
If children do CT, will it cause cancer? Are there any sequelae?

If you accidentally lie on a working CT machine and sleep, will you be killed by radiation? Some people say you're not kidding, how can anyone sleep on a CT machine?

Hello everyone, I am drx, today I will talk about medical treatment and examination of radiation.

In fact, there are really people who may sleep on a machine full of radiation, which is what we call tumor radiotherapy. Their units are Gy Grey and Sv Siever, they have a certain difference, but 1Sv and 1Gy radiation is basically similar, let's look at the same, how much damage radiation can bring to us!

When the dose is lower than 1Gy, a small number of people may have mild symptoms such as dizziness, fatigue, and decreased appetite;

When the irradiation dose exceeds 1 Gy, it can cause acute radiation sickness or local acute injury;

At doses of 1-10 Gy, the hematopoietic system is predominantly damaged;

The common dose of radical radiotherapy for malignant tumors is generally greater than or equal to 60Gy, and the single dose of conventional radiotherapy is 2Gy.

At a dose of 10-50 Gy, the main symptoms of the digestive tract appear, and if left untreated, 100% die within two weeks;

Brain injury above 50Gy is the main symptom and can die within 2 days.

If children do CT, will it cause cancer? Are there any sequelae?

Acute injuries are more common in nuclear radiation accidents.

Patients with cerebral syndrome die within hours to days, and patients with gastrointestinal syndrome usually die within 3 to 10 days. In hematopoietic syndrome, death can occur within 8 to 50 days, with death from infection within 2 to 4 weeks and death from massive bleeding within 3 to 6 weeks.

Fortunately, the radiation therapy of the tumor is precise radiation, and other places are well protected, and only the radiation source is fixed at the tumor site. However, this is still a treatment method of killing 1000 enemies and self-inflicting 800.

Other than that, there are more problems encountered!

As soon as a child is sick or injured and needs to do CT, the parents' hearts are a little muttered. Such a large radiation of CT, the child is so small, will there be any adverse effects on the child's body?

If children do CT, will it cause cancer? Are there any sequelae?

How much radiation does CT have?

For the average person, the normal annual radiation intake due to the environment is 1 to 2 mSv. This amount of radiation is aimed at us who survive in the atmosphere.

The United Nations Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation states that the limit of the acceptable radiation dose per person per year is 2.4.

X-ray radiation dose: 0.1-0.2 mSv, equivalent to natural radiation in 1 month.

CT radiation dose: 2-15 mSv; skull 2 mSv, approximately equivalent to 1 year of radiation in nature; chest 7-8 mSv, equivalent to 2-3 years; abdomen 8-10 mSv, equivalent to 4-5 years.

Angiography radiation dose: 15 mSv, equivalent to 10 years of radiation exposure in nature.

So as we age, the amount of atmospheric radiation we accumulate will also make us more susceptible to diseases such as cancer.

Magnetic resonance and B-ultrasound without radiation!

Especially magnetic resonance, today I want to give him a proper name. The principle of magnetic resonance is the resonance produced by the nucleus of a hydrogen atom in a magnetic field environment, where the nucleus is the nucleus of the atom, the nucleus of the cell nucleus. Instead of nuclear power plants, nuclear weapons are nuclear.

Because the word "nuclear" is inherently frightening, the standard term is now no MRI, but magnetic resonance.

Contact radiation-related workers, the maximum amount of radiation in a year is 5mSv, but also need to check the body regularly, it is this child who records the radiation, if it exceeds the need to stop working immediately.

If children do CT, will it cause cancer? Are there any sequelae?

If calculated according to this standard, the number of cranial CT in a year is best controlled to less than 2 times.

What is the risk of cancer caused by DOING CT radiation?

It's a subject that's also widely discussed in the medical community, and in 2009, UCS San Francisco, where I was one of the top 3 medical schools in the United States where I had studied and lived for a year, published a paper on CT radiation that is currently widely cited.

The first is that this study is only very limited, because there is no way to use a standardized method to get everyone to do a CT and then look at the incidence of tumors. Everyone did CT because they were sick, some did less, some did it repeatedly, the types of CT were not exactly the same, and the average difference between the highest and lowest doses of each study type was 13 times.

So this result can only be seen, in the 40-year-old women who received coronary angiography CT, 1 in 270 people will develop cancer because of this CT, and 1 in 600 men. 1 in 8,100 women with routine head CT had cancer and 1 in 11,080 men. For 20-year-olds, the risk is about 2 times, while for 60-year-olds, the risk is about 50% lower.

I'll give you a little average, about one in a thousand to one in ten thousand, which is basically the same as the incidence of car accidents, that is, the probability of being hit by a car.

If children do CT, will it cause cancer? Are there any sequelae?

A 2011 statement by the American Medical Doctor Association noted that the amount of radiation on such routine imaging tests could not be assessed because the dose was too low.

Since then, the discussion about CT radiation has gradually become less and faded out of the academic community.

If you are really worried about radiation. When your child has CT, he or she can protect herself in other areas. For example, cover up with a protective blanket and put on a protective clothing. Especially the head, neck, and genitals should be remembered to cover the areas that are sensitive to radiation. Accompanying family members can also wear protective clothing.

Finally, if you have already done CT to your child, don't regret it. Chinese generally overestimate the radiation from CT. Once met a parent, read the introduction of CT radiation carcinogenesis on the Internet and regretted it. Every time a child has a small problem, it is blamed on a previous CT test. If you are nervous and resist medical treatment, your child's spirit and emotions are also affected.

Dr.X said: Finally, I want to tell you that whether radiation helps or harms the human body needs to weigh the pros and cons.

For example, in order to detect early lung cancer, the chest x-ray with less radiation in the clinical guidelines has been changed to a higher radiation CT. The radiation increases, but it also increases the likelihood of finding tumors, because the tumors that can be seen on chest x-rays are already very large. This is a change made by the experience of countless lives.

If children do CT, will it cause cancer? Are there any sequelae?

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