
Childhood memories of Jining style

author:ySL Lattice Zhizhi


In my memory, Jining's old appearance was so ordinary, even shabby, but it left an indelible impression on me. When I was a child, my family lived on the shore of the Queen Mother Pavilion Lake in the south of the city, the water surface of the Queen Mother Pavilion Lake at that time was very large, the lotus flowers in the lake were particularly beautiful under the sunlight, in the south of the Queen Mother Pavilion, there was an ancient section of the earthen city wall, commonly known as "Tu Wei Zi", the fence was full of grass, and there were several wild date trees, wild wolfberries, we often climbed up to play, pick some wild dates, goji berries and other things to eat. To its north is a "small island" surrounded by three sides of the lake, which is called "Temple Platform" by the old people, that is, "Queen Mother's Pavilion", but it has long been a ruined wall. Some people say that it was destroyed during the Cultural Revolution when it "broke the four olds", but in fact it was naturally destroyed in disrepair.

Childhood memories of Jining style

Lotus flowers in the lake

When we went to school, there was no adult pick-up, we were all walking in pairs, walking alleys and crossing small bridges, every day, and it is still difficult to forget. On the weekend, we go shopping, from the small south gate to the north, all the way to the bluestone paving, the streets on both sides of the shops, wooden door, high steps, barber shop is the most eye-catching, black and white long signboard non-stop rotation, I know that the barbershop has Jishikou, Fuqiaokou two relatively large, in addition to the barber shop, there are Daguanyuan, Yajiyuan two bathhouses, are collectively opened, with the price of two dime five cents of kraft paper printed invoices, you can cut hair can also take a bath, you can also buy ice cream (general catering companies). Walk through the south gate to see the People's Cinema, I loved to watch movies when I was a child, at that time there were acquaintances in the cinema, growing up in the cinema every day, like "Sunny Days", "Qingsongling", "Surprise Attack white tiger group", etc., and even the lines could be memorized. In addition to the People's Cinema in Jining, there are also People's Theater, Dongfeng Theater, County Cinema, Workers' Cultural Palace, etc. are showing movies.

Childhood memories of Jining style

Old Jining People's Cinema

In the eyes of my teenager. The scene I saw in the city was really like the one depicted in the movie, the streets along the city were lined with dilapidated facades, filthy walls, and tile roofs covered with weeds, the city had no sense of color, the street lights were dim at night, wooden poles were erected everywhere, every household used a 15-watt light bulb, and often blackouts, kerosene cover lamps, and calcium carbide lamps were the necessary lighting fixtures for every household.

Living in the sixties and seventies, the hardships of the family can be imagined, although to the meal point can eat, but when hungry in the free time have to endure a little, the hardships of parents, is now the children are difficult to see, at that time the school bag was sewn by the mother with a needle in the coarse flower cloth, the pencil box only has a pencil and an eraser, which is like the current student school bag is heavy, and it is also necessary to bring something to eat, very happy.

At that time, there was a lack of transportation, adults walking to work, rarely saw a bicycle, cars were very few, and most of the common means of transportation were horse-drawn carriages and ground carriages (shelves made of wood, two wheels, people with their hands to erect two handles, pulling forward) is almost the function of the current car, which has been the main tool of production and life for decades, and is a heritage that is always worth cherishing in the history of our society.

Jining's humanistic customs are rich and colorful; the transportation of the means of production in many factories relies on human pulling carts, and the service for them is the roadside "processing generation fire" stall. Migrant workers who pull trucks take out the flour they bring, let the stalls make noodles or dough skins, and often make a large pot of noodles with great effort, and continue to pull the car on the road after eating. In the 1980s, the convenient form of "processing generation fire" became history.

In the past, the people of Old Jining knew that there was a slip of the tongue; bamboo pole lane sold bamboo poles; small gates sold cans; Shizi Market, buying seeds; Xiutu Temple playing with gowns; goldfish sold in the goldfish pit, seven shops in the front street smashed stones; pulling condoms under the bridge. (The Eight Mile Temple Bridge thing, pulling the car does not go to the bridge, so there are people, holding leather loops, waiting to pull the bias set to earn two or three cents.) It can be seen that what era will have what era of things, life is still living happily.

