
How miserable were Jewish women during World War II? Once captured by the Germans, dressing would be a luxury


Jews were one of the most persecuted peoples during World War II, and under Hillert's frantic plan, more than 6 million Jews were killed, and even at that time, Jews were no longer human in the eyes of Germans.

They were forced into the lowest and most tiring jobs, lived in coffin houses like concentration camps, were completely deprived of their status and dignity, and even though the Jews chose to submit to the Germans, they still failed to curb their murderous intentions.

How miserable were Jewish women during World War II? Once captured by the Germans, dressing would be a luxury

This nominal "racial reform program" brought disaster to an unknown number of Jews, but the German soldiers treated Jewish women more cruelly than those who could work.

According to the recollections of Jewish women who survived, under the orders of German officers, the arrested Jewish women who wanted to dress would be extravagant, and those who punched and kicked them, and death may be a more direct way of liberation than living.

How miserable were Jewish women during World War II? Once captured by the Germans, dressing would be a luxury

Why Did Hillert hate the Jews?

We all know that Jews are hardcore Jews, and unlike those who believe in Christianity, religious beliefs make Jews highly exclusive in order to maintain the purity of their faith, even after they were forced into exile in Europe.

This makes the Europeans very unhappy, you a foreign race usurped our land, not to mention, but always look like others owe you money, this arrogant psychology who can bear?

How miserable were Jewish women during World War II? Once captured by the Germans, dressing would be a luxury

But the Jews did not know this, they regarded the exclusion of the indigenous peoples of Europe as a survival experience, and many Jews became angry and turned all the pressure into a driving force for business, which brought great wealth to this foreign nation in a short period of time.

But what the Jews did not see was that behind the wealth there was also the hatred and jealousy of other peoples in Europe, especially after those rich Jews were unkind, and slowly European anti-Semitism really began to spread, and then the outbreak of the Black Death in Europe pushed the Jews to the cusp.

How miserable were Jewish women during World War II? Once captured by the Germans, dressing would be a luxury

The Jews themselves felt very wronged, they just loved to be clean, so the number of people who fell ill during the Black Death was small, but the anti-Semitic people in Europe described them as the culprits of the Black Death, and it was the Jews who brought disaster.

It was not until after the outbreak of World War I that the German military was forced to vigorously recognize Jews in the form of war, and a total of 100,000 Jews participated in the war with the encouragement of the government. These Jewish soldiers did not think that they were heroic, but the Jewish merchants who saw only profits were different, they were making a lot of war money behind their backs, using financial securities to manipulate the circulation of money; the final result was that the German government was directly bankrupt after the First World War, but the Jews were very rich.

How miserable were Jewish women during World War II? Once captured by the Germans, dressing would be a luxury

But these Jews had no pity for the german people after the war, preferring to dump the milk rather than distribute it to the refugees.

Hitler, who had participated in World War I, witnessed these tragedies firsthand, and after coming to power, attributed all the defeat of the First World War to the betrayal of the Jews, and Hillert's "ethnic cleansing" program began.

How miserable were Jewish women during World War II? Once captured by the Germans, dressing would be a luxury

The fate of jewish women

The reason why the Jews suffered too much persecution during the war was because of the dictatorship and hatred of Hitler, the supreme leader of Germany at that time. Later, Hitler simply stopped hiding his ambitions and slaughtered Jews on a very brutal scale, and those Jews who were old, sick, disabled and worthless were shot directly; Jews with a little strength did hard work, without wages, or even a full mouth.

What about Jewish women? Their situation was even more miserable, and it could be said that no Jewish woman was spared wherever the Germans went.

How miserable were Jewish women during World War II? Once captured by the Germans, dressing would be a luxury

Although the Jewish women had gone into hiding, the German army always had a way to find them and send them to the officers. Since then, the end of jewish women has come.

For reasons of low status, these Jewish women were not even treated as human beings, and the Germans pounced on them like flood beasts, treating them as the lowest playthings. There were also many Jewish women whose husbands helped to intercede, saying that they would take their wives to participate in free labor and contribute to the development of Germany; but the husbands responded with cold bullets, and anyone who interceded for a Jewish woman had only one way to die.

How miserable were Jewish women during World War II? Once captured by the Germans, dressing would be a luxury

This is all just the beginning of the disaster. A reporter once photographed the internal structure of Auschwitz in a wartime death, and we can see some long boxes that are 6 feet wide and 3 feet high.

It was used to stuff Jewish women, each box stuffing 6-10 people, who were naked and huddled together for warmth.

How miserable were Jewish women during World War II? Once captured by the Germans, dressing would be a luxury

Those who survived were sent to the laboratory the next day as the subject of mad scientists, because women were worthless compared to Jewish men, and it was most appropriate to use them as experimental objects.

Friends who comfort each other at night will turn into human oil soap under the experimental furnace the next day, and women's hair will become the laces of Nazi shoes, which is like a purgatory scene that people dare not watch.

Women with slightly better fortune would be put in window displays, and any German citizen could buy them back for a small price, but not grant them any status.

How miserable were Jewish women during World War II? Once captured by the Germans, dressing would be a luxury

Compared with the devastation of Auschwitz, these bought and sold Jewish women really lived in paradise; if they met some Germans who still had a conscience, their lives could be effectively sheltered, which was a blessing in disguise.

How miserable were Jewish women during World War II? Once captured by the Germans, dressing would be a luxury


The British sociologist Elena once said: The essence of the Jewish people in Europe was lost because of the Great Holocaust. This speaks volumes about the torment Jews suffered during World War II.

They were slaughtered, divided, tortured, bought and sold; in the history of jewish development, they suffered unimaginable suffering.

Maybe the Jews did something wrong, but Hitler retaliated against them with ethnic cleansing, which was a great evil. At all times, Germany needs to face up to the mistakes of history and prevent the recurrence of jewish tragedies.

How miserable were Jewish women during World War II? Once captured by the Germans, dressing would be a luxury

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