
When pessimistic thoughts imprison you, you will find yourself getting farther and farther away from the path you want to take

author:Leaves love to eat

Are there many people who are like this, obviously one second is still happy, and the next second because of a very small thing becomes depressed, there are many bad thoughts. I think that the sentence I said today is wrong or that the small details of today are not in place, and because of the eyes and words of others, I pay special attention.

I often ask others not to have pessimistic thoughts, but I don't know that my own pessimistic thoughts are very much. I find that it is easy for me to think about something that happens, often deviating from the original idea, and the more I think about it, the more biased I am.

In fact, I have long wanted to write about this, but often I am disturbed by another thing.

When pessimistic thoughts imprison you, you will find yourself getting farther and farther away from the path you want to take

This green with the sky really looks good

I thought for a moment, "Why do you have such bad emotions"?

1. Care too much about what other people think

2. There are too few things to focus on (two points and one line at work, three points and one line at school)

3. There are too few things to be exposed to

Some people have a sensitive personality, and introverts are most likely to fall into such emotions, not only caring too much about other people's ideas, but also thinking more and more about themselves. We may wish to ask ourselves a few questions when we are caught up in such a question:

Is it the way I speak that causes this or is that how she is? Have I done what I should have done?

If it's not your own reason, you must praise yourself inwardly: you are great, don't think about it, your feelings are the most important. I'm great, I can !!! Do what you need to do!!!

But the latter two of us can participate in more meaningful activities, rather than wasting time on seemingly important things that we get nothing in the end, which makes us more empty inside. In turn, it aggravates my pessimistic mood...

For example, practicing words, reading books, and writing articles (at least I do, sometimes staying with my boyfriend, or basking in the sun to empty myself) will make you feel at peace. Think of what you see, and don't think so badly of what hasn't happened or has already happened.

People must do something meaningful so that they don't feel depressed about the world. I found that my mood has not been released lately, and I don't know why I feel that the world is depressed. Why not sit back and think about what you're going to do next? We can all be better.

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