
Merson: Lukaku needs to play against Reds Manchester City, he's not here to play Brighton

Merson: Lukaku needs to play against Reds Manchester City, he's not here to play Brighton

Live Bar January 5 In response to the situation in Tuchel and Lukaku, Sky Sports commentator Paul Merson expressed his opinion.

Asked if the handling of the Lukaku issue was a win for Tuchel, Merson said: "No, not exactly. Chelsea must beat Liverpool to have a chance to win the Premier League title. They have to beat Liverpool and Manchester City in the next game to have a chance, but for me he's 'cutting his nose off in order to vent his anger'. In my opinion, you'd better throw Lukaku into the 'wolves' and motivate him. If he doesn't play well, Chelsea fans will soon let him know. Personally, I would choose to do so. ”

"It's too easy for Lukaku, he's already said what he wants to say, he's been kicked out of the squad but he'll come back and play a game that's not as strong against Liverpool and everything will be fine. Against Liverpool, Tuchel should have let him play. It was Chelsea's most important game of the season. ”

"Everybody says 'Tuchel did the right thing' you can't do this or that, why? They pay £300,000 a week and he needs to play the most important races. If he doesn't want to stay there, kick him out of the club and he wants to stay at Inter, I can understand that. However, he will play for Chelsea again. They gave up Lukaku in a game they had to win, and Chelsea went from 0-2 to 2-2 without causing absolute confusion, which ultimately masked their decision to abandon Romelu Lukaku. I think Lukaku should be fined a lot of money, and then you can keep him on the pitch and let the fans make their own decisions. ”

Merson: Lukaku needs to play against Reds Manchester City, he's not here to play Brighton

"What can Chelsea get out of him when Lukaku is left out? Lukaku shouldn't have said those words, it was a shame, but at the same time, they had to win that game against Liverpool. The Blues bought Lukaku for £90 million, he was signed, and they bought him to play this important game. They bought him to play Liverpool at home, not Brighton. ”

"Chelsea have to beat Liverpool, Manchester City to have a chance to win the title. That's why they need Lukaku to play, they need him, they need to win games. The game against Tottenham is now a very important game for Chelsea, one of their most important games of the season, especially since the rivalry between the two teams. You reach the semi-finals of the League Cup, which is a big game and you can't let the players take turns in the game. Coupled with Conte's return to Stamford Bridge, the game will be even more exciting. It was an incredible chance to win a trophy and Tuchel had to win the race. ”

"Tuchel doesn't have much pressure to win the Champions League, but if City beat Chelsea next week, it's as if in an instant Chelsea will be 1 million points behind them. When you put together such a strong team and buy a center for £90 million, you can't be that many points behind. ”

"It's also important for Tottenham, when was the last time they won a trophy? That was a long time ago, and it was a huge opportunity. Imagine tottenham Tottenham to win the trophy in their current position, which is a huge opportunity for the rest of the participating teams. Chelsea could be out of the title race outright next week, but if you have a final to look forward to, then the pressure will go away. ”


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