
Cute: The three favorite cat names of the Japanese are this

author:Hujiang Japanese

"Cat name ranking 2021" surveyed by nekoki mochi official app. The top three name rankings in 2021 were third place "Momo", no. 2 "Sora" and No. 1 "Mugi".

Cat Mood official website APP conducted a survey called "Cat Name Ranking 2021", and the results showed that the top three cat names in 2021 were "MOMO" (third), "SORA" (second) and "MUGI" (first).

Cute: The three favorite cat names of the Japanese are this

This time, Nekoro-Momochi WEB MAGAZINE conducted a questionnaire survey on the "origin of the name". I will introduce the episode received from the owner what kind of thought I decided on the name!

Later, the official website investigated the "origin of the name", what is the meaning of these names? Let's take a look at the stories of the masters!

The story behind the third place "MOMO"

Cute: The three favorite cat names of the Japanese are this

"I decided on this name from the sound of momo and the name that seems to be a woman's co."

"MOMO sounds very girly, so I took the name."

"I protected it during the peach season in August, and it became [momo] because the owner likes peaches"

"Because it was the peach season in August, and the owner liked the peaches, it was called MOMO."

"My house is Momo-chan! Coco and Nana's candidates were invited and the reaction was good, so I decided to peach!"

"My master's name is MOMO sauce!" At the beginning, I wanted to give it a superimposed word name, so there were many alternatives such as KOKO and NANA, but the result was that it was called MOMO, so it was fixed! ”

"Momo, I took it from a protective cat volunteer in Okayama. It is a girl' co, but it was received from Momotaro. thanks to? I grew up with a round and splendid co like peaches."

"This is my home MOMO. It was adopted from a stray cat volunteer in Okayama. Although she was a girl, she still took the name Momotaro. Thanks to the name? It's already a baby that rolls like a little peach. ”

The story behind the second place "SORA"

Cute: The three favorite cat names of the Japanese are this

"I named my brother and sister to protect her brother, so I left my sister on the other hand, and I liked the sound when I called her name."

"Brother and sister hugged back together, the brother's name is RIKU, so the sister is called SORA." Because both names sound good. ”

"I want you to spend → wide and big heart like the sky and the sky"

"The meaning of emptiness, I hope that my kitten can live as wide-hearted and fat as the sky."

"Like a wide sky, with the feeling of wanting you to spend time with Novinobi"

"Hopefully it's as carefree and leisurely as the vast sky."

The story behind the first place "MUGI"

Cute: The three favorite cat names of the Japanese are this

"Because it was a tea tiger white kitten and a man's co, I named it "Wheat", but I heard that the brown cat would grow up ... (It is actually a deb cat))

"My little orange cat is a boy, so it's called MUGI. Originally wanted to call it little MUGI, but I heard that the orange cat will grow up to be very large... (Actually grew into a little fat cat). ”

"Because it was creamy hair."

Because my master's hair-colored are whirring.

"I was drinking barley tea, and the hair color was similar to the color of barley tea, so wheat"

"Because the master drinks barley tea, the coat color is like barley tea, so it is called MUGI."

Cute: The three favorite cat names of the Japanese are this

"I thought the name of actress Mugi Kadowaki was cute."

"Because I think the name of the actress Munwaki Mai is cute."

"It was pure white, so I was worried about rice or wheat, but I decided to mugi at a family meeting."

"My family is a little white cat, so I struggled between OKOME and MUGI, and after a family meeting, I decided to call mugi."

Everyone seems to have decided the name of their cat from various perspectives, such as the image of the appearance, the sound when you called the name, and things related to the time you became a family. If you are planning to welcome a cat to your family from now on, please refer to it when naming!

Impressions of appearance, reactions when calling, scenes when carrying home... Everyone names their cats from a variety of perspectives. Next, if you want to have a kitten, you can also refer to these names!

This translation is original in Hujiang Japanese and is prohibited from being reproduced without authorization.

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