
Graceful and colorful Fuchun River

author:Yang Qinliang

On a Saturday morning in early spring, I took my first flight from Shenzhen on the coast of the South China Sea to the beautiful Fuyang and stayed at a hotel at the intersection of the east bank of the Qinwang River and the bank of the Fuchun River. In the dust of the wind, I successfully completed the interview task in the orderly plan, and the excitement and joy washed away the tiredness of the rush.

The next day, when the sky was dark, there was still a hint of coolness in the air in the early morning, I came to the Fuchun River, the long-awaited beautiful river was in front of me, how I wanted to unveil her mystery as soon as possible.

The East wants to know, and Mo Daojun is early. There are already many people coming to the riverside, and Jiangnan people who are accustomed to getting up early have come to the riverside, there are bending, morning exercise, running, photography, walking, small talk...

There is a leisure belt about 20 meters wide on the riverside, and a protective fence more than 1 meter high, which is both safe and beautiful. Along the parapet is a three-meter-wide sidewalk, and humanized facilities such as telephone booths, rain shelters, and stone chairs are reasonably distributed and staggered. The biggest highlight is the planting of more than 100 kinds of trees and flowers such as camphor, osmanthus flower, ginkgo biloba, duying, hanxiao, magnolia, red leaf heather, red magnolia, dragon cypress, camellia and so on.

From time to time, the cries of sparrows "chirping and chirping..." are heard from the trees, and the geese soar in the air, sometimes high and low, far or near.

As far as the eye can see, flowers bloom and spring colors fill the garden. Sculptures with strong traditional culture abound, showing a broad knowledge base. By the Fuchun River, humanities and nature have reached a harmonious harmony of beauty, and the picturesque scenery is amazing.

Immediately next to the leisure road is Jiangbin West Avenue, lined with large trees on both sides. Wide roads, eight lanes in both directions, traffic, endless rivers, a good prosperous scene.

The villages, woods, factories, and buildings on the south bank of the river are still clearly visible under the fog, like a three-dimensional picture scroll. A thousand meters wide river, merchant ships and fishing boats come and go, and they are constantly shuttling.

Fuyang is a municipal district of the provincial city of Hangzhou, located in the southwest corner of Hangzhou City, located in the hills, is a "eight mountains and half water half field" semi-mountainous area, there are mountains and water, many streams, the scenery is infinitely beautiful. The unique geographical location has created Fuyang as the hometown of Papermaking, grain production, tea and cocoons in China.

Fuchun River is another name for the middle reaches of the Qiantang River, which runs through the whole territory of Fuyang. The Fuyang section is 52 kilometers long, and the mountains on both sides of the river are continuous, and the mountains are verdant and beautiful, and they are known for their beautiful water colors. The sandbars in the middle of the river are dotted and the scenery is pleasant. The world's best landscape, ancient and modern push Fuchun.

I walked through a forest, and there was a scream, and it was a medium-sized man playing "Our Life Is Sweeter Than Honey", and the song was flying and deep into the heart.

Close to the section of the Fuyang Bridge, there is a trail down to the riverbank, pedestrians can get close to the water at zero distance, which is really a unique scene. The river on the shore is clear and clear, and you can see fish and shrimp swimming. There was a willow forest on the shore, with new branches and green leaves growing on the trees, and the new buds emerging from the willows were particularly dazzling, meaning new strength, and the long willows fell vertically until they reached the surface of the water, swinging against the slight westerly wind.

I saw a couple washing mustards at the washing table, ready to pickle. Residents on both sides of the river are still collecting rice and washing clothes in the river, and the Fuchun River is the mother river on which they have lived for generations.

Two fishermen cast nets in the river to catch fish, and their movements are skillful and capable. I walked up and talked to them.

"Big brother, can you catch fish?"

"Get off the net, look at the luck, it should not be empty-handed."

"Are there many fish in the river?"

"Quite a lot."

"Is this river very clear, has it been polluted?"

"Yes, six or seven years ago, now it's clear again."


Fishermen take boats as their home on the Fuchun River, casting nets at sunrise and mooring boats at sunset, which is their constant way of life.

Looking west, the Fuyang Bridge stands majestically on the wide Fuchun River, and the triangular cable strip resembles the sail on an ocean-going ship. Fuyang Bridge is an important urban bridge between Lushan Subdistrict and Chunjiang Sub-district on the south bank, which is convenient for residents on both sides of the strait to come and go. Fuyang Bridge, also known as Lushan Bridge, is a famous bridge on the Fuchun River.

Walking to the bottom of the Fuyang Bridge, I was infected by her magnificent beauty. I looked up at the majestic steel structure bridge, which was really a famous poem: a bridge flying north and south, the graben changes the way.