When I was a child, I loved to visit shopping malls, jining shopping malls are not many, I have the impression of the small south gate of the cooperative, Jishikou Hongqi department store, the south gate of the department store, the north gate of the red archway, the post and telecommunications office opposite the handicraft building, Fuqiaokou no. 1 department store and so on. The most favorite to visit is the department store, the department store is close to the public hotel, is a three-story building, beige exterior wall, scarlet doors and windows, the first floor sells candy and other food, the second floor is cloth, stationery, (the department store building has undergone three major renovations, the second transformation also invited the director of the Central Consultative Committee Bo Yibo inscribed the name of the store, into the twenty-first century, was annexed by the Nanjing Central Department Store), often bought things are whitening powder (in the past, wear white sneakers, every time you brush the shoes, you have to paint a layer of whitening powder, It appears that the shoes are clean and very white. There was also a black 'hero brand' pen for fifty cents and four cents, and at that time, it was good to buy such a pen, which inspired me to study harder.

Many people know that walking through the east, west, south and north, it is Jining's diet that is the richest, and Jining people love to eat since ancient times. I remember that the state-run hotels include the Huimin Hotel in Xiaonanmen, Jishikou Street, the Jishikou Hotel, the Yipinxiang Hotel (later renamed the Volkswagen Hotel), the Jining Hotel, the Youth Hotel at Xiaozhakou, the Muslim Hotel in Nancai City, and the Muslim Hotel next to the railway station. The current Jining Hotel, which was built in the early 1980s, has a far less impact than the Volkswagen Hotel. Remember the steamed buns and fritters of the volkswagen hotel are very delicious, young people from the countryside to the city to set relatives, have to buy a big pinch of fritters, to a few bowls of tea, after eating and drinking enough to bring a few pounds of fritters home, the little daughter-in-law happily can not say, this may be the happy life of the girls in that period. As the saying goes, "Jining is a big monster, snails and cattle are sold as vegetables", (that is, a hard-shelled creature that grows in the water, also called field snails, and there are everywhere in the pit river), at that time, two cents and a small plate were eaten with vinegar, and decades have passed, and this way of eating has not changed. I still remember that the snacks are more famous: Wangjia steamed buns, Fuqiaokou's dried meat rice, Xiaonanmen's Yangjia grits soup, Hu Xiaojia's sheep soup, Fang's old restaurant, Fortuna Pavilion's grilled chicken, old Chen's grass fish pot cake, Gongjia Restaurant's steamed buns, hot noodle corners, East Gate's Hu spicy soup, Jingjia Hutong's five-spiced long nuts, (that is, peanut kernels), and Linjiawan stewed fish, very delicious. Most of these famous foods are still retained, and a few no longer exist because the operators have left. However, in the course of decades of operation, no one has paid attention to extending their eating methods into the creation of loud brands, and still swaying in the environment of roadside stalls.


The entertainment activities of my childhood are now colorful. After dinner, I was called out by the young guys to run around the streets, hide and seek, catch monkeys (everyone runs, one person goes to catch), where the black hides, where dirty to hide, play until late to go home, often reprimanded by parents. During the holidays, Huihui (that is, the meaning of Jining dialect often) also plays catching tigers (that is, sticking dragonflies with glue), patting cigarettes, (folding with cigarette labels) playing beans (small balls made of glass), picking _ (sounding) four feet, (four squares made of paper). The game of picking the four corners is like this; each side takes out a four corners, puts them on the ground, after the bag scissors, the first party uses its own four corners to the other party's four corners to go, after overturning the other party, the four corners belong to themselves, on the contrary, there is the other side to pick, after a game, the winner will have a stack of four corners in his hand, the heart is beautiful, and the loser pouts and mourns.

Childhood memories of Jining style

Childhood activities

Of course, in addition to these dirt games, the most important thing I can't forget is the story of Xiangyangyuan. During the 1975 and 1976 periods, the whole country carried out the activity of building xiangyang courtyards. The street where I live also built a Xiangyang Temple. I'm the squadron leader. Every night, the team members were organized to carry out activities, patrol the streets, comfort the five guaranteed households, and engage in literary and art propaganda teams. I remember we rehearsed a performance play, I played the class leader, rehearsed every day, there were a lot of lines, about a month of rehearsal, because our great leader Chairman Mao died suddenly, everyone was immersed in grief, so this program could not be performed in the end, nevertheless, I am proud to have the honor of participating in the activities of XiangyangYuan, maybe this kind of activity will not appear again in Chinese history.

