
Morning reading 丨 January 5th, pay attention to health every day

author:Beijing News

【Health Reminder】

Cough variant asthma is manifested primarily by coughing

"Cough variant asthma" is a special type of asthma, such patients do not have asthma common symptoms such as wheezing and shortness of breath, cough is its only or main manifestation, easy to be ignored. According to Beijing Shijitan Hospital Pharmacy Kewei Yuanyuan, such diseases are mainly manifested as irritating dry coughs, which are mainly characterized by coughs at night and in the early morning. Patients with well-controlled "cough variant asthma" may usually have no symptoms, and once stimulated by colds, cold air, dust, oil smoke, etc., they may stimulate a high airway response, inducing or aggravating cough.

Wei Yuanyuan said that in addition to drug treatment for "cough variant asthma", such patients should also maintain good living and eating habits; avoid long-term exposure to precipitating factors, such as dust, pollen, oil smoke, irritating gases, cold air, and colds.

【New Knowledge of Life】

Hiccup continuously, check the gastrointestinal problems first

"Full burp" is a common phenomenon in life and one of the common symptoms of various digestive tract diseases. Tian Yantao, director of the Pancreatic and Gastric Surgery Ward of the Cancer Hospital of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, reminded that full burps are professionally called belching. Long-term continuous hiccups may be a problem with the gastrointestinal tract.

Tian Yantao said that first of all, it is necessary to clarify the cause, if there is a gastrointestinal disease, it is necessary to systematically standardize treatment; if there is no gastrointestinal disease, mainly to improve the living and eating habits to alleviate the symptoms of belching: eat less cold, spicy and irritating, greasy, too hot food, eat less easy to produce food, such as sweet potatoes, potatoes, taro and so on. Eat lightly, eat more vegetables and fruits, eat more coarse grains, and slow down when eating; walking after a full meal is also a good way to relieve belching.

【Elderly Health Care】

Sweet potato jujube honey water can relieve constipation in the elderly

Pu Zhaohe, an associate researcher at Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, introduced that the habitual constipation of the elderly is mainly manifested as more than 2 days of insoluble stool, and the stool is dry when it is solved, which is often accompanied by small abdominal distension and pain, poor desire for stool, dizziness, fatigue and so on. Chinese medicine believes that this disease is mostly caused by insufficient qi, deficiency of qi and blood, and dry and stagnant intestines, resulting in the inability of stool to go down. Treatment should be based on tonifying qi and blood, moisturizing the intestines, etc.

Sweet potato has the effect of being beneficial to qi and vitality, wide stomach and intestines, etc., and can treat spleen deficiency and edema, dry bowel constipation and so on. Jujube not only has the function of slowing down the qi and blood, but also has the effect of nourishing the blood. The root of the stubborn constipation in the elderly lies in the fact that the spleen deficiency cannot transform the qi and blood and jin liquid, and the lack of qi and blood and the intestines are withered, which is easy to cause the intestine to push weak and dry. Honey moisturizes the lungs and intestines, and can also regulate gastrointestinal function. The three flavors are used together to play a moisturizing and laxative effect.

【Traditional Chinese Medicine Health】

Spleen and stomach deficiency, try white radish beef soup

Cold limbs, pale face, easy diarrhea when eating cold or cold things, these are the manifestations of spleen and stomach weakness. Teacher Xiaohong, director of the Emergency Department of the Affiliated Chinese Medicine Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University, reminded that people with spleen and stomach deficiency and cold cannot be too dry while supplementing, and can eat more pepper, ginger, mutton, pork belly, beef and other ingredients to supplement.

Fan Xiaohong recommends a white radish beef soup, prepare 500 grams of beef, half a radish, 1 green onion, 2 slices of ginger, 1 star anise, 5 grams of cinnamon, pepper cooking wine, all ingredients together stew until the meat is rotten and can be eaten. White radish has the effect of smoothing phlegm, wide and medium rational qi, clearing heat and vitality, and eliminating stagnation; beef is rich in high-quality protein and strengthens the body. This soup is suitable for all ages, but it is not recommended to eat it with ginseng.

【Knowledge Update】

Consuming pecans helps lower cholesterol

A study in the Journal of Nutrition showed that pecan consumption was associated with lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels in people at high risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD).

The researchers included a total of 52 participants between the ages of 30 and 75. All participants were at high risk of cardiovascular disease, had a sedentary lifestyle, had a body mass index (BMI) of ≥ 28, or had hypercholesterolemia. Participants were randomly divided into 3 groups: the pecan added group, which added 68 grams of pecans per day to their daily diet; the pecan replacement group, which consumed 68 grams of pecans per day to replace medium-calorie foods in the diet; and the control group, whose daily diet did not include pecans. The results showed that after 8 weeks, participants in the pecan added and pecan substituted groups improved in fasting and postprandial lipid-related indicators.

Beijing News reporter Liu Xu

Proofreading Fu Chunyi

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