I stopped here, did not continue westward, but turned around and returned to Qinwang Square, which is located on the west bank of the Qinwang River. This beautiful sports and leisure square has been transformed from an idle fish pond and has become a paradise for leisure sports for Fuyang citizens. With an area of nearly 15,000 square meters, it can accommodate large-scale events of tens of thousands of people. At a glance, many people are practicing in the morning, playing tai chi, practicing kung fu, dancing square dance, and the sound of music and laughter resounds above the square. A slender beautiful girl rehearses a dance, showing the beauty of the youthful body.

Then, I came to the riverside, along the tree-lined path to the east, through the Wanghai Pavilion, Langyuan Pavilion, where I really felt the classical culture. The antique Jiangnan architecture highlights the breadth and depth of Wu culture. Engraved on the two doorposts of langyuan pavilion is the famous sentence of Yu Dafu of Fuyang: "Keli Floating with Wild Horses, Zhejiang West Jiawei Reminiscence Anchovies."

I came to the pier, where there is a live fish market, all fresh fish and shrimp that fishermen have just picked up, and there is a steady stream of buyers. I asked a stall owner if he had anchovies? She shook her head, and after my repeated questioning, she replied helplessly: To try your luck, small is not unusual, it takes more than two pounds to be interesting. Anchovies are also called warp shells in my hometown, and the meat is very tender, but there are many thorns. When I was young, I went to the river with adults to catch this kind of fish, which was very large, generally about three or four pounds.

There are more than two dozen fishing boats docked on the docks, and fishermen are busy on them. Standing on the pier and looking east, the First Bridge of the Fuchun River is close at hand, which can be described as a feast for the eyes. The Zhongbu Bridge, which is far upstream, has no chance to witness its style, leaving a little regret.

At about eight o'clock, the east was red, it looked like the sun was about to emerge, and I was thinking in my heart, it was lucky that it would not rain on a cloudy day, where would the sun come out? However, slowly, a fireball rushed out of the layers of clouds, which was so rare that I heard the people next to me say in unison, "Look, the sun is out." "If it were a sunny day, it would never have caused so many people to praise." But it rained for days, and the rare sun was so precious. Dazzling light shines brightly, and the fiery red sun is reflected on the wide Fuchun River, becoming a beautiful landscape.

However, the beautiful moment was too short, less than 5 minutes, the sun was still swallowed up by layers of dark clouds, and then the sky began to drizzle, and I continued to walk by the river, strolling in the rain. At this time, water birds and wild ducks appeared on the river, reaching dozens in a moment, and these elves swam freely, sometimes diving into the water, sometimes surfaced.

I looked around, and many people, like me, hadn't left, still admiring the other view. Tiangong seems to be fulfilling us, and the drizzle stops and falls, which adds a sense of magic.

Seeing the scene in front of me, I immediately thought of the "First Divine Map of Landscape and Water" - "Fuchun Mountain Residence Map", the hometown of this immortal national painting treasure is in Fuyang, and the landscape painting in my heart.

The Temple Hill Dock in Fuyang was the place where the great Yuan Dynasty painter Huang Gongwang married, who lived in seclusion here in his later years. Running on both sides of the Fuchun River all day long, carrying paper and pencil, encountering good scenes, sketching at any time. After many hardships and seven years, the immortal painting "Fuchun Mountain Jutu" came out. After the wind, frost, snow and rain, it is divided into two parts: "Leftover Mountain Map" and "Useless Division Volume", which have been preserved to this day and can be called a legend.

Fuyang is a place with a strong cultural atmosphere in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and is also a famous historical and cultural city. In ancient times, xie lingyun, Wang Wei, Li Bai, Du Mu, Meng Haoran, Fan Zhongyan, Lu You and many other poets left more than 2,000 works in Fuchunjiang.

Legend has it that when Qin Shi Huang went to Huiji on his southern tour, because the Qiantang River was turbulent and could not cross the river, he crossed the river 60 kilometers west in the narrow part of the Fuchun River, and when passing through Fuyang, he stood on the Qinwang Bridge and looked at the Fuchun River, so the bridge was named Qinwang Bridge, and the small river was also named Qinwang River. Standing in the places where the big people traveled in the past, I had a lot of thoughts, lamenting the fleeting time of the rings of the years, and praising the classic stories that have been passed down to this day.

Cultural giant Mao Zedong also mentioned the beauty of the Fuchun River in his poems, which is a flowing poem and an eternal song.

It's a cloudy day during the stinging season, rain and fog, but for me, it's a place of intense emotion and real meaning. Big people are to be expected, and small people are within reach. Coming to Fuyang, for a very extraordinary little person, an anti-Japanese female soldier, 97 years old this year. Although the ruthless years have destroyed her body, she is still a hot-blooded girl's heart, after many winds and frosts, rain and snow, a Dan heart is sunny and red.

The short two-day trip to Fuyang shook my soul and left me with a lot of thought, and the teachings of a veteran benefited me for a lifetime.

Good bye! Rich and fertile sun; unforgettable! The gorgeous and colorful Fuchun River; admire! Ordinary people who have done extraordinary and great things.

Yang Qinliang was originally created in the spring of 2017

Graceful and colorful Fuchun River

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