Childhood memories of Jining style

Push the iron ring

At that time, almost all daily necessities were supplied by ticket, such as matches, soap, kerosene, cloth, etc.; oil, noodles, meat, fish, and even to buy tofu. My family lives in the Muslim area, every invoice is a lamb ticket, remember that there is a shop selling mutton in Xiaonanmen, every time you buy meat, in addition to a long queue, you have to work hard to climb on people and squeeze into the window, otherwise, you can't buy meat at all. (A certain amount of meat is served every day). I still clearly remember buying tofu in the vegetable shop, holding a small basket in the winter, everyone put their hands into the sleeves, walked around and stomped their feet, the mouth was steaming, from six o'clock in the morning, until more than nine o'clock, the vegetable shop began to sell tofu, my feet were frozen red every time, and when I got home, I quickly leaned over the stove to bake. Now you almost don't have to get out of the car to buy tofu, and the one who sells tofu weighs you up and puts it in your basket, it seems like a simple thing. When it comes to the hardships of life, we can't help but mention the draught thing. In the small alley where my family lives, the name is Jingjia Hutong. It was in this alley that our brothers grew up in, and the alley was very deep, four or five hundred meters away. There is an eye well, the wellhead is made of stone is very delicate, I saw the adults from where to fetch water, with a rope to put the bucket to the bottom of the well, swinging left and right, pulling up and then pouring into another poke, with a flat shoulder to pick up home, later, the well is not used. The municipal government built a water storage and pressurized water station for each street area, (manpower pressed water, very tired, when the drain was discharged to who received the water, who went up to help the pressure well person press the water), someone took care of it, two cents and two barrels (Jining dialect called 杓), in the summer, the bucket of water carried by the row number reached a hundred meters away, and the bucket that was picked to the home was also hundreds of meters away, and later, dozens of people around the house pressed the water pipe, so that the residents with family difficulties took care of it, first charging one penny and then charging two cents. I don't know how many times I have carried water since I was a child, and now children don't say that they can't find a place to carry water, that is, there is, and adults will not be willing to let children suffer.


Before the 1980s, jining urban area was very small, the real sense of the urban area is from the small south gate to the vicinity of Ximen Street, to the east, is the Fuqiaokou, to the Jining Hotel, to the south to the railway station, we rarely go to the Xiguan Stadium and the brewery at that time, at that time, people feel that these two places are far away. Jining has many bridges built in the urban area because the canal runs through the city. The south gate is called Nanmen Bridge, which is near the economic and cultural center of the city, especially in the New Year's Festival, it is even more lively; the Small South Gate Bridge and the Wangmuge Bridge (also known as the Station Gate Bridge), all built of bluestone slabs; there are grass bridges on the canal, the Big Gate Bridge, (rebuilt to the east in the late 1970s, renamed Shengli Bridge, or Qingping Lane Bridge), the Small Gate Bridge, and the Old Yang Bridge to the south. On the Yue River in the south of the city, there are two stone bridges, a wooden bridge, especially the wooden bridge, which is more than one meter wide and has railings on both sides, because there is a primary school on the north side of the river (Puyu Muslim Primary School), so the small bridge is used by many people every day, and it has been used for decades until it was demolished when the river was remodeled. The Dazhakou Bridge is also a wooden bridge, much wider and taller than the wooden bridge on the River Crossing River. I often crossed the bridge because crossing the bridge from the North Road (now Taibai Road) would allow me to walk closer to the road home. (After liberation, the city wall of Jining was also ripped off like the walls of other cities, and after the southern city wall was removed, a wide and long road was built, called The Seventh Road, later also called the Main Road, and then later renamed Taibai Road.) It is like Chang'an Avenue in Beijing and Nanjing Road in Shanghai, becoming the commercial center of Jining City, attracting countless tourists from the south to the north. The dirt road of Taibai Road soon became the first asphalt road in Jining City, and now it is paved with stone roads. Today's Taibai Road industry has become the most prosperous commercial and trade center in Jining, Wanda, Guihe, Ginza, Suning and other famous commercial groups are located on the north and south sides of Taibai Road; Jining Cinema, Shanghe Cinema and Suning Cinema are competing for glory. During the day, the crowds are crowded and the traffic is busy. At night, the neon flashes and the glittering lights are like to be comparable to Nanjing Road), not only that, but mainly there is a small shop on the south side of the Dazhakou Bridge, which is state-run and famous, playing kerosene, buying candles, (at that time, everyone was indispensable to every family), so everyone knew about that place. Especially near the gate, there are all kinds of famous foods and souvenirs, antiques, handicrafts, etc. in Jining, and the department stores have everything. From the canal to the north, it leads to the Dongda Temple in Zhugan Lane until the small gate, which is the most prosperous area and is a frequent place for me to shop.

