
The remaining dumpling skin should not be wasted, simply make it like this, the skin is crispy and fragrant, and the children on the table rush to eat leek crispy skin roll skills summary


Flour can be made of noodles there are many, buns, steamed buns, cakes, fritters, dumplings, ramen, baked cakes, fried dumplings, sugar cakes, etc., in many gourmet snacks, there are flour figures, especially buns, steamed bread fermented noodles, very in line with the nutritional needs of the human body, easy to digest and easy to absorb, will not cause a burden on the stomach and intestines, thin skin vegetarian stuffing buns, leeks, egg fillings, pork and shallot filling, children can eat two, the north in the New Year's Festival, will also wrap dumplings to celebrate the reunion, meaning the family is happy, peace and security, Sometimes after wrapping the dumplings, there will be some dumpling skins left, and every time the skin is thrown away, it is really wasteful, so I improved a way of eating pasta, simple to do, the skin is crisp and fragrant, and the children on the table rush to eat.

The remaining dumpling skin should not be wasted, simply make it like this, the skin is crispy and fragrant, and the children on the table rush to eat leek crispy skin roll skills summary

You can quasi some vegetables, in accordance with the way of dumpling filling, with leeks, cabbage, leeks to adjust well, and then spread the dumpling skin with a layer of cooking oil, roll out to a transparent shape, wrap the filling, less oil fried, crispy filling, and the material is simple, according to this way, even if you are a novice in the kitchen, you can easily learn, usually love picky eaters, children who see will also love to eat, mothers can try, let the children eat more nutritious.

The remaining dumpling skin should not be wasted, simply make it like this, the skin is crispy and fragrant, and the children on the table rush to eat leek crispy skin roll skills summary

And noodles for northerners is simple, but for southerners too test technology, this way is relatively simple, with the remaining dumpling skin can be, supermarkets also have to sell dumpling skin, do not and noodles do not knead dough, cooking methods are simple, more important can increase cooking skills, filling can be adjusted at will, but it is recommended to take vegetarian stuffing as the mainstay, vegetarian stuffing is easy to cook, the color of frying is also good-looking, the meat filling is slow to cook, and a little attention will be fried.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > leek crispy roll</h1>

Ingredients: dumpling skin, leek, egg

Seasoning: salt, oyster sauce, thirteen spices, sesame sesame oil

1, this is the main ingredients that need to be used, 2 eggs, about 20 dumpling skins, a handful of leeks, like leeks can also be replaced by leeks, or other vegetables, flexible use.

The remaining dumpling skin should not be wasted, simply make it like this, the skin is crispy and fragrant, and the children on the table rush to eat leek crispy skin roll skills summary

2: Beat 2 eggs into a bowl, add 1 gram of salt, 1 gram of pepper, pepper to neutralize the fishy taste of eggs, stir well with chopsticks.

The remaining dumpling skin should not be wasted, simply make it like this, the skin is crispy and fragrant, and the children on the table rush to eat leek crispy skin roll skills summary

3, from the pot to burn the oil, the eggs into the pot, with chopsticks quickly slide, the eggs scrambled into crumbs, turn off the heat and fish out, put cool after the reserve, too hot will burn vegetables.

The remaining dumpling skin should not be wasted, simply make it like this, the skin is crispy and fragrant, and the children on the table rush to eat leek crispy skin roll skills summary

4: Wash the leeks clean, shake off the water to prevent the filling from coming out of the water, and then change the knife to cut into cubes, as shown in the figure.

The remaining dumpling skin should not be wasted, simply make it like this, the skin is crispy and fragrant, and the children on the table rush to eat leek crispy skin roll skills summary

5, the cut leek into the basin, the cool egg, also pour in, according to personal taste, add 1 sesame oil, stir to lock the water, and then put the appropriate amount of salt, oyster sauce, thirteen spices, stir evenly, rather less than more, while tasting and putting, like to put what you want.

The remaining dumpling skin should not be wasted, simply make it like this, the skin is crispy and fragrant, and the children on the table rush to eat leek crispy skin roll skills summary

6: Then start processing the dumpling skin, put the dumpling skin on the board, and brush the front and back sides with a layer of cooking oil.

The remaining dumpling skin should not be wasted, simply make it like this, the skin is crispy and fragrant, and the children on the table rush to eat leek crispy skin roll skills summary

7: After brushing, stack the 5 dumpling skins together, push them open with a rolling pin, roll out into a round cake, and master the strength by yourself.

The remaining dumpling skin should not be wasted, simply make it like this, the skin is crispy and fragrant, and the children on the table rush to eat leek crispy skin roll skills summary

8, in the end will be rolled into this look, like a pancake, although all glued together, but it does not matter, because there is an oil layer in the middle, it will automatically separate after a while.

The remaining dumpling skin should not be wasted, simply make it like this, the skin is crispy and fragrant, and the children on the table rush to eat leek crispy skin roll skills summary

9, the rolled pancakes on the steaming drawer, steaming drawer also brushed with a layer of oil, to prevent sticking, open the water pot, steam for about 5 minutes on low heat, open the pot to take out and let it cool.

The remaining dumpling skin should not be wasted, simply make it like this, the skin is crispy and fragrant, and the children on the table rush to eat leek crispy skin roll skills summary

10, after steaming the dumpling skin, gently uncovered will fall off a sheet, at this time the dumpling skin has become crystal clear, open and complete with toughness, thickness and appropriate, translucent.

The remaining dumpling skin should not be wasted, simply make it like this, the skin is crispy and fragrant, and the children on the table rush to eat leek crispy skin roll skills summary

11, spread the dumpling skin on the table, scoop in the appropriate amount of filling, up and down left and right began to fold in half, roll into a roll, roll the edge of the press, try to tidy up a little better.

The remaining dumpling skin should not be wasted, simply make it like this, the skin is crispy and fragrant, and the children on the table rush to eat leek crispy skin roll skills summary

11, the appearance of the finishing, through the dough can see the filling, once raw twice cooked, do more than a few times to become skilled, the filling is all rolled up, then you can fry.

The remaining dumpling skin should not be wasted, simply make it like this, the skin is crispy and fragrant, and the children on the table rush to eat leek crispy skin roll skills summary

12, from the pot to burn oil, pan electric cake bell are OK, less to point the bottom oil can be, the skin of the roll and down, it is not easy to spread, first fry it to set the shape, low heat slow frying is not in a hurry, turn the noodles frequently, keep both sides heated evenly, fry until both sides are golden brown, you can get out of the pan.

The remaining dumpling skin should not be wasted, simply make it like this, the skin is crispy and fragrant, and the children on the table rush to eat leek crispy skin roll skills summary

13, the dumpling skin is really very tasty, the pot color is golden, full and juicy, the taste is still crisp, not greasy at all, the children on the table eat, no pressure, I can't help but eat two more.

The remaining dumpling skin should not be wasted, simply make it like this, the skin is crispy and fragrant, and the children on the table rush to eat leek crispy skin roll skills summary

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > skill summary</h1>

1, vegetables can not only use leeks, but also leeks, cucumbers, carrots, etc., fresh vegetables can be.

2, do not worry about frying is not cooked, because the eggs are cooked, the dough is cooked, as long as the leeks are cooked, it means success.

3, when frying, less oil, avoid greasy, low heat slow frying is the key, the fire is easy to paste.

Ban plagiarism, I am a food recipe, love food, daily updates on home cooking and pasta practices, pay attention to my daily learning to cook, will always surprise you.

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