of Moscow, was a battle known as the Meat Grinder of the Eastern Front, in which more than two million soldiers were killed. However, both the Soviet Union and Germany were difficult to talk about this meat grinder war. The Battle of Lezhev, which lasted from January 1942 after the end of the Battle of Moscow until the end of the Battle of Stalingrad in March 1943, was an endless battle of the meat grinders.

Why is the Battle of Lezhev called a meat grinder? Both the Soviet Union and Germany are hard to talk about!

This is Adolf's last hope of marching into Moscow, and he insists on fighting a big war with the Soviet army, and it is also a big war for the Soviet army to maintain its dignity. Lezhev this place, is the second largest transportation hub in the country after Moscow, only 200 kilometers away from Moscow, although the German army was defeated in the Battle of Moscow, but the German army still hopes to occupy Moscow, and Lezhev this place is the closest bridgehead to Moscow, Adolf hopes that the German army can complete the grand ambition of occupying Moscow in the spring.

Naturally, the Soviets could not allow the Germans to flaunt their might here. But in fact, there was no winner of this great war, so in the eyes of the Soviet Union and Germany, this battle really had no element worth publicizing. Marshal Modell's brilliant command at the Battle of Lezhev was truly breathtaking. The entire Battle of Lezhev is the stage of Modell alone, even Zhukov and Konev, in the Battle of Lezhev can only become the foil of Modell, the Soviet army has invested no less than 3 million troops, and the total strength of the German army is less than half of the Soviet army, Modell is using this force to eliminate the opponent in the four large-scale offensives of the Soviet army, so that the Soviet army 1.5 million people lost the battlefield.

Why is the Battle of Lezhev called a meat grinder? Both the Soviet Union and Germany are hard to talk about!

The defeat at the Battle of Stalingrad became the last straw that crushed the Germans, with Little Army Group Center left, and Modell was forced to draw up a buffalo plan to help the Germans evacuate Lezhev, and the Battle of Lezhev ended. Although the Battle of the Meat Grinders inflicted heavy losses on the Soviet Army, the Germans also suffered heavy casualties, 500,000 German elites were damaged in Lezhev, and the Battle of Lezhev pinned down a large number of German troops, indirectly helping the Soviets win the defense of Stalingrad.

Why is the Battle of Lezhev called a meat grinder? Both the Soviet Union and Germany are hard to talk about!

No amount of explanation pales in the light of the fact that the Battle of Lezhev was a crushing defeat for the Soviets, which could not be washed away. No way, the German fighting spirit is very strong, and without the Battle of Lezhev, the entire Soviet defense line would have collapsed. This was the Battle of Lezhev, which made the Soviets look back. What do you think?

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