Childhood memories of Jining style

Department store

In the summer, my friends and I often go to the bottom of the bridge to take a bath. (Now called swimming). The river is turbulent, we just swim along the water, do not dare to go deep, now that I think about it, I am really afraid, the danger is very great. The mention of the gate reminds me of many place names with mouths in Jining. There is a slip of the tongue, Jining Prefecture's Anfu Street, next to the Fuqiao Mouth, Fuqiao Mouth to the south, not far is the small gate; after the small gate, is the LiuXiangkou; dam mouth, Erba mouth, the market for selling grain every day; take the boat to the north, turn the corner to see the big gate, go west and then go to the south gate, the south gate, close to the Jishikou, Jishikou, go west, a moment to the, Donkey City Mouth, Donkey City Mouth, walk slowly, and finally settle at the Grass Bridge Mouth. In fact, there are also hall gates, road gates, and water gates in the city, which bear witness to the history of Jining's past political and economic prosperity.

When I was a child, I saw and heard more than twenty places where Guangjining called the Pavilion, and I can still remember that there are others; Guanyin Pavilion, Zaodian Pavilion, Queen Mother Pavilion, Huangjing Pavilion, Ringing Bell Pavilion, Fortuna Pavilion, Grandma Pavilion, most of these pavilions were demolished during the "Breaking the Four Olds, Establishing the Four New" movement. Among these pavilions, only the Queen Mother Pavilion I am most impressed, the Queen Mother Pavilion in ancient times called "Ancient South Pond", built in the Tang Dynasty Kaiyuan, Tianbao years (713----756 AD), there is the Queen Mother Pavilion, the pavilion southwest of the water has a pavilion, when the lotus flowers bloom in summer, the fragrance attacks people, and the white lotus is particularly prosperous, like Li Bai, Du Fu, He Zhizhang have all swam here. The great poet Du Fu also left a famous poem with Rencheng Xu lord Bo when he traveled to Nanchi, "Autumn water through the ditch, the corner of the city into a small boat." In the evening, watch the washing horses, and the forest is chaotic with cicadas. Ling heat weather time rain, Pu desert August day. Morning dew descends, reminiscing about the old green felt. The Jade Emperor Temple in the Queen Mother Pavilion has attracted poets and celebrities from past generations to gather here and chant poems. In particular, the legend of the Queen Mother Yaochi has attracted countless good men and women to burn incense and worship the Buddha. Every year in March, the three peach festivals are full of cigarettes, brilliant lights, and lively.

Childhood memories of Jining style

Nanchi Park

Time flies, years go by. The streets I turned around as a child were built with the development of the city, and now some of them can no longer be found. Like Gulugou Street, Qipan Street, Longhang Hutong (now expanded into Longxing Road, a very wide avenue), Biandan Street, Shili Street (now Guhuai Road), Anfu Street, Gulou Street, Taiping Lane, Guozi Lane, (now Xiaozhakou Bridge to the east), as well as Gushouying Street and Woniukeng Cliff. The innovation and inheritance of the city, due to the temptation of interests, often lose sight of one or the other, so that many things that should be preserved intact have not been preserved, and even if some of them are preserved, they are incomplete, resulting in the loss of history and becoming the regret of future generations. Of course, due to the long time, some buildings, humanities, etc. have been eroded by wind and rain, and they can no longer be rescued and retained. There is nothing wrong with that.


When it comes to the culture of Jining, it is necessary to mention the cable broadcasting in Jining. For as long as I can remember, I know that every family has a trumpet piece, (that is, the radio, because of its structure, there is a piece of ringing paper and a circular ceramic piece), every morning at six thirty, I heard the music of Dongfang Hong in my sleep (the oriental red music played by the satellite after the first artificial satellite in Our country went to heaven), and then the announcer said "at six thirty o'clock, broadcast the news and newspaper summary program of the Central People's Radio", and then, accompanied by the music of "Singing the Motherland", people listened to the news and listened to the songs. I especially love to listen to model plays, (eight model plays made into movies during the Cultural Revolution, known to the people of the whole country, two of which are dance dramas). They are, "Sha Jiabang", "Red Lantern", "Wise Tiger Mountain", "Surprise Attack white tiger regiment", "Longjiang Song", "Harbor", "White Haired Girl", "Red Girl Scout Army" (the latter two are dance dramas), followed by "Cuckoo Mountain" and "Plains Combat" a total of ten. At that time, the radio broadcast these operas at both ends for three days, and I could even perform a play from beginning to end, and the lines were sung in a bad way, and at night, the radio announced the weather forecast, that is, when we were going to sleep. At that time, cable broadcasting was like a mobile phone in our hands now, accompanying us in life and spending every day happily.

Recalling the customs and customs of the old Jining urban area in my childhood, there is a taste that comes to mind, and the past years are only a song of life. As long as we are grateful, cherish goodness, and hope that if you are well, it will be a sunny day, then we will meet the sea and spring will blossom. Our lives will shine brightly.

Childhood memories of Jining style

Cruise in the lake

(Image from the Internet)