
Good news! Today, Zhengdong New District Autonomous Driving Line 1 enters the financial island

Henan Daily client reporter Li Lin

Since January 5, Zhengzhou Zhengdong New District Autonomous Driving Line 1 has been optimized and adjusted, and on the basis of the original line, stations along the Central Ring Road of Financial Island have been added. This line adjustment is the first time that a bus line has entered the financial island, which has built a good bridge for the interconnection between the financial island and the outside world.

On June 16, 2020, the Zhengdong New Area Autonomous Driving Line 1 project was completed and put into trial operation, becoming the first autonomous bus line for commercial application in China. Based on 5G + automatic driving technology, the line realizes the integrated collaborative control of "people-vehicle-road-network-cloud", becoming the first commercially applied autonomous driving bus line, providing citizens with efficient, convenient, punctual and comfortable travel services. The system is composed of six parts: "smart car, smart road, unmanned field station, automatic charging system, intelligent platform, and cloud control center", which realizes the functions of automatic driving, automatic parking, automatic charging, accurate station entry, vehicle road coordination signal priority, blind area monitoring, and accurate estimation of vehicle arrival time. Based on 5G technology, it realizes the collaborative decision-making of over-sight distance perception and automatic driving, high-reliability and high-real-time multi-channel remote driving, OTA remote upgrade and rapid iteration, and increases the upgrade speed by 100 times; based on 5G and Beidou high-precision positioning technology, real-time update of crowdsourced maps, etc., taking the lead in building a 5G autonomous driving innovation application demonstration area.

Good news! Today, Zhengdong New District Autonomous Driving Line 1 enters the financial island

The adjusted inner ring of the line runs from the Financial Island City Exhibition Hall to the North Third Ring Ruyi West Road, with a total length of 18.5 kilometers, passing through Zhongyi Road, North Third Ring Road, Longhu Inner Ring Road, Longyuan Road, Longhu Middle Ring Road, Yuxiang Road, Longhu Inner Ring Road, North Third Ring Road, Ruyi West Road, Financial Island Middle Ring Road, Ruyi West Road, and North Third Ring Road. The outer ring road runs from the Financial Island City Exhibition Hall to the North Third Ring Longhu Inner Ring Road, with a total length of 19.1 kilometers, passing through Zhongyi Road, North Third Ring Road, Ruyi West Road, Financial Island Middle Ring Road, Ruyi West Road, Longhu Inner Ring Road, Yuxiang Road, Longhu Middle Ring Road, Longyuan Road, Longhu Inner Ring Road, North Third Ring Road, operating hours 8:00 ~ 18:00. After the adjustment, the bus line connects the central ring road of financial island, with a total of 35 intelligent bus stops, 1 smart bus parking lot, 29 intelligent signal lights, and 12 autonomous buses. Four additional stations will be added inside the Financial Island: Financial Island Huashi Apartment, Financial Island Kundi Apartment, Financial Island Aochen Apartment, and Financial Island Emerald Apartment.

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