
Sichuan snack 丨 What is the three-in-one mud?

author:Wide and narrow cuisine
Sichuan snack 丨 What is the three-in-one mud?

What is triad mud? This is also the first time I have seen it when I look up the information.

It is said that it was the food of My Grandfather's generation, and in that era when eggs had to be purchased with a ticket, there was such a bowl of oily hot sweets in his hands and took small bites, how happy it was.

Nowadays, it is difficult to see it in Chengdu, although it has a history of nearly a hundred years, but the sanhe mud has gradually faded out of modern life.

Maybe it's because people now have more colors and fragrances to choose from, or maybe it's because life is no longer short of materials, and the mud of the triad can be said to be gone.

But I have to say that Sanhe Mud is really the elder of Chengdu snacks, and there are many sweet shops in Chengdu in the old days and in various suburban counties. It is characterized by crispy oil, sweet and non-greasy taste, glutinous and refreshing, and rich in nutrition.

Sichuan snack 丨 What is the three-in-one mud?

The history of the triad mud

Sanhe mud first appeared after the reform and opening up of the founding of New China, and was pioneered by Dong Shushan, a local person in Chengdu.

Its rich nutritional value is very high, and the raw materials are very simple: glutinous rice, rice, soybeans are made of three raw materials. Coupled with sesame, walnuts, peanuts, glutinous rice, etc. are the raw materials with outstanding aroma, after a long time of stir-frying, the aroma of these raw materials has been vividly emitted, and blended together, coupled with the irreplaceable special aroma of lard, it is really a reward for the stomach of the widow.

After several years of continuous polishing and refinement, a formal store was opened, mainly operated by the long-established Guyuehu Sweet Shop and Xueyuan Sweet Shop.

It has been half a century. In that era of hunger and hunger, it was indeed a good thing to relieve hunger.

Sichuan snack 丨 What is the three-in-one mud?

Triad mud practice

The reason why it is called "three" mud is because it is made of three main materials. It's also mentioned above

In fact, there are more than ten kinds of ingredients plus triad mud. Glutinous rice, rice and soybeans form the main body of the triad mud, and these three main ingredients are first fried over slow heat. Glutinous rice should be soaked for more than 24 hours in advance, then ground into a powder, and the powder is cooked with a small amount of water until it forms a "puree".

There must be less water when boiling, and it must be stirred while cooking, otherwise it is easy to clump. After the main ingredients are prepared, you can add fried ground peanuts, black beans, black rice noodles, etc. to increase the flavor according to the style of each store.

1: Wash the glutinous rice and soak in water for 10 minutes. The peaches are soaked in water to soften, peel off and allow to dry.

2: Heat vegetable oil to 70%, fry the peach kernels and crush them into minced pieces. Tear the preserves into small pieces the size of corn.

3: Fry soybeans, glutinous rice and sesame seeds in a frying pan and press into fine minced.

4: Heat the lard until it is six ripe, add glutinous rice flour and stir-fry until fragrant, add water to collect water, and then add 90 grams of sugar and fry until the oil comes out.

5: Stir-fry the soybean flour, sesame powder, crushed peach kernels and candied pieces to make the oil evenly, and serve the flavor. When eating, you can sprinkle some white sugar on the surface of the triad mud.

Sichuan snack 丨 What is the three-in-one mud?